Childhood Obesity
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Medical essay代写 Child obesity is rapidly increasing globally. This fact is attributed to the high rate of urbanization . Increased use of···
Background and Significance of the Problem Medical essay代写
Child obesity is rapidly increasing globally. This fact is attributed to the high rate of urbanization . Increased use of technology and significant changes in lifestyle (Aggarwal & Jain, 2018). Obesity is one of the most common diet and nutrition related health disorders . The studies indicate that in the United States, more than 20% of children and adolescents under the age of fifteen are overweight while over 15% of these are obese (Sahoo et al., 2015).
Obesity in juniors is often a high-risk disorder, which predisposes to most lifestyle related non-communicable diseasesM . Including diabetes, hypertension, reproductive complications, renal dysfunctions . And a risk of cardiovascular diseases in adulthood (Hamano et al., 2017). Obesity also tends to have a substantial social impact, as it affects the children’s ability to interact with their peers, especially their physical activities.
Meanwhile, the vulnerabilities associated with being overweight result in diminished self-esteem . Which could often lead to mental disorders such as depression while affecting academic performance in school attending children.
Statement of the Problem Medical essay代写
Childhood obesity is a major health concern because it affects the physical . And mental development of a child, adversely impacts their social wellbeing and predispose to other health conditions. This disorder is growing into a global epidemic, especially among the developed and developing countries.
The disorder poses a considerable long-term health risk as childhood obesity often proceeds into adulthood creating health issues . In particular to chronic non-communicable diseases (Kolasa, 2015). Obesity is also one of the leading causes of child mortality hence being a major concern that requires effective intervention.
Child obesity is majorly a lifestyle related disorder . Which is often attributed to the great intake of fats and high-calorie foods as well as sedentary lifestyle with little or no physical activities. In the digital age, indulgence in technology . And poor nutrition management are among the key factors contributing to the increased average body weight in children . And adolescents (Rahnama et al., 2017). While some causes of obesity are associated with genetic composition, most cases are related to lifestyle and dietary.
Neglect, lack of nutritional literacy and inadequate parent education on the impact of lifestyle on a child’s life are the major issues connected with obesity among juniors. Developing guidelines and measures to address the issue of child obesity at the early stages of life will possibly reverse the rising rates of childhood obesity.
Purpose of the Study Medical essay代写
This research seeks to examine the root causes of childhood obesity as well as health . And social effects of the disorder. Data collected will be analyzed to establish modifiable factors related to excessive weight gain in children and adolescents. The finding of this study will be used to develop interventions to curb the increasing global epidemic.
Literature Review Medical essay代写
The GBD 2015 obesity collaborators conducted a study on the health impact of overweight . And obesity in 195 countries across the globe. The study analyzed the data sample of 68.5 million persons to assess trends in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adults. According to the research, overweight and obesity is on an upward trend globally . With some states doubling in numbers annually with a steady rise in the cases of childhood obesity recorded.
The study also revealed a strong linkage between obesity and chronic illnesses, including diabetes, kidney disease, some types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and musculoskeletal disorders. Nearly 4 million deaths and 120 million disability-adjusted life-years globally in 2015 were connected to a high Body Mass Index (BMI), which implies that the patients were either obese or overweight (GBD 2015 Obesity Collaborators, 2017).
An evaluation of causes and impacts of childhood obesity indicates that the disorder has a significant effect on the physical and psychological health, especially during early years (Sahoo et al., 2015). According to this study, the main causes of children obesity are dietary factors, which include the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages, excessive indulgence of fast foods .
Consumption of large food portions and the use of snack foods instead of balanced diet meals. Activity level is also a key factor, as many cases of obesity are due to the sedentary lifestyle. In addition, environmental, physiological, socio-cultural and family factors play a significant role in childhood obesity since they mainly shape the child’s lifestyle.
Childhood obesity has severe consequences throughout a person’s life. Medical essay代写
The condition is a major health concern linked to numerous chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension and psychological disorders. Juniors with obesity tend to suffer from emotional distress, low self-esteem, body dissatisfaction and an overall dissatisfactory quality of life. A study by Muntaner-Mas et al. (2018) provided that children with obesity are also more likely to report poor academic performance and are the subjects of stigma among their peers, which results in stress and depression in some cases.
A research by Kranjac and Wagmiller (2019) indicates that the upward trend in child obesity in the recent years is attributed to two major changes. Firstly, the healthy, nutritionally and economically advantaged children are consistently replaced with a population of youth with a lower economic advantage. This fact has affected the quality of food available while the feeding patterns have been highly interrupted.
Meanwhile, social economic environments have been on the decline leading to considerable issues in the variation of food security that has consequently impacted the diet composition, availability of mentorship and health monitoring as well as the overall quality of children’s lives.
This study indicates that in both instances, childhood obesity rates are on a gradual rise as the sample cohorts evidently became heavier at various stages in life (Kranjac & Wagmiller, 2019). Health interventions to address the changes in health habits at different life stages and successful policies on food security have the potential to slow down or reverse the alarming rising trend in childhood obesity.
Research Questions Medical essay代写
The research will be guided by the following questions.
- What is the global prevalence and trends in childhood obesity?
- What is the impact of lifestyle on childhood obesity?
- What are the health and social implications of childhood obesity?
- How does childhood obesity affect the quality of life and social interactions?
- What interventions can prevent childhood obesity?
Research Hypothesis Medical essay代写
This research seeks to establish the following assumptions.
- Childhood obesity has significant health implications on the child.
- Lifestyle and environmental factors affect childhood obesity.
- Childhood obesity leads to a poor quality of life.
- Childhood obesity does not have any social impact.
Variables Medical essay代写
Demographic factors to be considered in this research include age, sex, birth weight and ethnicity, economic factors, in particular financial income of parents, as well as environmental factors such as security and availability of space, which could affect the outcomes of this study. This data will be collected with the aid of participants, namely parents or caregivers attending to the questionnaire.
Physical Activities
Children aged between 4 -12 years will be engaged in the physical activity interview to measure this variable. This section will include open-ended questions to evaluate the physical activeness of a child.
Dietary Factors Medical essay代写
A questionnaire will be used to reveal nutritional trends of the participants. The main factors considered include the quality, quantity, feeding frequencies and consistency in dietary behaviours. These points will be part of the questionnaire developed using to collect data on the variables affecting childhood obesity.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
The researcher will record weight and height of the participants. For accurate records, a portable Phoenix BMI machine will be used, and participants will be required to take off excessive clothing, shoes and other accessories that could alter the BMI results while correct upright posture will be emphasized for accurate height measurements.
Theoretical Framework
Overview and Guiding Propositions Medical essay代写
Obesity is a weight related health condition, which is often a result of poor choices in the diet and activity levels. The measures to correct these factors would effectively prevent the rise in cases of childhood obesity (Walsh et al., 2020). Poor choices in lifestyle are the major contributors to obesity among both juniors and adults (Fang et al., 2019). This fact implies that creating awareness of the wrong and right lifestyle choices would go a long way in reducing the incidence of childhood obesity.
This research will explore lifestyle choices that could lead to obesity while providing alternatives that will induce healthier BMI. The guiding proposition is that establishing measures to solve the issue of childhood obesity by possibly eliminating the root causes would be the most effective way of combating children obesity.
Application of Theory to Study Focus Medical essay代写
This study will employ the behavior change theory to help evaluate and determine the reasons behind the changes in behavior and lifestyle, which has seen a drastic rise in the cases of obesity worldwide. Considering the fact that obesity is a consequential condition in most instances, this research seeks to develop measures to deal with the causes .
And behaviors that result in child obesity and providing suitable alternatives where certain lifestyle choices are mandatory, which will lead to reduced incidence of childhood obesity (Silver & Cronin, 2019). This approach will also aid in the implementation of a behavior change model, which will be geared towards imposing behavioral and environmental changes to prevent lifestyle related obesity.
Sampling Strategy Medical essay代写
This study will be conducted in an educational setting targeting a population of children between four and thirteen years of age. Random sampling techniques will be used to select a sample of 253 juniors drawn from five schools in different states. Parents and the school administration will be required to provide consent for their children to participate in the research.
Research Design
This research is a cross-sectional questionnaire-based study aimed at evaluating the impact of childhood obesity on one’s health and social life. A well-constructed questionnaire will be developed using the Questionnaire Design and Development Tool QDDT v1.0 to determine the main obesity related lifestyle factors, including diet, physical activity and environmental factor of the child. The questionnaires will be administered to the parents or primary caregivers of the youth.
Extraneous Variables Medical essay代写
Environmental factors: The factors within the environment influence the choice of lifestyle in this case. These include the weather and climate, security and availability of space and facilities.
Economic factors: These are mainly financial factors, which determine such variables as the availability and quality of food as well as consistency in lifestyle.
Data triangulation will be the main instrument used in this study. Qualitative data will be collected employing a structured QDDT v1.0 developed questionnaire and online interviews on the participants. The data collected will be coded into the professional statistical data management software for efficient interpretation while the analysis will involve outsourced statisticians.

Description of the Intervention Medical essay代写
Physical activity and dietary habits greatly determine the body mass index of a person. In order to ensure that children retain a healthy BMI from an early age, an intervention on these two factors is necessary (Silver & Cronin, 2019). Relevant studies also show that considering one while neglecting the other is not effective in controlling and maintaining healthy body weight.
This research is aimed at developing an intervention that promotes both adequate physical activity and proper diets for children to ensure that their BMI is kept within the desirable limits. Possible interventions could involve formulating a meal plan and activity schedules that will provide for healthy lifestyle and health literacy among parents and their children.
Data Collection Procedures Medical essay代写
Data for this study will mainly be collected using the comprehensive questionnaire developed specifically for this study. Data will be gathered evaluating all factors that contribute to childhood obesity and the implications of obesity on a child’s life. Data on physical activity will be collected by means of the interviews of the children guided by their parents or caregivers. The data collected will be coded on the Statistical Product and Service Solutions software in the preparation for analysis.
Data Analysis
After all the data is collected, the responses will be coded and entered into the Statistical Product and Service Solutions SPSS (version 25). Descriptive statistics will be used to summarize data for the total sample. Significant differences in the responses of participants will be examined by means of a Chi-square test (χ2) (categorical variables) and t-test as appropriate. The data will be analyzed by an external expert in statistics and the findings used to draw recommendations to lower the incidence of childhood obesity.
Ethical Issues Medical essay代写
Informed Consent
Prior to participating in the research, emails were sent to the parents with details of the study and its intended use as well as the nature of data to be collected. It means that all participants are aware of all involved in the study and voluntarily opted to participate.
Data collected is not in any way linked to a particular participant as identification details are not retrieved at any point of the research hence maintaining confidentiality. The researcher also signs a non-disclosure agreement, which is legally binding.
Participants are allowed to opt out of the study or not answer the questions, which may invade their privacy as well as withhold information that they are not comfortable with sharing for the study.
Limitations of Proposed Study Medical essay代写
- The research is not all-inclusive. The sample is selected from schools, which offer a more centralized point of contact. This fact implies that data collected will disregard non-schooling children and those who are on home schooling programs and constitute a highly vulnerable group.
- Biased environment. The findings of this research might be biased in that the school environment is greatly controlled and will not give a real picture of lifestyle as required for this study. Children in schools are compelled to be highly active due to the professionally developed schedules while schools where meals are served control the children’s diet during their stay at school.
- Verification of data. The research will be based on the responses of participants; hence, the accuracy of its findings depends on the honesty of those involved. The major part of data is based on personal experiences, and there is no metrics to measure or verify the validity of data collected.
Implications for Practice
Promoting Food and Dietary Literacy Medical essay代写
Most cases of childhood obesity are a result of poor diets. In order to improve on this issue nursing practitioners will be tasked with providing dietary and nutritional literacy to ensure that children are fed correctly, which will in turn reduce the incidence of children obesity. Nurses are often the main point of contact in healthcare provision, which have the highest potential to influence the quality of life by providing guidance and advice.
However, this fact means that nurses need to be empowered so that they are in a position to make early diagnosis by establishing the first symptoms of childhood obesity for timely intervention. Moreover, nurses ought to be well equipped with knowledge on nutrition and dietetics to effectively provide the literacy and treatment as it may be required.
Providing Literacy on Lifestyle Choices Medical essay代写
Most healthcare institutions tend to concentrate on treatment while less focus is given to the prevention of conditions. Flattening the curve on childhood obesity will require the provision of mentorship to parents on the wellbeing of their children. Educating juniors on health management from an early age.
In regards to the lifestyle choices, including physical activity, entertainment and nature of interactions, is an effective measure to prevent obesity. Ensuring that parents are conscious of the implications of the lifestyle led on the health of their children and the risks associated will enable them to make informed decisions, which in most cases will be aimed at the wellbeing of their children.
Focus on Children Background Medical essay代写
Family background is a key factor to consider in designing diet and lifestyle plans to prevent childhood obesity. The main considerations in this aspect encompass antenatal and postnatal details, family weight history and existence of eating disorders. Most cases of genetic related disorders such as overweight and obesity can be traced from family history thereby allowing for timely interventions. Finally, analyzing health background information is an important diagnostic tool aimed at ensuring that appropriate measures are taken to prevent children obesity.
References Medical essay代写
Aggarwal, B., & Jain, V. (2018). Obesity in children: Definition, etiology and approach. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 85(6), 463-471.
Fang, J., Gong, C., Wan, Y., Xu, Y., Tao, F., & Sun, Y. (2019). Polygenic risk, adherence to a healthy lifestyle, and childhood obesity. Pediatric Obesity, 14(4), e12489. doi: 10.1111/ijpo.12489
GBD 2015 Obesity Collaborators. (2017). Health effects of overweight and obesity in 195 countries over 25 years. New England Journal of Medicine, 377(1), 13-27. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1614362
Hamano, T., Li, X., Sundquist, J., & Sundquist, K. (2017). Association between childhood obesity and neighbourhood accessibility to fast-food outlets: A nationwide 6-year follow-up study of 944,487 children. Obesity Facts, 10(6), 559-568.
Kranjac, A. W., & Wagmiller, R. L. (2019). Decomposing trends in child obesity. Population Research and Policy Review, 39, 375-388.
Kolasa, K. M. (2015). Nutrition in the prevention and treatment of abdominal obesity. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 47(1), 117-e5.
And Medical essay代写
Muntaner-Mas, A., Palou, P., Vidal-Conti, J., & Esteban-Cornejo, I. (2018). A mediation analysis on the relationship of physical fitness components, obesity, and academic performance in children. The Journal of Pediatrics, 198, 90-97. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.02.068
Rahnama, R., Rampal, L., Lye, M. S., Sidik, S. M., & Abedi, P. (2017). Diet knowledge and behaviors related to prevention of obesity among students aged 11 to 15 years in Shiraz, Iran. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 19(8), e15730. DOI: 10.5812/ircmj.15730
Sahoo, K., Sahoo, B., Choudhury, A. K., Sofi, N. Y., Kumar, R., & Bhadoria, A. S. (2015). Childhood obesity: Causes and consequences. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 4(2), 187-192. doi: 10.4103/2249-4863.154628
Silver, M. P., & Cronin, S. M. (2019). Health care providers’ perspectives on family compliance and behavior change in a childhood obesity program. Health Education & Behavior, 46(4), 582-591. doi: 10.1177/1090198119831053
Walsh, C. E., Seguin-Fowler, R., Ammerman, A., Hanson, K., Jilcott, S. B. P., Kolodinsky, J., Sitaker, M., & Ennett, S. (2020). Snacking, sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and child obesity in low-income households. Nutrition & Food Science.