Earth Community代写 What we do about the threat we pose to the earth and what we think about the potential consequences of our inability to sustain it.
Earth Community Earth Ethics
The question that Rasmussen raise and try to answer is what we do about the threat we pose to the earth and what we think about the potential consequences of our inability to sustain it. The book “Earth Community: Earth Ethics” is divided into three parts namely earth scan in which the earth community see the earth and the threats on it, earth faith through which we marshal religious intervention to try to solve the threats, and earth action through which our practice depict commitment to sustaining the earth community. The three-section brings out the argument that human actions are continuously destroying the earth.
Earth Scan Earth Community代写
The current activities by a human being on planet earth are unsustainable and destructive to nature. For long human being have been using nature for their good without being mindful of the consequences of their action. At first, a human being has been acting innocently and without the aim to harm nature. However, as their activities continue humans have come to realize some of the mistakes tampering with nature. Looking back at history and scientific analysis of earth and comparing finding with the current debates about nature, the trajectory on his human activities are regarding the use of nature is unsustainable. And slowly are turning destructive thus posing a looming danger on how the nature responds to the destructions.

In support of the above argument, the author points out the economic changes. That is the revolution in agriculture, industries, and information technology which have resulted in overstretching nature. It, therefore, becomes unsustainable for human to continue with their current activities undeterred by the likely consequences of their actions.
Earth Faith Earth Community代写
The author turns to religion on the ways to salvage the ever-worsening situation on earth. Regardless of the doctrine and other practice, it is a question whether the religion can offer a framework and method to approach the human conduct that is destructive to nature. He is pleading for the ecological revolution which will reverse or rehabilitate the destructions inflicted on planet earth. In this regard, religion is seen to have the necessary theological resource that should guide human conduct for a sustainable future. It is, therefore, true that religion has a role in creating a theological perspective about the nature that is rich and broader. Religion also gives power, hope, and incite human imagination as well as create meaningful symbolisms for human activity on nature. In so doing, people may become aware of their practices hence work in support of earth ethics. Earth Community代写**范文
Moreover, religion creates morality in society. The existence of a human being is laid on the foundation of ethics and morality. Religion has the upper hand in instilling values in humans. In this sense, people become mindful of the actions and the impact on nature. Rasmussen states that “the integrity of creation refers to the value of all creatures in themselves, for one another, and God, and their interconnectedness in a diverse whole that has a unique value for God.” (99). The author gave different scenarios and religious references to reinforce the need of the people to view nature differently and positively.
Earth Action Earth Community代写
In this part, the author gives recommendations and practices for sustainable earth ethics. Rasmussen envisions the earth where people are willing to change activities that are destructive to those that will trigger the healing process. The can heal if human change their ways by being more mindful and ethical in their actions. The section shows that human being has a responsibility and role in paying or restoring the historical injustices committed to nature. On the contrary, if human fail to change their practices to more ethical ones. We should be prepared for dire consequence as nature pays back.

Bibliography Earth Community代写
Rasmussen, Larry L. Earth community, earth ethics. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1996.
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