Comparison of PBL and Simulation Educational Methods for Acquisition of Medical Knowledge
Educational Methods代写 The critique begins with explaining how the article abstract has been presented as the main summary of the whole research.
This paper critique looks at the bigger picture of how the authors of the article, “Comparison of PBL and simulation educational methods for the acquisition of medical knowledge” have successfully conducted and presented their research. In so doing, this paper explores each section the article, analyzing how effective or ineffective they are. The critique begins with explaining how the article abstract has been presented as the main summary of the whole research. Educational Methods代写**范文
It then proceeds to evaluate the introduction on how the authors have been able to provide background information about the study and justification of the value the study has to the field of education especially medical. Chronologically, each of the sections is evaluated detailing their strengths and failures in contributing to the effectiveness of the research. The paper ends with a conclusion on how the journal has been effective in detailing the comparison between the two educational approaches in medical knowledge.
Journal Article Critique Educational Methods代写
In teaching medical courses, two approaches are popular, that is, problem-based learning and simulation educational method. Researches have been conducted to determine the best approach in teaching medical knowledge and which one faculty should adopt. One of these journal articles is “Comparison of PBL And Simulation Educational Methods for The Acquisition of Medical Knowledge” written co-authored by Peggy W. Murphy, Ph.D., Kacia Engle, MD, Lainie J. Johns, MD, Christopher P. Herrington, MD, and LaShonda M. Lindsey, MA. Educational Methods代写**范文
The authors explored the pertinent issue of approach to imparting knowledge for optimum results in learning (Peggy et al., 2009). As there is much research on the topic, it is essential to evaluate how multiple articles have successful compared and decide on the best approach. In this regard, this critique paper will analyze and evaluate how the journal article by Peggy et al. (2009) has been able to compare the two learning approaches.
The article Educational Methods代写
The article begins with a clear and concise abstract detailing the background, methodology, results, and research conclusion, each having a brief description of the main content. From the abstract, a reader can get the whole idea of what the entire journal is about and resonate well with the content. Educational Methods代写**范文
Next is the general introduction to the topic of PBL and simulation in learning medical education. The authors gave brief background accounts of the two educational approaches. The description is clear and to the point. The authors defined both approaches and what each entail hence laying a strong foundation for the understanding of the research.
Argues Educational Methods代写
However, the authors are biased and seem to align the argues in favor of Simulation Educational Method over PBL. The introduction part itself implies the results of the whole research although it is not explicitly stated. The authors seem to declare their stand instead of waiting until the study is conducted and the results found. In contrast, they could have been spared to justify the need for the study and how it will inform medical academia.

udy methodology Educational Methods代写
Further, in the paper, the authors have given a detailed account of the methodology of the study. The sample size and location are defined although the population on which the samples were picked is not explained. Also, the research fails to outline the delimitation or limitation of the study which gives the reader a holistic image of the participants. Educational Methods代写**范文
Furthermore, clear that the authors did not explain the sampling technique used in acquiring the sample and how the sample size was determined. The omission may of such details may hinder comprehension of the research content.
Research design Educational Methods代写
Moreover, the research design was not stated. Thus, challenging to the reader to quickly grasp the research design used. The research design could have been stated as either qualitative or quantitative. Also, the data collection method used in the study were not explained and how they were administered and their test of validity. Generally, the paper is missing much on the methodology and approach to the research, living a gap on how it can be understood and interpreted. Educational Methods代写**范文
Logically, the method section has exhaustively explained to the reader the application of PBL and Simulation in medical education and how compare to the other. The explanation is clear hence the reader can understand how the two methods contribute in learning process.
Results section Educational Methods代写
The results section has been quantitatively analyzed and recorded in a table showing the pretest and posttest score. However, the table did show the test score for the PBL learning approach. More so, the authors have failed to show how they arrived at the figure entered in the table. For instance, how, they arrived at p-value is confusing. Educational Methods代写**范文
The paper also seems to discuss the qualitative results which have not been well analyzed to get the percentages of students in each category. The author could have prepared a table showing the response from each group then derive the qualitative analysis from it.
Overall, the study gave the results on the comparison between the two teaching approaches and how each can be effective in enhancing learning. The authors’ discussion and conclusion reflect the results of the paper. Therefore, it can be concluded that, though there are missing links in presenting the paper, the authors managed to show that simulation method is better than PBL.

Murphy, P. W., Engle, K., Jorns, L. J., Herrington, C. P., & Lindsey, L. M. (2009). Comparison of PBL and simulation educational methods for the acquisition of medical knowledge. Respiratory Care Education Annual, 18, 31-37.
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