CHC50113 Cluster 8: Workbook Assessment
CHC50113 Cluster 8: Workbook Assessment
Project Task 2: Work Placement
Workbook代写 CHC50113 Cluster 8: Workbook Assessment:Project Task 2: Work Placement:Daily Report for Kyle and Daily Report for Emma.
Daily Report for Kyle
1.Day One Workbook代写
Insert Photo of child completing a scheduled activity here (optional) |
Service Provider Name | Student’s name | |||||||||
Date | 3rd June 2019 | ||||||||||
Child Name | Kyle | ||||||||||
Dropped Off: | 09:00 am | ||||||||||
Picked up | 03:10 pm | ||||||||||
Today my mood was…. |
Comments | ||||||||||
Chatty Quiet |
Attentive Playful |
Teary Other Anxious |
I was anxious and curious at the same time because it was my first day in work placement. | ||||||||
I was most happy when…. | |||||||||||
Playing with Kyle Workbook代写**格式
I didn’t particularly like… |
When he cries
Today I ate…. | Morning tea | Lunch | Afternoon tea | ||||||||
Morning tea was… I ate kebab and tea
Lunch was… I ate fried chicken and chips Afternoon tea was… I ate fruits – banana and berries |
Some Nothing |
Some Nothing |
Some Nothing |
Other information you should know about my food intake today: | |||||||||||
Nothing Workbook代写**格式
Today my rest activity was |
Slept I rested from 1 pm to 2 pm.
Rested I wasn’t tired |
Today my toileting habits were | Comments | ||||||||||
10:36 am | 12:11 pm | 1:50 pm | 3:00 pm | He could not even tell when on urge to toilet | |||||||
W | W | W | W | ||||||||
BM | BM | BM | BM | ||||||||
My activities for the day were |
Ask the child to help complete | ||||||||||
Painting: Kyle was expected to paint anything he likes especially animals, cars, house, pets and more | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Train and tracks: Me and Kyle played with train and tracks. | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Story telling: I engaged child to storytelling. I told them a story and they had to be attentive. I asked questions later | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Playing piano: I took this as evening activity Workbook代写**格式 | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Today I liked playing with |
I enjoyed storytelling and playing piano with Kyle. He too was happy and responsive to the activities | |||||||||||
Educator Name & Signature | |||||||||||
Parent’s feedback to educator
(please take this home and reflect. Provide any comments you feel necessary to help improve our service for your child) |
My child also loves playing in the field especially Frisbee throw. Maybe you can incorporate this in your daily activities.

2.Day Three Workbook代写
Insert Photo of child completing a scheduled activity here (optional) |
Service Provider Name | Student’s name | |||||||||
Date | 6th June 2019 | ||||||||||
Child Name | Kyle | ||||||||||
Dropped Off: | 08:20 am | ||||||||||
Picked up | 04:10 pm | ||||||||||
Today my mood was…. |
Comments | ||||||||||
Chatty Quiet |
Attentive Playful |
Teary Other….. |
It was a third day in my work placement. I was getting fond of Kyle and his sense of humour. I was happy and chatty to be with him. | ||||||||
I was most happy when…. | |||||||||||
Kyle had become responsive to activities of the day. He liked playing with me and I love the bond we have forged together. Workbook代写**格式 | |||||||||||
I didn’t particularly like… |
Sometimes Kyle could not listen to me especially when he was interested in his own things.
Today I ate…. | Morning tea | Lunch | Afternoon tea | ||||||||
Morning tea was… As usual I took tea and break
Lunch was… I ate fruits salad Afternoon tea was… I ate nothing |
Some Nothing |
Some Nothing |
Some Nothing |
Other information you should know about my food intake today: | |||||||||||
Nothing Workbook代写**格式
Today my rest activity was |
Slept We slept from 1 pm to 2 pm.
Rested I wasn’t tired |
Today my toileting habits were | Comments | ||||||||||
8:50 am | 10:30 am | 1:30 pm | 4:00 pm | He could not take himself to the toilet. However, he was learning well | |||||||
W | W | W | W | ||||||||
BM | BM | BM | BM | ||||||||
My activities for the day were |
Ask the child to help complete | ||||||||||
Writing: The activity aimed to teach Kyle how to hold a pencil. It was challenging to him especially with thin pens and pencils. | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Drawing: Aimed to train Kyle how to how tools for drawing. He had problem in holding thin crayons and pencils | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Field activity: The aim was to play various games with Kyle including football, racing and Frisbee throw. | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Reading: I taught him how to read. Workbook代写**格式 | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Today I liked playing with |
With Frisbee and crayons | |||||||||||
Educator Name & Signature | |||||||||||
Parent’s feedback to educator
(please take this home and reflect. Provide any comments you feel necessary to help improve our service for your child) |
Have children swimming pool. |
3.Day Eleven Workbook代写
Insert Photo of child completing a scheduled activity here (optional) |
Service Provider Name | Student’s name | |||||||||
Date | 11th June 2019 | ||||||||||
Child Name | Kyle | ||||||||||
Dropped Off: | 08:55 am | ||||||||||
Picked up | 03:40 pm | ||||||||||
Today my mood was…. |
Comments | ||||||||||
Chatty Quiet |
Attentive Playful |
Teary Other…. |
My moods were high and really missed field activities. | ||||||||
I was most happy when…. | |||||||||||
Kyle was able to tell when he feel like toileting Workbook代写**格式 | |||||||||||
I didn’t particularly like… |
Sometimes he would not tell but pee on himself | |||||||||||
Today I ate…. | Morning tea | Lunch | Afternoon tea | ||||||||
Morning tea was…
Lunch was… Afternoon tea was… |
Some Nothing |
Some Nothing |
Some Nothing |
Other information you should know about my food intake today: | |||||||||||
Nothing Workbook代写**格式
Today my rest activity was |
Slept I rested from 1:30 pm to 2 pm.
Rested I wasn’t tired |
Today my toileting habits were | Comments | ||||||||||
10:36 am | 12:11 pm | 1:50 pm | 5:30 pm | He was learning how to toilet by squatting | |||||||
W | W | W | W | ||||||||
BM | BM | BM | BM | ||||||||
My activities for the day were |
Ask the child to help complete | ||||||||||
Painting and colouring: I requested him to draw any animal. He was able to draw a sketch close to a dog. | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Storytelling: The activity aimed to develop his imagination, thoughts and carrying out conversation. | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Do puzzle: We did jig saw puzzles. The activity aimed to expand his thinking and creativity while make him concentrate on activities. | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Matching shapes. Aimed to build his concentration and thinking. Workbook代写**格式 | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Today I liked playing with |
I enjoyed storytelling and jig saw puzzles. | |||||||||||
Educator Name & Signature | |||||||||||
Parent’s feedback to educator
(please take this home and reflect. Provide any comments you feel necessary to help improve our service for your child) |
Children can be trained how to use a computer, wash dishes, cleaning and other manual activities. |
4.Day Fourteen Workbook代写
Insert Photo of child completing a scheduled activity here (optional) |
Service Provider Name | Student’s name | |||||||||
Date | 14th June 2019 | ||||||||||
Child Name | Kyle | ||||||||||
Dropped Off: | 08:05 am | ||||||||||
Picked up | 04:15 pm | ||||||||||
Today my mood was…. |
Comments | ||||||||||
Chatty Quiet |
Attentive Playful |
Teary Other….. |
Waked up feeling worn out. | ||||||||
I was most happy when…. | |||||||||||
Painting Workbook代写**格式
I didn’t particularly like… |
Disturbance | |||||||||||
Today I ate…. | Morning tea | Lunch | Afternoon tea | ||||||||
Morning tea was …
Lunch was… Afternoon tea was… |
Some Nothing |
Some Nothing |
Some Nothing |
Other information you should know about my food intake today: | |||||||||||
Nothing Workbook代写**格式
Today my rest activity was |
Slept I rested from 1 pm to 2 pm.
Rested I wasn’t tired |
Today my toileting habits were | Comments | ||||||||||
10:36 am | 12:11 pm | 1:50 pm | 5:30 pm | ||||||||
W | W | W | W | ||||||||
BM | BM | BM | BM | ||||||||
My activities for the day were |
Ask the child to help complete | ||||||||||
Trace letters together: By the use of art letters, we filled missing letters in words in funny shapes. | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Throw games: The activities aimed to help them gain control of their motor skills. We played such games as hopscotch. | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Matching shapes: Aimed to learn the names of simple shapes like a toy cubby and a ball. | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Singing: Engaged him in his favourite songs. Workbook代写**格式 | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Today I liked playing with |
I enjoyed playing hopscotch. | |||||||||||
Educator Name & Signature | |||||||||||
Parent’s feedback to educator
(please take this home and reflect. Provide any comments you feel necessary to help improve our service for your child) |
He need to learn more how to read and write. |
5.Day Nineteen Workbook代写
Insert Photo of child completing a scheduled activity here (optional) |
Service Provider Name | Student’s name | |||||||||
Date | 19th June 2019 | ||||||||||
Child Name | Kyle | ||||||||||
Dropped Off: | 08:50 am | ||||||||||
Picked up | 03:40 pm | ||||||||||
Today my mood was…. |
Comments | ||||||||||
Chatty Quiet |
Attentive Playful |
Teary Other Anxious…. |
His attentiveness has developed. He was happy to learn and be with other children. | ||||||||
I was most happy when…. | |||||||||||
Reading and storytelling Workbook代写**格式 | |||||||||||
I didn’t particularly like… |
Field activities | |||||||||||
Today I ate…. | Morning tea | Lunch | Afternoon tea | ||||||||
Morning tea was…
Lunch was… Afternoon tea was… |
Some Nothing |
Some Nothing |
Some Nothing |
Other information you should know about my food intake today: | |||||||||||
I liked the food especially fruit salad. Workbook代写**格式 | |||||||||||
Today my rest activity was |
Slept I slept from 1 pm to 2 pm.
Rested I wasn’t tired |
Today my toileting habits were | Comments | ||||||||||
09:30 am | 11:10 pm | 1:30 pm | 3:00 pm | He has learned to toilet but needed close care | |||||||
W | W | W | W | ||||||||
BM | BM | BM | BM | ||||||||
My activities for the day were |
Ask the child to help complete | ||||||||||
Reading and writing: Involved reading simple and common words | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Create a tin can phone: Involved imitation of a real phone call and conversations. | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Story telling: I engaged child to storytelling. I told them a story and they had to be attentive. I asked questions later | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Did a colour scavenger hunt: Showed ability to identify colours of the rainbow. Workbook代写**格式 | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Today I liked playing with |
Tin can phone and colour scavenging. | |||||||||||
Educator Name & Signature | |||||||||||
Parent’s feedback to educator
(please take this home and reflect. Provide any comments you feel necessary to help improve our service for your child) |
Improve on extra curriculum activities |

6.Twentieth Day Workbook代写
Insert Photo of child completing a scheduled activity here (optional) |
Service Provider Name | Student’s name | |||||||||
Date | 20th June 2019 | ||||||||||
Child Name | Kyle | ||||||||||
Dropped Off: | 09:20 am | ||||||||||
Picked up | 04:30 pm | ||||||||||
Today my mood was…. |
Comments | ||||||||||
Chatty Quiet |
Attentive Playful |
Teary Other…. |
The moods make Kyle not to concentrate much. Therefore, the most favourable activities were playing or gaming. | ||||||||
I was most happy when…. | |||||||||||
Playing Workbook代写**格式 | |||||||||||
I didn’t particularly like… |
Reading | |||||||||||
Today I ate…. | Morning tea | Lunch | Afternoon tea | ||||||||
Morning tea was…
Lunch was… Afternoon tea was… |
Some Nothing |
Some Nothing |
Some Nothing |
Other information you should know about my food intake today: | |||||||||||
I hate eating breads in the afternoon Workbook代写**格式 | |||||||||||
Today my rest activity was |
Slept I was tired and needed to go home
Rested I wasn’t tired |
Today my toileting habits were |
Comments | ||||||||||
10:30 am | 1:11 pm | 2:50 pm | 3:50 pm | Self-aware and able to toilet on his own. | |||||||
W | W | W | W | ||||||||
BM | BM | BM | BM | ||||||||
My activities for the day were |
Ask the child to help complete | ||||||||||
Playing dough: Seek to strengthen his fingers, creativity, motor skills, hand-eye coordination. | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Dress-up and role play: Help him loose with a bunch of dressing-up clothes and props such as toy doctor’s kits. | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Doll and character play: Seek to provide character in the form of mini-figures and dolls. Help develop their social play. | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Drawing and painting: Let him run will with paint and drawing tools. Allow them to develop sensory, self-expression and pre-write skills. Workbook代写 | I really liked this activity
This activity was ok I didn’t really like this activity |
Today I liked playing with |
Dress-up and role play | |||||||||||
Educator Name & Signature | |||||||||||
Parent’s feedback to educator
(please take this home and reflect. Provide any comments you feel necessary to help improve our service for your child) |
Introduce such activities like music, dancing and singing. |
Daily Report for Emma Workbook代写
1.Second Day
2.Fifth Day
3.Eighth Day
4.Tenth Day
5.Fourteenth Day
6.Eighteenth Day
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