Robert Bosch HR department’s Job Analysis and Design, Recruitment and Selection Report
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Job Report代写 This report introduces Robert Bosch Pte Ltd, discusses its HR department’s job analysis and design about efficiency······

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ————————————————————————————————————————————2
1.0 Introduction: The Nature of the Business and its General Plans in Singapore ————————————————————-3
2.0 Job Analysis: Job description and specification of HR departmen ————————————————————————-3
3.0 The HR department’s Job Design —————————————————————————————————————5
3.1 Job design for Effectiveness ———————————————————————————————————————-5
3.2 Design for motivation —————————————————————————————————————————–5
3.3. Job Design for Safety and Health —————————————————————————————————————6
3.4 Job design for mental demands —————————————————————————————————————–6
4.0 Recruitment strategies and implementation for the department —————————————————————————6
4.1 Recruitment Strategy of Robert Bosch Pte Ltd ————————————————————————————————-7
4.2 Recruitment Implementation ——————————————————————————————————————–8
5.0 Selection strategies and its implementation —————————————————————————————————-8
5.1 Selection Strategies of the Robert Bosch Pte Ltd ———————————————————————————————–8
5.2 Implementation stage —————————————————————————————————————————–9
6.0 Conclusion —————————————————————————————————————————————–10
References ———————————————————————————————————————————————-11
1.0 Introduction: The Nature of the Business and its General Plans in Singapore
Robert Bosch Pte Ltd (South East Asia), is a regional subsidiary company of the Bosch group of companies which represents its organization’s interests in the South East Asia. The company operates in Singapore among other southeast countries such (Bosch, 2016). Robert Bosh Pte Ltd headquarters in SouthEast Asia is based in Singapore. It is the leader in the global supply of technology and services employing over 380,000 employees globally. Its operations are based on four categories which include industrial technology, Building and Energy Technology, Mobility Solutions and Consumer goods.Job Report代写
The company’s objective is the delivery of innovation, creating a connected life through the cross-domain solution for the people of Singapore with a mission to improve their lives. This report introduces Robert Bosch Pte Ltd, discusses its HR department’s job analysis and design about efficiency, motivation to employees, safety, health and their mental capacity. It also gives an analysis of its recruitment and selection strategies, and its implementation. Job Report代写
2.0 Job Analysis: Job description and specification of HR department
The department under discussion in this section is the Human Resource department of Robert Bosch Pte Ltd.
It is a typical department that any growing company seeking to provide quality Human Resource service should emulate to recruit and manage its personnel effectively. The department has a responsibility to make sure that the company finds and retains the right persons. It contributes towards the personnel’s professional and personal skill development (Brannick & Levine, 2012). The work of the department and the positions of each of its employees is both strategic and operational in nature. For example, the department through its personnel is responsible for answering any questions directed toward the company’s operations both by its employees and the other interested parties such as stakeholders, customers, and the government.Job Report代写
The department’s personnel also draw the contracts of the company and determines the compensation of the workers.
Brannick and Levine, (2012) asserts that the department also ensures the realization of organizational development through the designing of strategies and methods for the company’s performance. It also supports change processes that are deemed important to improve productivity and efficiency in task accomplishments. Further, the department works closely with the public authorities, universities, colleges, work councils and other service providers, providing advisory services concerning its cooperate sector, work units and specialist departments. Job Report代写
The department’s employees or candidates seeking a job opportunity within the department should hold some corporate skills.
Some of the specifications required include the ability to work with people with diverse cultures and the right human resources. The person should also display exemplary empathy and must possess exceptional interpersonal skills that will create good relations with the other employees within the department (Brannick & Levine, 2012). The person should also hold a diploma or degree relevant to the human resource field and have familiarity or experience in the recruitment processes and personnel development.Job Report代写
The ability to effectively create and implement human resource management methods and tools is also paramount for candidates seeking employment opportunity within this department. Additionally, having the knowledge of current trends and developments in social law and labor sector makes one more suitable for a human resources position at the Robert Bosch. Other relevant specifications include intercultural competence, fluent spoken as well as written English and negotiation skills.Job Report代写
3.0 The HR department’s Job Design
Efficiency, motivation, safety and health is crucial for a department of an organization seeking excellence in performance. The effectiveness of the human resource department comes from its design which sets the guidelines and methods for task execution (Dorenbosch, Engen & Verhagen, 2015). The design caters for the department’s efficiency, motivation to the employees within the department, their safety and health at work.Job Report代写
3.1 Job design for Effectiveness
Effectiveness is important at work as it allows workers to accomplish their duties in the easiest and most productive way possible. At Robert Bosch, the human resource department’s work is structured to increase its employee’s productivity. Dorenbosch et, al. (2015) asserts that department’s work structure and design allow a company to lower its cost of production and improves its output per every employee.Job Report代写
The first approach used by Robert Bosch to improve efficiency is the size and composition of the department. Its HR department consists of ten personnel with specific duties. The small number of personnel allows efficient coordination, resource sharing and exchange of ideas (Dorenbosch et, al. 2015). Another strategy is the provision of training to improve worker’s skills. Additionally, automation of the tasks using computers makes the employee’s work simpler.Job Report代写
3.2 Design for motivation
The ability to motivate workers within a department improves their morale at work. At Robert Bosch, the human resource department employees are presented with material incentives. It is designed to have material incentives that condition the employee’s income with results of their work (Robert, 2016). It has a system that correctly determines the worker’s productivity and contribution. It, therefore, proposes the amount of remuneration for each worker.Job Report代写
3.3. Job Design for Safety and Health
The safety and health of employees at Robert Bosch are quite important. Safety and health are important because it allows the workers accomplish their tasks without getting physical harm (Parker, 2014). It improves their performance and the companies overall image. It also has manual safety guidelines for manual handling of tools to avoid damages and physical harm. It has developed a continued occupational health section for worker’s health check-ups, and it offers training in safety issues.Job Report代写
3.4 Job design for mental demands
Designing a job to cater for the employee’s mental health and demands is vital for any organization. At Robert Bosch Pte Ltd, the nature of the work in the HR department is structured to take into account the factors that can affect their work. Parker, (2014) says the tasks and content of the work should be organized to involve a reasonable amount of the employee’s mental activity. It is, adhered to, at Robert Bosch through regulated working hours, job rotation, work breaks, and job enlightenment.Job Report代写
4.0 Recruitment strategies and implementation for the Department
The recruitment process is the most important and tedious job in an organization.
The need to employ the best workers with relevant work experiences and skills is always at the heart of every firm. Robert Bosch, for instance, has a well communicated and defined strategy for employee recruitment. The strategies are geared towards illustrating the company’s brand image, its target candidates, and it has the most effective closing methodologies such as the who, how what and when (Williamson, 2010). The company’s recruitment process follows the legal standard frameworks provided by the corporate laws of Singapore such as the adherence to job advertisements and proper recruitment processes.Job Report代写
The first step to the recruitment strategy selection is normally identification of the need to employ workers.
There should be a need to replace or to fill a position that was recently left by a worker or the need to increase the number of workers. Williamson, (2010) adds that it gives the departments within the organization a chance to align the staff’s skills with the goal, objectives and its initiatives. Before embarking on the choice of the recruitment method needed, the company defines changes or roles needed by the vacancy and its impacts. It conducts an analysis of the gap needed to be filled and the relevant skills. Finally, it conducts job analysis in case the position is new within the company. All these steps allow it to choose the suitable strategy to use.Job Report代写
4.1 Recruitment Strategy of Robert Bosch Pte Ltd
Robert Bosch applies two recruitment strategies which allow it to get the best candidates. The first approach is the pipeline approach which scholars term as the best and the most effective recruitment strategy. Here, the company builds a steady applicants’ stream meant to create a channel of talented candidates (Miles & Snow, 2014). Secondly, the company also uses a strategy called the competitive recruitment strategy.Job Report代写
This strategy is also referred to be the most effective when compared with other approaches as it makes it more competitive than other firms through the selection of the most competitive workers. This method allows the company to do a side by side assessment of their competitor’s approaches in recruitment to barring them from copying their strategies (Miles & Snow, 2014). Since the best candidates are constantly in high demand, the strategy allows it to fight for the best candidate depending on their suitability and skills.Job Report代写
4.2 Recruitment Implementation
After strategizing on how to attract more candidates, the company establishes committees that will manage the recruitment process. The committees draw an action plan that will steer the recruitment process. Williamson, (2010) says that during this stage, the company ensures that there are enough resources required to deliver the goals and objectives of the recruitment. The company also decides on the relevant support needed for the recruitment committee.Job Report代写
The main committees’ task is to determine the appropriateness and effectiveness of the recruitment strategy chosen with regard to its objectives and goals. It identifies the changes that have to be made to the strategy to elicit desirable results. It also develops the necessary systems and processes for feedback and data measurements and reviews the quality practices needed for the recruitment process (Miles & Snow, 2014). Finally, it recommends modifications to the strategy which marks the commencement of the selection process.Job Report代写
5.0 Selection strategies and its implementation
The selection process is crucial in the process of identifying the best candidates for a firm. The strategy used by an organization should be able to provide consistent ad desired results every time it is employed (Breaugh, & Starke, 2010). The selection process helps in eliminating the unqualified candidates and selection of the most suitable ones.Job Report代写
5.1 Selection Strategies of the Robert Bosch Pte Ltd
The strategy employed by the firm is geared towards hiring the best candidates who will improve its performance. Robert Bosch uses the multistage selection strategy. Gatewood, Field, and Barrick, (2015) assert that in this strategy, choices are made depending on the skills, abilities and the knowledge of the candidate relating the job requirements. It begins with the company analyzing the job’s needs and the specifications.Job Report代写
The committee then determines the best assessment methods to employ in screening the candidates during the selection stages. The selection stages include personality tests, interviews skill tests and assessment of past work. A compensatory approach is applied to avoid the disadvantages of the selection process where the assessment tools are administered at the same time before the elimination of the candidate.Job Report代写
5.2 Implementation stage
The selection process of the Robert Bosch company begins with the recruitment committee soliciting important personal and corporate information from the candidates.
The recruitment team uses the application forms available in the websites to gather information from the candidates. Also, the resumes and curriculum vitae from the candidates helps in their acquiring personal information (Anderson, Lievens, Van Dam & Ryan, 2014). This happens before the actual selection day which allows the committee to select the candidates who are communicated to attend the subsequent stages of the selection process.Job Report代写
The second stage in the selection process is the administration of personality test.
The stage takes places after the invitations of the suitable candidates have been issued, and dates have been set for the stage to take place. The committee issues the candidates with the personality tests which allows them to understand their personality. It is believed that personality is very important as it reveals one’s beliefs and worldview relating to their career.Job Report代写
The third stage involves the administration of the skill tests. The tests enable the committee to tests level of expertise of the candidate.
It involves all the candidates from the second stage as it is more important (Campion, Palmer & Campion, 2013). During this stage, the candidates undergo screening where the more suitable ones are chosen to provide work samples and expertise from the relevant skills gained from training and education. The final stage is the interview. Once the third stage is complete, the few selected candidates are provided with specific interview dates where they are interviewed by the committee. Job Report代写
The interviews conducted by the committee at the Robert Bosch is the structured interview where questions are asked relating to the job requirements, experiences, skills, and relevant knowledge. The last stage of the interview is the final selection of the candidates to be hired. Judgments are made, and the best fitting candidate is chosen for the position. Gatewood, Field, and Barrick, (2015) assert that the multiple hurdle model used at this stage allows the committee to reduce the candidate’s number. After this, the supervisor makes the final decision about the chosen candidate. The communication of the decisions is made by the HR department.Job Report代写
6.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, the strategies allow the company and any other company seeking good performance to select the best employees that will enable it to achieve its set goals and objectives. Robert Bosch Pte Ltd is a good example of such companies. Analyzing and designing the jobs in a department for efficacy, motivation, safety, health and mental demands, improve performance and general worker’s welfare.Job Report代写
The recruitment strategies and the selection strategies add value to the organization. It benefits it through the gaining of a competitive advantage that is achievable through increased output under minimal costs of production due to the combined effort of the skilled employees. It is evident that all these strategies at Robert Bosch have contributed to its continuous high performance over time.Job Report代写
Anderson, N., Lievens, F., Van Dam, K., & Ryan, A. M. (2014). Future perspectives on employee selection: Key directions for future research and practice. Applied Psychology, 53(4), 487-501.
Bosch, R. (2016). Annual report 2016.
Brannick, M. T., & Levine, E. L. (2012). Job analysis: Methods, research and applications for human resource management in the new millennium.
Breaugh, J. A., & Starke, M. (2010). Research on employee recruitment: So many studies, so many remaining questions. Journal of Management, 26(3), 405-434.
Campion, M. A., Palmer, D. K., & Campion, J. E. (2013). A review of structure in the selection interview. Personnel Psychology, 50(3), 655-702.
Dorenbosch, L., Engen, M. L. V., & Verhagen, M. (2015). On‐the‐job innovation: the impact of job design and human resource management through production ownership. Creativity and innovation management, 14(2), 129-141.
Gatewood, R., Feild, H. S., & Barrick, M. (2015). Human resource selection. Nelson Education, 21(4), 123
Miles, R. E., & Snow, C. C. (2014). Designing strategic human resources systems. Organizational Dynamics, 13(1), 36-52.
Parker, S. K. (2014). Beyond motivation: Job and work design for development, health, ambidexterity, and more. Annual review of psychology, 65, 661-691.
Williamson, I. O. (2010). Employer legitimacy and recruitment success in small businesses. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 25(1), 27-27.

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