College Campuses and Hate Crimes
Hate Crimes代写 Black Student Attacked on the Campus of the University of Arizona A Black: Filed in Campus Racial Incidents on September 24, 2019.
Black Student Attacked on the Campus of the University of Arizona Hate Crimes代写
Filed in Campus Racial Incidents on September 24, 2019. A Black student at the University of Arizona was accosted by two White students who used racial slurs. When the African American student told the two White students to stop the verbal abuse, he was attacked. The Black student was punched in the head and kicked while he lay on the ground.
According to the university’s Black Student Union, the two White students were identified and initially were referred to as a social justice ‘diversion’ training program, a voluntary educational program that “interrupts the criminal process for misdemeanor citations issued at the Tucson campus.” Hate Crimes代写**成品
After Black students conducted a campus protest, the two White students were arrested and charged with misdemeanor assault. The University of Arizona enrolls about 34,000 undergraduate students. African Americans make up 4 percent of the undergraduate student body at the university.

Discussion Hate Crimes代写
With classes at many universities either already started or starting soon, college and university administrators need to think about how they can protect and support students, faculty, and staff who are on the front lines of the fight for higher tolerance, racial justice, and gender equity. Hate Crimes代写**成品
According to the Anti-Defamation League, in the spring of 2019, there were more white-supremacist fliers, stickers, and posters on college campuses than at any other time in the recent past. Between September 2018 and May 2019, the report found 313 cases of white-supremacist propaganda on U.S. campuses. That represents a 7 percent increase from the 2017-2018 academic year when incidents increased by 77 percent from the previous year. Something needs to be done to aver the situation before it gets out hand.
How Colleges can Address Hate Crimes Hate Crimes代写
i. One concrete step would be for administrators to secure appropriate expertise like legal counsel for students, faculty. And staff who are targeted for harassment and intimidation as a consequence of their efforts to address injustice.
ii. Administrators can also provide strong messaging about the need to create environments where members of marginalized groups and their allies can thrive. Instead of moving to the default of allowing students and faculty to navigate racist, sexist, and toxic behavior within the university community on their own. Administrators can create environments where it is clear that such behavior will not be tolerated. Hate Crimes代写**成品
iii. Investing in evidence-based programming to improve institutional climate can also help. Programs that foster connections and trust among individuals from diverse groups are promising. Intergroup dialogue that is accompanied by social justice pedagogy can build meaningful relationships across differences, engender allyship and improve school climate.
Such actions increase the sense of belonging and safety of members of marginalized groups and those who advocate for justice. They also inspire students to transform the world in ways that reflect a broader sense of humanity.

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