Deconstructing 代写论文推荐 are persuasive texts that have been designed to persuade target audience to buy goods and services.
Deconstructing Advertisements 1
Advertisements are persuasive texts that have been designed to persuade target audience to buy goods and services. The most important thing for advertising is targeting customer, the advertisement should be designed and developed that satisfy consumer needs. 代写论文推荐The Persuasive techniques should be used in adverting, which could influence the think way of buyers through the selection of visual, and language features that carry connotations or associations shared by the target audience.
A good adverting could increase the sales of the products/services, creating and maintaining a brand image and increasing the buzz-value of the brand or the company. Print advertisements are constructed to persuade audience through visual and written texts. 论文代写推荐 The techniques such as shape, texture, size, colour, symbols and language should be used to position the targeted audience. Also advertisers often tap into popular societal attitudes and beliefs to attract the buying public to buy their product.
Today I will deconstruct the advertising of sugar free lollipop from Chupa Chupa. This adverting is a print advertising that states ants taking the long path to avoid the lollipop are not something that audience would expect to see from other products of Chupa Chupa.论文代写推荐 Nowadays, people are more care about their healthy conditions, and they significantly reduce their sugar intake for weight losing and diseases avoiding.
A sugar free lollipop is created by Chupa Chupa to follow the growing market of healthy life style trend.代写论文推荐 The advertising could be found in healthy lifestyle magazines and food section magazines, which let the whole world know about the new product of Chupa Chupa.
The target audience of sugar free lollipop is people who have more consideration about their healthy condition, people who are living in healthy lifestyle. The consequence of eating to much sugar is significant and it increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. 论文代写哪家好? The advertising indicates that people who do not eat sugar can still enjoy the lollipop by sugar free product.
The adverting raises product feature to target audience for increasing the sale of no sugar lollipop. Similarly, the target audience for gender segmentation indicates that women are more likely to consumer sugar free products for weight controlling. 论文代写机构 The demographic of target audience guides the presentation way of the advertising.
Deconstructing Advertisements 2
The image of adverting relies on certain codes to communicate to its audience, and it position target audience what they say in certain way. The background of adverting is the real ground and grass with real colour, which indicates that when a sugar free lollipop is fall down to the ground, the ants do not pass it.论文代写平台 The visual feature of this adverting implies that the product of sugar free lollipop really do not have any sugar, people who have healthy life style can eat it without any doubt.
The appeals subtext of the advertising image is that there is not any sugar in the product, and target audience is positioned to accept and believe that there is a sugar free lollipop produced by Chupa Chupa. The advertising uses the image of ants on ground to carry connotations and associations with no sugar lollipop.代写论文平台 In the contrast to the dark color of background in the advertising, the color of lollipop is bright pink and white, which highlights and emphasizes the sugar free product. Therefore, the sugar free lollipop would be reinforced to target audience.
Additionally, the color of pink presents an excitement, energy, passion, and desire emotion to customer, catch the attention of customer and encourage them to buy the sugar free lollipop.
To be concluded, advertising typically works at a level of creative and compelling.论文代写到底考不靠谱? The main purpose of advertisement is to attract the attention of the target audience through illustrations and descriptions, or to make target audience feel touched by the information which is communicated.
The visual and language feature, creative techniques and appeals subtext has been used to imply that the new product of Chupa Chupa lollipop is sugar free. 代写论文靠谱推荐 There is no doubt that the Chupa Chupa has collected excellent advertising materials based on the appropriate use of visual and language features to increasing the buying of sugar free lollipop.