I bought a fashion item last month, it is a pair of luxury brand shoes. This portfolio is going to explain and analyse my own consumer behaviour by using consumer behaviour theories. Activity 2, 4 and 5 will be chosen, Activity 2 is about decision making theory, which includes decision- making process framework, limited and extended problem solving. Consumer Behaviour代写 Activity 3 will analyse Mclelland’s Motives and Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs to identify what motives my consumer behavior.
Two- component approach to attitudes and Theory of Planed Behavior will be analyze in activity 5. I bought the fashion item rationally by using extended problem solving, and the need of unique motivates me to buy this item. Consumer Behaviour代写 My attitude can be explained by Standard Learning Hierarchy and Theory of Planed Behavior.
Worksheet 1 – TUTORIAL 2 Decision-Making
Activity 2: What types of decisions do you make?
Chapter 9 Individual Decision Making
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this tutorial, students should be able to:
—categorise examples of their own consumer behaviour
—compare and contrast limited and extended problem solving
—explain their own consumer behaviour using the decision-making process framework
Part A – Knowledge
1.Consumer Behaviour代写 Choose a consumer behaviour that you have done in the last month from the following list:
Buying a PC/laptop/high-technology item
Buying a fashion item
Buying a mobile phone
Buying a car or bike
Buying a book, movie or game
Booking an overseas holiday
Choosing to do volunteer work
Choosing a restaurant for a special occasion
Going to a concert/movies
2.Think about how you made the decision to do that behaviour.Consumer Behaviour代写 Now circle /or highlight the way you did information search, evaluation and purchase.
Limited problem solving
Extended problem solving
Information search
Low risk and involvement
Little search
Information processed passively
In-store decision likely
High risk and involvement
Extensive search
Information processed actively
Multiple sources consulted prior to store visits
Alternative evaluation
Weakly held beliefs
Only most prominent criteria used
Alternatives perceived as basically similar
Non-compensatory strategy used
Strongly held beliefs
Many criteria used
Significant differences perceived between alternatives
Compensatory strategy used
Limited shopping time; may prefer self-service
Choice often influenced by store displays
Many outlets shopped if needed
Communication with store personnel often desirable
3.Now based on the table above, Consumer Behaviour代写 classify the behaviour into one of these two categories by ticking or highlight which one:
[ ] Limited problem solving
[ ] Extended problem solving
4.For this decision, what was your decision style?
[ ] Rational
[ ] Automated
In groups of the same decision style (rational or automated) discuss:
a)What feature of the behaviour you have in common that made the decision rational or automated?Extensive search, information processed actively, strongly held beliefs, many criteria used compensatory strategy used, Consumer Behaviour代写 communication with store personnel often desirable.
b)What would make you change your decision style?Lower held beliefs, price cheaper, have prior knowledge to help, lower risk involvement , more familiar with the brand.
Part B – Application
5.Using consumer behaviour theory from your textbook (supported by academic journals where appropriate), explain why:
a)you used limited or extended problem solving
I bought a fashion item in last month, which is a pair of expensive luxury brand shoes. I used extended problem solving decision making for buying this pair of shoes. According to EKB decision-making model (provided in graph 1),Consumer Behaviour代写 decision is made by problem recognition, search, alternative evaluation, choice and purchase (Solomon, Ressell- Bennett & Previte, 2018). After I recognize that I need a new pair of shoes, I was starting looking for new shoes.
According to Solomon, Ressell- Bennett & Previte (2018), people using extended problem solving when they are buying more expensive and infrequency product (graph 2). Therefore, they will do extensive search and compare with lots of alternatives.Consumer Behaviour代写 I did extensive search and kept looking online as well as in different stores, and I was comparing with the value and comfortable level with other pairs of shoes.
After extensive research, my held belief of the shoes is so high, and I felt that this is the one in best value. I waited the sale of the shoes, and bought them in charismas sale. After I communicated with sales in Jimmy Choo Store by lots of time, I finally bought this pair of shoes.Consumer Behaviour代写 It is a Jimmy Choo shoes, and it costs me $700 dollars. The risk of this consumption is higher than cheaper shoes.
Graph 1
Consumer Behaviour
Graph 2
b)your decision was rational or automated
My decision was rational. Rational and automated decision-making is from a viewpoint of an organisation. What must an organisation do to appeal to the consumer, for example, if customer relies on mental shortcuts (Automated) or it follows the decision-making process (rational), Consumer Behaviour代写 the rational decision making process should be follow EKB model problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternative, product choice and outcome (Solomon, Ressell- Bennett & Previte, 2018).
My decision-making is rational, it made through EKB decision making process, it is a well- though- out decision. According to Walker (2017, p.175), Consumer Behaviour代写 The consumer will evaluate the degree of cognitive effort to finish the task on hand to satisfy their needs, and rational decision-making will be used if the decision is hard to be made.
I put a lot of effort on searching product information, integrating the information and evaluating alternatives, and then I choose the best product carefully to achieve the best purchase outcome.Consumer Behaviour代写 Therefore, I used rational decision making for buying luxury brand shoes.
Worksheet 2 – TUTORIAL 4 Motivation
Activity 4: What motivates you?
Chapter 6 Motivations and Values
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this tutorial, students should be able to:
—explain their own consumer behavior by using two motivation theories
—link motivation theories with values theories to solve a real-world problem
Part A – Knowledge
What was the consumer behaviour you selected in Activity 2? Consumer Behaviour代写 Buying a luxury pair of shoes
1.Did any of these needs influence your behaviour?Consumer Behaviour代写 Complete the table below.
Yes or No
McLelland’s Motives
If yes, why?
Need for Achievement:
To attain personal accomplishment; conspicuous consumption of status products – “I’ve made it”
Need for Affiliation:
To be in the company of others; products that are consumed with others i.e. team sports, shopping centres
Need for Power:
To control one’s environment; products that give a feeling of mastery i.e. Hotted-up cars
Need for Uniqueness:
To assert one’s individual identity; products that allow consumers to emphasise distinctive qualities.
High quality luxury shoes show higher income and better quality of life. Buying fashion item also can make me feel that I am fashion, good out looking; it helps me to identify myself and show my fashion taste to others.
2.Which of these five levels of Maslow’s motivation theory do you think explains your behaviour?Consumer Behaviour代写 You can select more than one. Just circle or highlight where you think it fits in the triangle below.
Part B – Application
3.Find someone in your class who is reporting on a different consumer behaviour. Using the Means-End Theory ‘Laddering’ technique, identify an attribute, consequence and value linked to your behaviour. List these in column 1 and 2 in the table below.
Using consumer behaviour theory from your textbook, list why there are differences (e.g., is it the type of product/service? Is it different personal values? What is the link to motivation?).Consumer Behaviour代写 Use dot point form in table to summarise.
Other Person
Why are these different?
Buying fashion item (a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes).
Booking an overseas holiday
It is new arrival, fashion, and looks nice
Other countries are different from Australia
· Fashion- looks nice
· Travel- other countries are different from Australia
I feel I will be more fashion when I wear these shoes. More people will notice me. I will be more confidence.
To travel more countries, meeting more people, having more experience and learning more skills
· Fashion- emotional satisfaction
· Travel- to see other cultures in the world, more life experience
The feeling of being noticed improve my self- esteem.
l Enriching experiences
l Self- fulfilment
· Fashion- happiness (ego needs)
· Travel- get more experience and learn more skills (self-actualisation)
4.In a paragraph below explain in more depth your dot points stated in the table above as to why these are different?Consumer Behaviour代写 Discuss using consumer behaviour theory (from the textbook) and references to support.
There are five stages of needs to be satisfy, according to Solomon, Russell-Bennett, &Previte (2018), The Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory States that there are five stage of needs, from the bottom to top, are physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness, ego needs, and self- actualization.Consumer Behaviour代写 Moreover, one basic need must be satisfied firstly before progressing up the ladder (Alajmi & Alasousi, 2019).
The product I bought is luxury shoes, the service my partner bought is an overseas holiday. I bought a pair of fashion shoes because it looks nice and fashion. When I wear this pair of shoes, I feel I am fashion and more people will notice me. Consumer Behaviour代写 To be noticed by people gives me more confidence and improves my self- esteem, which satisfies my ego needs. My partner pays for an overseas holiday because she wants to see what other countries are like.
When my partner travels overseas, she meets more people, learns more skills, and learns another culture. Consumer Behaviour代写 Booking an overseas holiday enriching her experience and gives her self- fulfillment. The value of booking overseas holiday is self-actualization.
Worksheet 3
TUTORIAL 5 Attitudes
Activity 5: How attitudes are created and changed
Chapter 8 Attitude and Attitude Change
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this tutorial, students should be able to:
-identify the components of attitude and classify their own behaviour
-employ the Theory of Planned Behaviour to demonstrate how attitudes can be changed
Part A – Knowledge
Thinking about the consumer behaviour you selected in Activity 2, Consumer Behaviour代写 what was an item that you bought or a service you were involved with?
________________________Buy a pair of luxury brand shoes __________________
1.Using the two-component approach to attitudes, Consumer Behaviour代写 identify the way you feeland think about the item you bought or service you were involved with.
Component 1: Cognition (Thinking)
Component 2: Affect (Feeling)
Overall Attitude
Dominant Component
What beliefs do you have about the item/service?
e.g. Coca-Cola is healthy
What feelings do you have about the item/service?
e.g. Coca-Cola is fun
What is your overall attitude towards the item/service?
e.g. positive or negative
Which component do you think is the most important in explain your response in the attitude column? Why?
The shoes looks fashion and nice
The shoes is comfortable
The colour is suit for summer
This shoes is suit to me
I looks nice and I feel comfortable
– positive
I really need a new pair of shoes, and this shoes satisfy all I need, I think about the colour, style, and height, and they are all perfect for me.
2.Which hierarchies of effect model best explains the way your attitude was developed?Consumer Behaviour代写
[ ] Standard learning hierarchy
[ ] Low-involvement hierarchy
[ ] Experiential hierarchy
Draw out your selected hierarchy of effects to show the thoughts (cognitions),Consumer Behaviour代写 feelings (affect) and actions (behaviour) for your chosen behaviour.
Part B – Application
3.Using the theory of planned behaviour please explain your consumer behaviour.
What intensions need to be created to lead to this behaviour?
According to Ajzen (2011), behaviors can be leaded by Theory of planned behavior, the intension needs to be created towards acts, subject normal, and perceived behavior control (graph 3).Consumer Behaviour代写 I realize I need a new pair of shoes for some special occasion, and I want to find a new pair of shoes can satisfy my need. After that, I searched information basically form my cognition and learning.
My friends and my family encouraged me to buy this item, because they also like the shoes.Consumer Behaviour代写 Last but not the least, I controlled my self to clear the berries of buying this pair of shoes. I actually can’t afford this kind of expensive shoes, but I saved money for it.
Graph 3
What do your family and friends think about this consumption behaviour?
My family and friends around me also like the shoes, they think the shoes fit me.Consumer Behaviour代写 They think I should buy it, and I look nice on this pair of shoes. Moreover, some of my friends already had expensive luxury brand shoes in similar style, that is also a huge reason why I bought the shoes.
Were there any barriers to your ability to control your behaviour?
Yes, money is a key barrier for buying the shoes.Consumer Behaviour代写 To cross the barrier, I saved money for 3 month form stoping eating out.
What was your attitude towards the behaviour?
Positive- I am happy that I bought a pair of shoes, so I can wear in special occasion. I like the style, colour, and height of this pair of shoes.
4.Given the information above, how does the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) effectively explain your behaviour?Consumer Behaviour代写 If the TPB does not effectively explain your consumer behaviour, discuss why using variables of TPB.
Yes, Theory of Planned Behavior effects my behavior. Firstly, I had a belief to buy this pair of shoes, I need a shoes for special occasion, and I really like this style and color. Secondly, subject normal also influence me to buy this item. Consumer Behaviour代写 My family and friends around suggested me to buy this item, and some of my friends already had similar style shoes. It influences me to buy this pair of shoes.
Last but not the least, perception of behavior control impact my behavior, consumers have ability to control themselves to cross the barriers and control the situation (Solomon, Russell-Bennett, &Previte, 2018).Consumer Behaviour代写 I control my own behavior to save money for buying that expensive item. I cross the money barrier for buying this pair of shoes to achieve the purchase.
This portfolio has been completed to understand my consumer behaviour by using three activities. The behaviour of buying a fashion item is a rational decision. I use extended problem solving because the item is expensive, and I have a high desirable level. Consumer Behaviour代写 To motive me buying this item is that I want to show others my uniqueness and this item and improve my confidence and self esteem. My consumer attitude toward this purchasing is Standard Learning Hierarchy, which is learn-feel- do. The TPB can explain my intention of buying.
Ajzen, L. (2011). The theory of planned behavior: reactions and reflections. Department of Psychology, 26(9), 1113-1127. Retrieved from https://web-b-ebscohost-com.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=1&sid=ddbb1267-9d43-4352-84ba-dc8b79370154%40sessionmgr102
Solomon, M.R., Russell-Bennett, R.& Previte, J. (2013). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and Being. Pearson: Australia.
Walker, A. (2017). Rational decision- making . Bulletin of the Royal Collage of Surgeons of England, 99(5), 175. Retrieved from https://search-proquest com.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/docview/1990894913?rfr_id=info%3Axri%2Fsid%3Aprimo.
Name & Student No.:________________________________ Tutorial Time & Tutor:______________________ Activities:_________
Knowledge (30 marks)
AoL Goal:Knowledge and Technological Skills (KS)
1.1 Demonstrate and apply integrated discipline (including technical) knowledge across the broad field of business with depth in one or more core business disciplines.
Consumer behaviour theory and principles
You have completed the worksheets correctly with no errors and added original ideas and shown insight. You may have linked with other theories in the book.
You have completed the worksheets correctly with no errors and possibly added original ideas and shown insight. You may have linked with other theories in the book.
You have completed the worksheets correctly with few errors.
You have made a good attempt to complete the worksheet with some errors.
You fail to correctly complete the worksheets.
Application of theory (50 marks)
AoL Goal: Higher Order Thinking (HO)
2.1 Investigate real world business issues and situations through the effective analysis, evaluation and synthesis of theory and practice.
2.2 Exercise independent judgment and initiative in adapting and applying knowledge and skills for effective planning,Consumer Behaviour代写 problem solving and decision making in diverse contexts.
Analysis of behaviour
You have demonstrated an application of complex consumer behaviour theories to analyse your own behaviour. This may involve synthesis of theories and development of new ideas. There is likely to be integration across all your responses in a worksheet and across worksheets.
You have demonstrated an application of consumer behaviour theories to analyse your own behaviour. Theories used are likely to be complex and inter-related for a particular aspect of your behaviour, but not for all.
You have demonstrated an application of consumer behaviour theories to analyse your own behaviour.
You have demonstrated an application of consumer behaviour theories to describe your own behaviour. Theories used are likely to be basic.
You fail to demonstrate application of consumer behaviour theories to describe your own behaviour.
Communication and interpersonal skills (20 marks)
AoL Goal: Professional Communication (PC)
3.1 Use information literacy skills, Consumer Behaviour代写 and communicate effectively and professionally in written forms and using media appropriate for diverse purposes and contexts.
Written presentation structure and format
The written portfolio is professionally presented with no technical errors. You have followed the structural requirements closely. The referencing style is consistent and correct with diversity and appropriate references. Original sources are cited.
You organise content clearly and logically and make no technical errors. You have followed the structural requirements closely. The referencing style is consistent and correct with appropriate references. Original sources are cited.
You organise content clearly and make very few technical errors. You have attempted to follow the structural requirements. The referencing style has minimal errors with appropriate references. Most of the citations are original sources.
You attempt to organise content clearly and make some technical errors. You have attempted to follow the structural requirements. The referencing style has some errors and inconsistencies. Some of the citations are original sources.
You present content in an incoherent way and make frequent technical errors through the paper. You do not reference your sources appropriately.