Leading Through Digital Disruption
商科report代写 The purpose of the report is to create the ‘’ case for change’’ report for the company. We have selected Facebook and discussed…
The purpose of the report is to create the ‘’ case for change’’ report for the company. We have selected Facebook and discussed how we could transform the Facebook in the face of the digital transformation for survival. The report has explained the various threats that Facebook is facing and the objectives of Facebook that it wants to achieve through the digital transformation. We have also discussed how Facebook get insights about its partners and competitors. The report also contains other various scenarios, such as how Facebook can make fast decisions, which techniques it can use to engage the various challenges, and how leaders of the company can help in digital transformation.
Task 1: 商科report代写
After the technology development, every walk of life has changed. Technology has dominated the ways of doing business, communication, transportation, manufacturing, services, etc. (Maiti & Kayal 2017). However, this change is not observed in a short time; instead, it took too many phases to reach this stage and faced many challenges. The speed of innovation has increased, and changes in the life of technology are unpredictable.
As discussed, technology has changed every walk of life, social life and communication have also passed through digital transformation. Facebook, one of the pioneers in social media, has not only dominated the social life, but this has disrupted the traditional way of doing the business (Nieborg & Helmond 2019). Facebook is almost on every person’s mobile, tablet, and smart devices used for communication.
The application was developed by Mark Zucker Burg to connect their friends in university and have an excellent social gathering. However, the idea got popularity, and user of the company has reached millions of people. This is not only dominating the social life, but this is also helping the business to access their customer more effectively and timely.
Although the company is capturing all the main markets, and this is considered one of the top ten brands of the world. However, the company is facing many threats and challenges in further digitizing its business. one of the severe threats the company is facing data security and competition. The company is blamed for not securing the data of its users, and this is easily stolen from the database of the company—the2nd threat the company is facing competition from the other companies such as Twitter and Zoom, etc. The 3rd threat the company faces is the authenticity and making sure of the propagation of the fake news. The company faces a ban and challenge in many countries for blame to be used in anti-patriotic activities. China, which is one of the big consumer markets, has banned Facebook. Similarly, the company is also facing a ban in Iran and India.
The company is continuously innovating their services, and they are moving towards more digitization. The main objective behind this digitization is to make sure for the customer that their data is secured, the application is used for better social networking, and this is competing with all the major competitors for better services.
Task 2: 商科report代写
Companies often do decision making based on the obtained data. After digitization, the process of the data collection is easier, and now companies are having easy access to the discrete data and more information. One of the techniques that that is used is situational awareness, where businesses can identify the changes occurring in the business environment as well as the operational environment. Knowing all these changes, the companies can know about all the changes occurring in the market.
In the business environment, the companies get information about the competitors, partners, and new technologies entering the market (Islam and Patek 2017). Facebook has tough competition in the market, and the company is facing competition from Twitter, We chat and Google. Since the company has entered into the business market as well, this is also getting competition from Amazon, Ali Baba, and some other giant companies.
Figure 1: Ranking of Website for online business review (Vendasta Blog 2020)
The above diagram shows that Facebook is ranked 4 for the business review and site visit. However, Amazon and Google have more visitors for the review of the products and services.
Talking about the overall visitors, Facebook is also facing competition from Google and Youtube. Google has the top position, and the 2nd number You Tube is having the highest number of visitors. However, this is important to mention that the primary revenue of the company is coming from the advertisement.

Figure 2:: Top 100 websites (Routley 2018)
Talking about the revenue from the advertisement, Facebook is having a competition with Google and Ali Baba. However, the company is standing at 2nd position for revenue from the advertisement.
The comparison shows that the company is having intense competition from Google and other online website and business applications. These companies are in the race of having more advanced technology adoption and outperforming their rivals by offering more advance and customer-oriented services.
Figure 3:: Top 10 digital add sellers (E marketer 2019)
However, Facebook is competing the Google with the help of its new acquisition. The company is capturing and acquiring the business, which is small in size and offering more customer targeted applications. Instagram advanced technology for editing and uploading the picture. This feature got popularity in the young generations for editing and uploading the picture. Facebook purchased the company and hence got hold of the market. Similarly, the company also purchased WhatsApp for its popularity in chatting and messaging.
Task 3: 商科report代写
After analyzing the market, this is the time to have an overview of the options available for decision making. In the current technological environment where technology has made easier access to real-time, this is important that the decision is made based on real-time data. The decision making is made easy when the company is having internal experts as well as the company is having good collaboration with the external market.
Facebook has experts who monitor the situations of the market, and they are having sharp eyes on the changes occurring in the market. After the digitization and more revolution in technology, people are now preferring for online shopping. The trend for E-commerce has further increased after the current pandemic, and this has pushed the demand for the online business further. The rate of E-commerce has increased more than that expected.
Figure 4:Growth of E-Commerce during pandemic ( Global Data Financial services 2020)
The above diagram shows that the three economies, China, Italy, and the USA, are having higher EE commerce growth compared to the expected. The experts from Facebook are having close eyes on the changes in the market and taking action accordingly. The company is lowering its rate and allowing more user-friendly features for the business community to promote their business with Facebook.
Besides this, the company is using its database for having a clear insight into the preferences of its users. This can help the company in segregating and segmenting the customers for their interests and preferences. This will help the user and customers of the company in accessing the targeted and potential customers quickly.
The company may use more advanced technology such as AI, Blockchain, and IoT to make sure that the data and information are secured and protected. This will be helping the company in getting the trust of the customer, and hence there will be more business for the company in terms of more visitors as well as online business and advertisement.
Blockchain technology will also help the company in protecting the publishing of the content, which is prohibited in some countries. This will also increase the traffic of the customers in these areas and hence more business will be possible with the company.
Task 4: 商科report代写
Change is always a challenging task, and this is always resisted internally as well as externally (Grama &Todericiu 2016). Employees from the organization offer resistance to the adoption of the changes, and this affects the productivity and implementation of the change in the organization. Besides this, the customer and external stakeholders of the organization also offer resistance to the change.
The role of leadership is critical in managing change. In the current tectological age, where changes are occurring more rapidly, this is important that the implementation of the change is also quick. Dynamic processes and dynamic resources are considered the key to success in the implementation of the change in the current technological era (Wan et al. 2018). These two factors suggest that the changes and adaption should be dynamic and quick so that the competitive position of the company is not affected. With the help of dynamic processes and dynamic resources, the company will be able to implement the changes in a shorter period.
The company, under the leadership of Mark Zuckerberg, is having a creative team, and they develop the solution, which is helping the company to make changes timely. The company is hiring the team, which is having the potential to predict the changes in the market and design the solution for customer services. This is the acquisition of the best talent the company is having that the company is undergoing the changes occurring in the market. User-friendly application and design are the keys to the success of the company, and this attracts more traffic towards the application. However, these user-friendly characteristics have created a problem for the company as well as there are more fake accounts on the application, and the people misuse this for fulfilling their intentions. This is also important that the company is taking care of the issue and designing, and the quality assurance team of the company is designing the solution to make sure the authenticity of the accounts.
The leadership of the company is also helping in motivating the team to take initiatives and design the new products and features for the customer. The company is also offering incentives to its employees for retaining the best talent. Facebook is using its platform for acquiring the best talent to its team. Besides this, the company is also using other digital platforms such as Liken den for hiring the best talent for the company.
Task 5: 商科report代写
As discussed, the leadership role in driving an organization cannot be denied. Building a culture of continuous improvement or innovation is also not possible without effective leadership of the company (Khalili 2016). The innovative and digitized culture is essential for running the business in the field of the digitization market. Until and unless there is a culture of digitization in the company, this would be difficult for the company to survive and compete.
The culture of Facebook is entirely digitized, and this is working to continuously change the products and services according to the demand of the market. When we talk about the leadership role in building the culture, there are two types of leadership, formal and informal leadership. Formal leaders are having assigned authority and power to bring changes (Günzel-Jensen, Jain & Kjeldsen 2018). They instruct and direct employees for making changes in the products and services. Besides this, in addition to their current role, they also work to motivate the employees to keep the best working environment in alignment with the strategic objectives and operations of the company. On the other side, informal leaders are having no direct or assigned authority to influence the people, but with the help of their charismatic leader, they influence the people for change (Von Dohlen & Karvonen 2018).
Zuckerberg is the formal leader of the company who is the co-founder of the company as well as exhibiting the position of the CEO to influence the employees of the organization.
The leadership of the Zuckerberg is helping the company to develop the culture of the best services and compete with all the threats and forces that are existing in the external environment of the market. It is because of the leadership of the Zuckerberg; today, Facebook is having a culture of digitization and innovation. The company is appreciating and supporting the culture of innovation and up-gradation, and this is under the company culture that Facebook is still occupying the best position in social media platforms.
To further promote the culture of the digitization in the company, the company may also look for the informal leaders. Their vision, commitment, and understanding of the market environment and changes will help the company to transform the company further on the note of the digitization. An example of the Netflix CEO in 2004 can be quoted where CEO accurately predicted the changes occurring in the market, and today company from a traditional business has changed into a truly digital and online business. This is all made possible with the help of the leadership of the company, and this example can be used as informal leadership for the company.
Task 6: 商科report代写
Competition in the market has changed, and now this is expected that the companies collaborate to better compete in the market (Liang et al. 2019). The same collaboration is also expected within the organization to compete with the external forces and challenges. This is possible with trust, the right working conditions, support from the top management, and, most important, building the culture of the team working.
Collaboration amongst employees and department is considered nowadays the key to success in achieving the efficiency and lowering the cost (Waizenegger et al. 2020). More quick decisions are taken, and there is easy access to the information. This is suggested that instead of competition, cooperation amongst team members and departments will improve the performance of the organization, and this will make it easier to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization.
Facebook itself, a digital organization, is working to further improve the journey of digitization.
Teamwork is now relatively easier after technology development, and even Facebook has made it easier for people to work in a team while setting at different locations. In other words, virtual team working is made easier with technology development. Technology has enabled the company to work with more efficiency in teams. The company may use the virtual team working to control the market of different countries. Working in a virtual team will enable the company to narrow down further the content being published on Facebook. Hence, more censored content will be shared on Facebook, which will further improve the accessibility of the people on Facebook for authentic information and knowledge.
The 2nd initiative the company may take to manage the business services better is the time zoning where the company may distribute its team according to the difference in time zoning and hence achieve the better result. This will increase the service level and hence more on-time and rapid services will be provided to the customer.
Facebook can use collaborative tools for further improvement of the team working. WhatsApp, which is another entity of the company, may be used for collaboration between the teams. Similarly, the company may use other tools such as Facebook group and messenger for increasing the collaboration between team members. Although Microsoft team and Zoom are nowadays used for making better collaboration between team members, the company will have to trust their initiatives and products for the services.
Task 7: 商科report代写
Leadership always pushes the organization towards the changes and desired state, which is beneficial for the company. This is achieved when the leadership of the company is having good qualities that can understand and drive the business in the right direction.
There are different types of leadership styles, and these are applicable in different situations and scenarios. One of the many types of leadership style is transformational leadership, where the leadership of the organization works in a team and motivate them for better performance. This type of leadership believes in delegating authority and motivating the employees for positive work (Robbins & Davidhizar 2020). The leadership of the organization encourages employees to take the initiative and change the destiny of the organization (Boamah et al. 2018). The leadership also encourage the employees in case of failure and advise to take the corrective action.
The 2nd type of leadership is transitional leadership, where the leaders follow both reward and punishment for their subordinates and followers. This type of leader rewards the employees who are working better and punish all those who are not working well ((Norbash 2017). Most research is done in this type of leadership, and this is also considered the carrot and stake leadership. Some research found that the carrot ( reward) is more effective than the stick (punishment). However, many people still believe that the organization should have both rewards and punishment for better results. In the absence of any punishment, employees will not take the work seriously. Similarly, in the presence of the stick or punishment only, fear will be developed, and hence creativity of the employees will be affected.
In the current situation and taking the above discussion in mind, my suggestion is to have a mix of both approaches.
For operational work, I do believe the leadership of the organization should have both rewards and punishment as there is routine work, and this is important to have efficiency. For the innovative and new work, this is important that the organization is following the transformational leadership style, which suggests and support the change in the organization.
In addition to the above characteristics, this is also important that the leadership of the organization is having innovation and more understanding of the changes occurring in the market in this digital world. For an organization that is already having competition in the digital market, this is important that the leadership of the organization is having innovative ideas and an understanding of the technology. This will make it easier for the organization to implement the changes.
Most important for every leader is the ethical standards and understanding of the cultural values where the company is operating its business. Customer privacy is one of the challenges that is facing by digital companies in today’s world, where this is expected from Facebook as well. The leadership of the company needs to promote the practices which secure the personal information and data of any user. This is against the ethics of doing the business for sharing the information of the user. Another essential characteristic that is expected from the leadership that all the technology and application are used for the ethical and positive uses of the society, and this is not being devoted for the things which are not accepted by the society.
Conclusion: 商科report代写
Facebook is chosen, which is working in the digital market. This challenges data privacy, competition, and restriction in a certain market for publishing the non-authentic data and product offering. The market analysis of the company is made, and different approaches are discussed for bringing innovation and changes in the organization from the perspective of the current threats the company is facing. This is suggested that the company should follow the transformational leadership for the new product offering, and for routine business, this is important that there are reward and punishment. More collaboration between teamwork and diving the business in different units will make it easier for the company to manage the authenticity of the information and content shared on Facebook. The challenge of the authenticity of the content may affect the business position of the company.
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