Essay: Guidelines and Marking Criteria
ECON7440 Public Economics
公共经济学代写 An essay on a topic that is broadly related to Public Economics. This could be one of the suggested topics or another topic of your…
1 Task Description 公共经济学代写
An essay on a topic that is broadly related to Public Economics. This could be one of the suggested topics or another topic of your choosing. An essay should be no longer than 10 pages, including graphs, tables and references. The essay should be typed on A4 papers with font size 12, one-and-a-half space and page margins no smaller than 1 cm. The essayshould be submitted in a single PDF file through Blackboard.
(Exam period).
2 Objectives
The main goals of the course essay are:
- to cultivate the abilities of independent learning;
- to promote critical thinking;
- to expose students to a diverse set of topics in public economics, political economy, and public policy;
- to foster writing skills;
- to provide opportunities of doing research.
Students are expected to learn about a chosen topic as through as they can and communicate their understanding through brief essay.
3 Format 公共经济学代写
The essay could follow any one of the following formats:
- Summarize a suggested article in the chosen topic critically.
- Summarize several articles in the chosen topic critically.
- Summarize one or several articles in the chosen topic as well as additional materials that are related and useful in communicating what you learn in the topic.
- Summarize one or several articles in the chosen topic and additional related materials; and report any original research you conducted on the topic.
- Conduct original research and summarize your fifindings.
If you summarize other’s article(s), you should address questions such as:
- What are the questions being asked?
- What are the issues being addressed?
- Why are the questions/issues important?
- What are the approach being used to address the questions or issues? 公共经济学代写
- How do the authors seek the answers to their questions?
- What data, if any, are used?
- What are the fifindings and conclusion?
- Do the fifinding have any policy implications?
If you conduct your own research, you should be clear that:
- What is your research question? or what are your research questions?
- Why are the questions/issues important?
- How is your research related to the literature / existing understand of the topic?
- What is your approach to answer the questions?
- What data, if any, are used?
- What are the fifindings and conclusion?
- What are the policy implication of your fifindings.
A mixed of above would be fifine as long as you write a coherent essay.
4 Marking Criteria 公共经济学代写
4.1 Substance (70%)
- How well the subject matter has been grasped.
- How effffectively the subject matter has been critically analyzed.
- Arguments are clearly and coherently presented.
- Only relevant materials are included.
- Identify the central issues.
- Related issues are properly discussed.
- Terminology is correctly used.
- Information presented is accurate.
- Ask interesting questions that are broadly related to public economics, political economy, and/or public policy.
- Show that you understand related literature.
- Show that you are able search and fifind relevant literature and materials to understand the topic of your essay.
- Show skills in local related data and analyze them properly.
4.2 Writing and Format (30%) 公共经济学代写
- Writing is flfluid and coherent.
- The essay is well structured.
- Absence of grammatic and spelling mistakes.
- Follow the required typesetting format
– More than 10 pages – 20% mark deducted
– Font size smaller than 12 – 20% mark deducted
– Margin smaller than 1 cm – 20% mark deducted
– Line space smaller than one-and-a-half – 20% mark deducted
- References are properly cited.
- Effffective uses of tables, fifigures, charts, etc.
For a High Distinction mark, there should be at least some original research such as fifinding reliable statistics, relevant data, rigorous studies, etc. to advance the thesis of the essay.
5 Marking Scale 公共经济学代写
Mark: 0 – 100
Poor: 0 – 50
Satisfactory: 50 – 74
Good: 75 – 85
Excellent: 86+
6 Steps in Writing an Essay

(by Dai Hounsell)
7 How to Write a Good Essay
- Academic Essay Writing: Some Guidelines
- Essay Writing in Economics – Useful Advice
- Zinsser, William (1976) “On Writing Well”.
- Strunk, William Jr. (1999) “The Elements of Style”