Military Psychology and Ethical Issues
Military Psychology and Ethical Issues
Ethical Issues代写 In providing military forensic psychology, one might be faced by multiple relationships which raise ethical issues.
Ethics in Multiple Relationships
In providing military forensic psychology, one might be faced by multiple relationships which raise ethical issues. Multiple relationships exist when the patient and the professional psychologist work together or have relationships with persons related to the patient (“American Psychological Association,” 2016c). In multiple relationships, a forensic psychology professional risk violating several ethical guidelines including informed consent, debrief patient protection, deception, confidentiality, and withdrawal.
Informed Consent Ethical Issues代写
Informed consent is critical to psychiatric relationships. The professional should obtain consent from the patient. At times in multiple relationships, if the psychiatric is superior in a military role, consent may not be informed.
Patient Protection
The professional has to ensure that the patient is protected from distress. In multiple relationships, the patient may become embarrassed out therapy which might cause emotional harm.
Deception Ethical Issues代写
The patient should be given accurate information. If the close relationship exists between the psychologist and the patient, the professional may become subjective based on other relationships at work and tend to give misleading information deliberately.

Patient data should be kept anonymous and only revealed with patient consent. In multiple relationships, if the patient relationship with someone who has a close relationship with the psychologist, that closeness can lead to lack of confidentiality.
Withdrawal Ethical Issues代写
The patient should have the liberty to stop therapy anytime he/she wishes and/if he/she fell uncomfortable. The patient is allowed to withdraw the data with the professional. If multiple relationships exist, then this principle might be violated particularly when the psychologist is superior to the patient in military ranks.
Strategies to Resolve Ethical Dilemmas
One of the fundamental strategies in avoiding ethical dilemma is to avoid multiple relationships as stated by (Johnson, Bacho, Heim, & Ralph, 2006). Reason being, multiple relationships comes with the pitfall that impairs objectivity, competence, and efficiency. Also, the professional should work to ensuring patient autonomy is maintained. Patient autonomy ensures he/she can make decisions of the best course of action to be taken by professional. Besides, the psychologist is encouraged to practice in the area of expertise which will ensure due diligence in the performance of duties and informed judgment.
References Ethical Issues代写
American Psychological Association. (2016c). Press release and recommended actions: Independent review cites collusion among APA individuals and Defense Department officials in policy on interrogation techniques. Retrieved from
Johnson, W. B., Bacho, R., Heim, M., & Ralph, J. (2006). Multiple-role dilemmas for military mental health care providers. Military medicine, 171(4), 311-315.