Planning for Data Collection
Data代写 Getting patients opinions about the services in a healthcare facility is one of the essential moves towards improving…
Getting patients opinions about the services in a healthcare facility is one of the essential moves towards improving customer services. Therefore, to gather and analyze patient opinion a sample survey is necessary. The survey will seek to answer to gather opinion regarding the following variables including access to care, wait time, staff friendliness, and recommendation for services at the healthcare facility (Laureate Education, 2013). The facility will be able to measure the weak areas in service provision and improve. For this paper, the most appropriate data collection method will be Likert scale and the population of the study will be patients who have previously been treated in the healthcare facility.
译文:在改进医疗服务的过程中,使患者对医疗机构的服务发表意见是必不可少的举措之一。因此,要收集和分析患者意见,必须进行抽样调查。该调查将寻求回答,以收集有关以下变量的意见,包括获得护理,等待时间,员工友好程度以及对医疗机构提供服务的建议(Laureate Education,2013年)。该设施将能够衡量服务提供方面的薄弱环节并加以改进。在本文中,最合适的数据收集方法将是李克特量表,该研究的人群将是以前在医疗机构中接受过治疗的患者。 Data代写
The study population will be previous patients who have received healthcare services from the facility. The facility has a database of patient and will be used to access their contacts. The hospital will survey 4,000 patients both males and females. The sampling will be done randomly where each of the identified contacts will be emailed. The high target sample is to ensure that even when some participants drop out, the research will still be run and be valid.
The interested participants will be required to respond to the email indicating that he/she is interested in taking part in the survey voluntarily. The sample participants will then send the privacy policy declaration which will be signed by the hospital management. The privacy form will ensure that the connection between the client and the hospital is treated with the utmost privacy (Bender, Cyr, Arbuckle, & Ferris, 2017). However, the reliability and validity of the response cannot be readily ascertained as each respondent will be giving a subjective response. Therefore, the hospital will be required to rely on the data collected.
译文:研究人群将是以前从该机构接受过医疗保健服务的患者。该机构有一个患者数据库,将用于访问他们的联系人。该医院将对4,000名男性和女性患者进行调查。抽样将在每个确定的联系人通过电子邮件发送的地方随机进行。较高的目标样本是确保即使某些参与者退出,研究仍将继续进行并有效。 Data代写

Data Collection
The research will utilize the Likert scale as the most appropriate method of quantitative data collection. A sample survey will be conducted to gather the opinion of patients (Polit & Beck, 2017; Keough & Tanabe, 2011). Survey questions will be emailed to the participants through the hospital website login portal. Each of the participants will be given a login credential which will be used at the time of the survey. It will ensure the privacy and security of the data being sent by the client.
The participants will not be expected to give their names except their demographic details like age, sex, and location. Before the actual survey, each participant will be notified of the day and time for the survey for them to be available. The study will be conducted once as the login will only be functional during the period of the survey and after submission of the responses. The response will be in the form of Likert scale where the participant will be expected to tick or mark where applicable (Polit & Beck, 2017). The scale will run from strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree.
译文:该研究将利用李克特量表作为最合适的定量数据收集方法。将进行抽样调查以收集患者的意见(Polit&Beck,2017; Keough&Tanabe,2011)。调查问题将通过医院网站登录门户通过电子邮件发送给参与者。每个参与者都将获得一个登录凭据,该凭据将在调查时使用。这将确保客户端发送的数据的私密性和安全性。 Data代写
Below are the Questions for the Survey
i.Our service hours of the doctors and nursing care are flexible.
ii.Your access to treatment is convenient and easy.
iii.Patients are served promptly and no time wastage and our services are fast.
iv.The facility staff are friendly and attend to our client diligently and professionally.
v.I can refer a patient your hospital because your services are good.
vi.I can come again for healthcare services because I was satisfied with the previous service.
The participant will be expected to respond to each of the above questions one at a time before proceeding to the other. He/she will then submit the filled form, and the portal will automatically deactivate. The data collected will be analyzed statistically using ANOVA analysis method.
译文:以下是调查的问题 Data代写
希望参与者一次回答以上每个问题,然后再继续回答另一个问题。 然后,他/她将提交已填写的表格,门户将自动停用。 将使用ANOVA分析方法对收集到的数据进行统计分析。
Bender, J. L., Cyr, A. B., Arbuckle, L., & Ferris, L. E. (2017). Ethics and privacy implications of using the internet and social media to recruit participants for health research: A privacy-by-design framework for online recruitment. Journal of medical Internet research, 19(4), e104.
Joshi, A., Kale, S., Chandel, S., & Pal, D. K. (2015). Likert scale: Explored and explained. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 7(4), 396.
Keough, V. A., & Tanabe, P. (2011). Survey research: An effective design for conducting nursing research. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 1(4), 37-44.
Laureate Education. (2013). Data collection: Program transcript.
Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.