Politics and The History of United States Social Welfare Policy by Dinitto

政治学代写 Social policy is an elusive disciplinary, which means to provide solutions to address needs of social life.

Social policy is an elusive disciplinary, which means to provide solutions to address needs of social life. The developments and changes in social life have led to change in social needs. Consequently, there are also changes in problems and solutions to address these changes. The industrial revolution, economic decisions and policy issues aimed to propel the society to prosperity. Since the independence of United States of America to Obama administrations there are streams of both political and social structures and policy changes that need to be addressed to help device the future development of policies. 政治学代写

The social policy began with Elizabethan Poor Law.

The law aimed to cater to the poor in society. The poor were the orphaned children, disabled, and elderly. These groups were entitled to social welfare that was provided in different shapes by the community itself. The policy recommended mutual aid to the deserving people and forcing the undeserving to the menial jobs to earn for minimum for foods. Elizabethan Poor Law formed the foundation of the early Relief in the United States in the 17th century. The primary source of welfare aid was mutual aids from families and community organizations such as churches. However, instead of relying on mutual aids, the colonist used four methods to help the needy.

First they were auctioning them to willing families or individuals at the lowest prices. Second, was to put the poor under the supervision of willing couples at the lowest cost. Third, poor were provided with outdoor relief. Last and the most preferred because it was successful in taking care of the poor was almshouses. In the early 1800s, the Society for the Prevention of Pauperism was created, and other groups such as Charity Organization Society also emerged to partner with the government. The rural to urban migration and the progressive era were the key factors that impacted the social welfare and hence led to structural and policy changes.

Urban migration 政治学代写

caused destitutions in cities as people fled rural poverty to get employment in growing industries. The number of slums increased as poverty and unemployment increase, and hence, pressure was put on the available relief system. It becomes the first factor for the growth of social welfare. The era of prosperity followed Urban migration in late 1890s. Private partners were able to assist the government in helping the needy. Then the great depression followed in 1929 and worsened the situation. It led to few developments, including creation of Social Security Act, the Welfare Rights Movement, and Economic Opportunity Act.

Besides, the era of great society led to the formation of policies such as Head Start, The Good Stamp Program, Medicare, Medicaid, and Job Training. The main aim of these groups and policies was to minimize poverty.


Due to heightened politics 政治学代写

some policies like Head Start did not survive. The main reason was lack of experience among the policymakers and crush with idealist. There were heightened mismanagement and corruption at local levels. The lag in the fight against poverty was attributed to lack of knowledge in Nixon administration. Others believed that the war on poverty was never founded at a level that would make a substantial impact; however, if anyone thought the progress a failure or a success, the programs initiated in this period assisted millions of people.

The structural and policy changes to the early 1900s were a foundation for the expansion of social welfare in 20th century. Residency requirement in accessing social help was scraped, the cost of living adjustment was initiated, and the graying of American were some of the changes from government initiatives. Also, there was shift in family structure as single parenting increase. In 1960s, the social service grew to include child welfare, community Mental health center construction act, and older Americans act. The previous health covers were expanded to include mental health, home health, nursing homes among others. 政治学代写

Similarly, the subsequent years were marked with eras of presidential legacies. The administrations focused on ending poverty and wars, especially in Vietnam and Iraq. Reagan worked to reduce the federal government’s role in social welfare and shift the positions to states and private partners. In response he initiated the Family Support Act and Aid to Families with Dependent Children.

President George H.W. Bush followed the same path.

They preceded years of Bill Clinton came at the era of economic prosperity high federal debts between 1986 and 1992. Clinton transformed welfare by creating Personal Responsibility and Work opportunities Reconciliation Act, which ended the Aid for Families with Dependent Children. The shifts increased the level of employment, economic performance, and lower inflation.

On the other hand, President George W. Bush’s era was marred with war against terrorism after 9/11. America went to war in Iraq, and hence economic troubles began to show, including the stock market bubble burst and great recession. The economic problems transitioned to Barack Obama’s presidency. U.S was still at war and healthcare needed some reforms. Obama introduced the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act alias Obamacare that transformed the social health care. The economy was revived in his two-term presidency before Donald Trump took over in 2016.

The history of social policy changes is critical in the formulation of future effective welfare policies. Social welfare is dynamic owing to social, political, and economic reforms. Nonetheless, looking back at the economic, political and social prosperity that American has made since the 17th century, the future can only be brighter. 政治学代写
