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Online Marketing代写 The online market is the best strategy to ensure that customer service is adaptive to the market needs.
Today, the auto-motive market has undergone revolutionary changes which require the players to be adaptive accordingly. Businesses are using different strategies to keep up with the pace of these market dynamics. To many business organizations, this has not been easy but an uphill task but must be determined to remain in the market and be competitive. They are required to keep up to date with the market trends while satisfying the needs of the clients (Nilsson, 2013). The contemporary marketing is holistic, customer oriented by using adaptive methodologies in creating connections between the brand and the customer and creating business success by mixing analysis, technology, blending technology and creativity and innovation (Malhotra, Nunan and Birks, 2017).
On the other side, customers have raised their expectations higher. Online Marketing代写
They expect nothing short of quality products and services based on their market and brand experiences. This has prompted organizations to not only be creative with the products and services they offer but also be able to apply suitable marketing strategies to attract and keep their target customers. Customers also expect convenience from the product or service offering therefore companies must look for creative ways to keep their customers satisfied. Therefore, modern business organizations have gone online in terms of marketing and customer services.
For the case of Holden Commodore, the online market is the best strategy to ensure that customer service is adaptive to the market needs. The company’s choice of creating online stores is to build the client base, convenience, and a response to adaptive selling methods. After the launch of Holden Commodore online store, customers will be able to make their choices and by the click on their phones complete the sales process and wait for delivery. The following are the alternatives to the target market, target population, sampling frame and sampling approaches which Holden Commodore can apply to make the market penetration a success.
Target Market Alternatives Online Marketing代写
This is the second return of Commodore in the market. In making the decision of re-inventing Commodore, Holden had to first learn from the previous faults made in the Commodore market. Holden target markets are the upper and middle income people in Australia (West, 2015). However, the company needs not to solely depend on a particular market of the product, but they need to diversify to lower the risks of unforeseen market failures. Alternative markets are precautionary measures to market failures of the products.
Besides upper and lower class customers, the company needs also to focus on the lower end market which constitutes the majority of the Australian population. Lower class has no capacity to afford any of the current models of Commodore. Mainly because the company targets the upper-class and middle-class by making car models which are only affordable to them and the terms which can only fit their status. This marginalizes the lower class. The company needs to be innovative to be capable of also serving the lower class.
Holden need to also to target government corporations and agencies to offering transport services. Online Marketing代写
Australian government engages in public private partnership in some of the service deliveries. The company should also target on creating models which the government of Australia can use for its civil servants and for provision of public services. By targeting this market niche, Holden will have an alternative market for Commodore.
Furthermore, Holden has the option to broaden its target market to include overseas markets. Currently the company mainly target Australian market using the online store sales platform. The company should look for ways in which to go global through online stores, sales and delivery of Commodore brands. Conducting global marketing research will measure the product’s global market potential and ways the company can explore it.
Also, the company can produce premium Commodores for the high-end customers who are more disposal income. Premium car market is gaining popularity in the modern world where people want attention and prestige in the society. Holden can choose to target this market as an alternative to its current target market.
Although there are various target market alternatives, I will recommend that Holden Commodore to also target low class citizens of Australia who are the majority population. The company should come up with methods of enabling these groups afford their car.
The Alternative Ways of Defining the ‘Population’ for a Research Study Online Marketing代写
Holden needs to know the target population in the market so as to come up with appropriate marketing strategies. The term ‘population’ refers to the group of people that the company identifies as the prospective recipient of their product/service, advertisement and campaign.
Holden may define its target market population in terms of their economic status which is their buying ability. The target population may also take the form of the ages. Holden target the customers between the ages of 24 to 45 years and are at upper and middle class economic status. These age bracket are tech savvies and are looking for comfort and convenience, therefore offering online buying platform fulfill their expectations.
Still population can be defined in terms of demographic characteristics. Demography takes the forms of ages, social class, cultures, geographical location, fashion changes, sex and number of prospective customers. Population demography is a complex mix of customer’s expectations and needs. Therefore, the company needs to define the target population characteristics to be able to respond appropriately to their needs. Holden should define its target market in term of demographic features and choose which segment of the whole population to serve. Targeting in a population aid in ensuring the needs of the customers are adequately addressed.
The Alternative Ways of Defining the ‘Sampling Frame’ Online Marketing代写
The sampling frame of Holden Commodore will be the sources from which sampling units are chosen in the marketing research. It is the basis on which sampling is easily done by choosing the characteristics of the population a company is interested in. A good sample frame will include all the individuals in the samples population, exclude all the individuals not in the target population, and include all the relevant and accurate information that can be used to contact the selected individuals. The sample frame must be representative of the population.
The following are the sampling frames that Holden can use to do the market study of Commodore.

i. Age – this frame is used used to sample customers within a certain age group to measure their respond to the product. Holden can use this frame to know which age bracket love their brand cars and are how they prefer to buy it. To achieve this population need to be divided into group of ages, for instance, 24-30 years, 31-45 years and those above 45 years.
ii. The population can also be framed into economic status of the population. Holden prospective customers have different financial capacities. Therefore, to get this segment reactions and expectations from Commodore they must be grouped for equal samples to be taken. Online Marketing代写
iii. The population can also be grouped to social status. The attributes of customers’ status are defined in terms of the education levels, social status, responsibilities held, and leadership positions. Customers’ behaviors through these economic statuses are distinct and required different approaches in fulfilling their expectations.
iv. The company can also use survey sampling frame(Mäkelä & Huhtanen, 2010).
The most appropriate sampling frame for Commodore is economic status of the prospective customers. Using this sample frame the company will be able to respond to the customers buying power by providing appropriate and flexible terms and products.
The Alternative Ways of Defining the Sampling Approach Online Marketing代写
(Emmel, 2013), Sampling is taking a representative of the whole population. To do sampling certain sampling approaches are used depending on the characteristics of the population and the type of data required from the respondents. A good sampling is influenced by three factors: sample procedure, sample size and participation.
The commonly used methods of sampling include:
i. Simple random sampling – this method give the whole population equal chances of selection. It is completely random selection from the population.
ii. Systematic sampling – the population is ordered in a logical sequence and selection is made at regular intervals.
iii. Stratified sampling – this method involve dividing the population into groups and randomly selecting from within each group.
iv. Matched random sampling – in this method the whole population id divided in pairs using a certain criterion and then randomly assigned to groups.
To sample Commodore market stratified sampling is the most appropriate because the samples are highly representatives of the population and therefore can generalize from the results obtained.
References Online Marketing代写
Malhotra, N., Nunan, D. and Birks, D. (2017). Marketing research. 5th ed.
West, M. (2015). Sue Bryce on Targeting Your Marketing to a Specific Audience. [online] Animoto Blog. Available at: https://animoto.com/blog/photography/sue-bryce-targeting-video-marketing/ [Accessed 19th May 2018].
McLeod, S. A. (2014). Sampling methods. Retrieved from www.simplypsychology.org/sampling.html
Emmel, N. (2013). Sampling and choosing cases in qualitative research. Los Angeles [etc.]: Sage.
Nilsson, J. (2013). Studying consumers?: Recent social science interest in market research. Linköpings universitet. [online] Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, pp.1-30. Available at: http://liu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:697376/FULLTEXT01.pdf [Accessed 19th May 2018].
Mäkelä, P., & Huhtanen, P. (2010). The effect of survey sampling frame on coverage: the level of and changes in alcohol-related mortality in Finland as a test case. Addiction, 105(11), 1935-1941. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2010.03069.x

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