ECON7530 – Summer Semester
Assignment 2
国际贸易essay代写 Read and summarize the following article: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on the need to rejuvenate multilateral trade deals…
Write an essay under 1200 words (excluding references), consisting of three tasks:
- Read and summarize the following article:
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on the need to rejuvenate multilateral trade deals
- Explain the “most-favoured nation” (MFN)principle of the WTOand its effects on international trade, using a real-life example to support your arguments (Hint: your example has to go into further details than the one about the European Union’s single market in the article).
- Consideringthe article author’s arguments, and your own research, discuss the role of the WTOin promoting free trade in light of the current world situation. You only need to choose one current issue to discuss. Some examples include the ongoing pandemic, ortrade and environmental issues.
Criteria and Marking: 国际贸易essay代写
The total mark for this assignment is 30, which consists of the following criteria:
- Article summary (4marks)
- Explain the MFN principle (6marks)
- Discuss the WTO’s role (10 marks)
- Writing Quality (6marks)
- Presentation (2 marks)
- Reference (2marks)

In the Writing Quality criterion, your writing style, essay flow and grammar/spelling will be examined. The Presentation criterion includes various details such as document format, identification and compliance of word limit. In addition, there are some general points to consider:
- Remember that your writing must be in the form of an essay in the sense that it should have an introduction, a conclusion, and the main body addressing the tasks described above.
- Your essay must have a cover page detailing your ID and word count.
- Remember to give a total word count(excluding references) on the cover page.
- You cannot use any bullet points in explanation or summary.
- Any reference style is allowed, but it must be consistent(i.e. same style throughout the essay).
- You cannot cite Wikipedia or Investopedia.
- If graphs/figures are used, remember to quote the source.
- Use academic writing style and not creative writing style.
- Do not plagiarize! It will be dealt with very seriously in UQ and is simply not worth trying.
Submission: 国际贸易essay代写
Each student should submit a Word or PDF file through the Turnitin link on theBlackboard course website. All submissions will be run through the Turnitin anti-plagiarism software.