化学作业代写 A pH indicator measures whether a substance (usually a liquid) is acidic or basic, and some indicators can also measure how acidic…
Red Cabbage pH Indicator
Introduction: 化学作业代写
A pH indicator measures whether a substance (usually a liquid) is acidic or basic, and some indicators can also measure how acidic or basic it is. When the indicator comes in contact with a substance, the indicator’s color corresponds to that substance’s approximate pH, which is a scale of zero to fourteen (with zero being the most acidic, seven being neutral, and fourteen being the most basic) that indicates the acidity or basicity of a substance.
不同的指示剂在不同的酸碱环境下呈现不同的颜色。通过这些颜色的变化我们还可以判断所测样品酸度和碱度。pH指示剂的变色范围一般从1~14, pH值越小,酸性越强,pH越大,碱性越大。
Red Cabbage pH Indicator Colors 紫甘蓝酸碱指示剂变色情况
pH | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 |
Color | Red | Purple | Violet | Blue | Blue-Green | Greenish Yellow |
Aim: 化学作业代写
Make an indicator solution from the leaves of a red cabbage (also called purple cabbage) by following the simple process and test the approximate pH of some common household liquids. [Note: A solution in this sense simply means a substance dissolved in water. In this case, the chemicals with indicator properties in the cabbage leaves are dissolved in boiling water.
Predict acidity and basicity of those common household solution before your investigation.
Materials: 化学作业代写
red cabbage (half)
blender and gauze / a knife
tap water (with the amount that just cover the cabbage)
baking soda (mix 1 teaspoon with 1 tablespoon of water )
white vinegar
orange juice/apple juice/lemon juice
coffee or tea
dish soap(1茶匙洗洁精与1汤匙水混合-不必精确)
soda water
containers for testing holding cabbage solution 盛装紫甘蓝浸出液和检测样品的容器

Chop half a cabbage into small pieces. Put the pieces in the saucepan and cover with water.
Heat the pan on the stove until the water begins to boil, then turn the heat to low and let the cabbage simmer for 20 minutes. Stir [Caution: HOT!]
(Alternatively, you can place chopped cabbage in a blender, cover it with boiling water, and blend it.)
The water in the pan should now appear dark purple or dark blue, depending on the pH of the water (tap water tends to be slightly basic, so if you used tap water, your solution may be bluish).The leaves should also appear less purple, with a more bluish green color. If the watercolor has not changed, try boiling it a bit longer. Let thecooked cabbage cool slightly. Collect the purplish cabbage liquid in a container. This is the finished indicator solution. [Caution: Make sure to clean up any drips because the cabbage liquid can stain.] 化学作业代写
Mix 3 ml (Don’t have to be exact.) of the above cabbage indicator solution with same amount of each household liquids in separate containers. Observe color changes and take photos.
[Caution: Test samples in separate containers]
在不同容器中,分别将3 ml(不必精确)紫甘蓝浸出液与相同体积的家用常见液体混合。观察颜色变化,同时拍照记录。【注意:不同检测分别在不同的容器中进行,切勿混合】