一些澳洲留学生很有可能会问起:假如Essay写的语句全是短句子,是否会由于太过平平淡淡而拿不上高分数。对于此事,出国留学写作网我髙速大伙儿,实际上能够 根据改变来让一般语句出色。为了更好地协助在澳大利亚留学的学生们写好Essay,文中为大伙儿梳理了四个根据改变让Essay语句更出色的方式 :


方式 1.降低there be句式的应用

there be 句式非常容易应用,但也非常容易被乱用。在考场作文中我们可以看到很多的 there be 从句,但这种从句绝大部分能够 省去。举个事例:

There are widespread rumours of job losses.

能够 改变为:

Rumours of job losses abound.

there be 句式一般表明“某省有某事”,在改动时,能够 应用一个适当的形容词开展更换(例如上边语句中的 abound )


There were more foreign students in the classroom than the natives.

能够 改变为:

Foreign students outnumbered the natives in the classroom.

除开除掉 there be 构造以外,这儿还应用 outnumber 来替代 more … than … 这一个较为构造。相近的词也有 outlive, outshine, outclass, outgrow, outperform 等。

方式 2.应用介词短语


(a) When they arrived at the police station, they were taken to an interview room.

(b) I'll call you when I arrive.

能够 改变成:

(a) On arrival at the police station, they were taken to an interview room.

(b) I'll call you upon arrival. 

这儿应用on 及其 upon 代词来替代 when 从句,相近的大道理,能够 灵便应用 in, at, during 等别的代词来替代从句,具有事倍功半的实际效果。

方式 .3省去关系代词

除开 there be 句式以外,定语从句在Essay创作中的应用頻率也十分高。但从形象性的视角考虑到,绝大部分的定语从句一样能够 精减。举个事例:

From childhood, he had an instinct that made him excited and interested in all things which were electronic.

能够 改变成:

From childhood, he had an instinctive feel for all things electronic.

这儿将关系代词 which 及其 that 省去,而且原话中 made him excited and interested in 词义反复,能够 应用 instinctive feel 来替代。


An Ideal Husband is a film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's play that tells the story of a popular politician who was involved in a scandal that led to his downfall.

语句能够 改变成:

An Ideal Husband is a film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's play that tells the story of a popular politician brought down by a scandal.

这儿将关系代词 who 及其 that 省去,语句的含意不会改变,但看起来更为简约。在优秀作文改动中,能够 试着着将多余的关系代词删掉,或是将其变换为词性标注构造或名词词组,以做到精减的实际效果。 


英语中有一部分英语单词具备多种词性,恰当运用词性转换,能够 写成精彩的句子。举个事例,要表述“他上海市区休闲度假”,大家很有可能会写 He goes on holiday in Shanghai.

但实际上还能够写出 He holidays in Shanghai. 这儿将 holiday 做为形容词应用,含意是“在……休闲度假”。


(a) Arthur Ashe is the captain of the U.S. team.

(b) Mr Cunningham, who teaches creative writing at Yale University, is extremely funny and psychologically observant, but he does not believe in happy endings.

上边语句能够 改变为:

(a) Arthur Ashe captains the U.S. team.

(b) Mr Cunningham, who teaches creative writing at Yale University, is extremely funny and psychologically observant, but he is no believer in happy endings.

第一个语句应用 captain 的形容词义“带领”,故事情节更加强有力。第二个语句应用 believe 的名词形式 believer,那样语调更加明显。


长难句的应用是一件有门坎的事儿,在沒有充裕掌握的状况下,大家留学人员在Essay创作时应当防止应用长难句,而写自身有机会的句型,另外,根据一定的改变方式 把一般句型写的简约好看,这才算是获得高分数的靠谱方式 。
