People and Place
Tourism Report代写 This report evaluates tourism and how it related to destination profiling and imaging by the media to the target groups.
People and Place ——————————————————— 3
Introduction ——————————————————— 3
Background ——————————————————— 3
Research Methods ——————————————————— 4
Analysis of the Three Interviews ——————————————————— 5
Destination Profile ——————————————————— 6
Conclusion ——————————————————— 9
References ——————————————————— 10
Appendix ——————————————————— 11
Executive Summary Tourism Report代写
This report evaluates tourism and how it related to destination profiling and imaging by the media to the target groups. The first section gives an overview of the whole report and introduces the purpose of the report. The second part explores the background information in which information in assessment two will summarize. The following gives a detailed analysis of the interviews conducted to assess the population perception on the tourist destination.
It will compare the media-induced images with the interviewee’s opinions and beliefs about Phuket. Next, the destination profile provide the comparison between the destination profiles in the media representation and destination images held by the interviewees. The report will then derive the conclusion based on the findings in the research in assessment two and interviews.
People and Place
Introduction Tourism Report代写
The perception of tour area in tourism is a function of various variables, including media presentation, personal experience, reading. Thus, creating a destination image a fundamental factor in the tourism and hospitality industry. Marketers and site marketing organizations have mastered the art of creating a destination image that influences target market cognitive and effective images (Blaer, n.d; Kim, & Perdue, 2011).
As such, how destination images are portrayed in various media affect how they are perceived and the likelihood of visitations. Regarding destination images and their impact on the target groups, this paper will report on the media representation of Phuket as a tourist destination. In so doing, it will compare and contrast the destination profile per assessment 2 with the destination image held by interviewees.
Background Tourism Report代写
According to Hahm and Severt (2018), in the absence of ideas and influence of perception or belief about a particular destination, there would be no one from outside who can know about the place and hence no visits. Therefore, creating a great destination image is critical in tourism marketing. Destination marketing helps in shaping the perception of a place and understand the tourists’ preferences through tourists’ choice and recommendation. In this context, media has been used to represent destinations, and each of them has different impacts on the audience. Assessment 2 used magazine, brochure, and internet marketing to explain Phuket beach as a tourist destination.
The three media representations of Phuket created awareness of the place as a famous tourist destination in Thailand.
The media-induced images are produced commercially to shape the way people see a particularly scenic view (Blaer, n.d). Thaiways Magazine publishes images of Phuket that portray it as the epitome of beauty, pleasure, and culture in Thailand. The magazine informs prospective tourists on the unique and great places to visit and activities they can engage in for an adventurous tour. Brochure, on the other hand, publishes by Amazing Thailand company print pictures of Phuket’s beautiful beaches, islands, and boats. It also has photos of a Chinese temple and a beautiful cape that show the sunset.

The internet presentation uses Phuket Facebook fan page to display the picture of the beach and cave in Phuket. The photos show a sunny day with a beautiful beach that people can go and have fun, enjoy the holiday with their family and beautiful sceneries of sunset on the beach. The marketing campaign media have different focus and influences on people’s belief or perception of the destination (Rajesh, 2013). The images focus on various places where tourists can explore. They create ideas and awareness of the places they can visit besides going to beaches in Phuket.
The three media representation target people are looking for places for a holiday in Thailand.
The target market also looks to experience various cultures besides pleasure and adventure. They also target families and groups looking to have a great time for getaways. Brochure and social media marketing have a similar target market and influence on the customer. The two mainly focused on beaches and destinations for vacations. Generally, the image representation of Phuket has a vital role in influencing the target group belief and perception.
Research Methods Tourism Report代写
The research used a survey method to study the perception of people about Phuket beach. A semi-structured interview was used to capture the opinions of students from William Angliss Institute. The interview captured the belief, attitude, and likelihood of them visiting Phuket beach in Thailand. The results will be used to measure the power of media in shaping the opinion of the target tourist market (Picard & Giovine, 2014).
Notably, the interview will reveal the importance of authenticity in the tourist’s market and their orientation of “otherness” in a foreign destination. Besides, the research investigated the destination image and identity as well as their perception of Phuket stereotypes (Chen, Lai, Petrick, & Lin, 2016). Overall, the research was a fundamental solution to tourism destination belief, perception, and authenticity in the target groups through media representation.
Analysis of the Three Interviews Tourism Report代写
The research conducted three interviews with William Angliss Institute students. The sample of the population obtained through personal networks and included those who have never visited Phuket beach. The three interviewees were all females on their early twenties. They have never traveled to Phuket before, but they all indicated interest to visit the place depending on their ability to afford the trip. All of them are positive about Phuket beach and expressed enthusiasm for wanting to experience the adventure. Notably, their interest was shaped by media representation using various destination images.
Below is the table that shows demographic and destination visitation intention breakdowns associated with the WAI students who were interviewed. Although none of them have visited the destination before, they expressed interests of visiting Phuket though with varying levels of intentions.
Interviewee | Age | Gender | Visited destination | Want to visit? |
Le Joy | The early 20s | Female | No | She is interested in visiting Phuket but only during the off-season when there are no many visitors |
Chau Anh | The early 20s | Female | No | Never had the opportunity to visit Phuket but would like to because she has heard about its beautiful beach and scenic views. |
Thuy Ha Nguyen | The early 20s | Female | No | She would like to visit the place during the holidays with friends and family. |
Destination Profile Tourism Report代写
The section will explore the interviewee’s opinion regarding Phuket. It will summarize the common perspectives on the destination and will use direct quotes to support the main points by the interviewees. Besides profiling Phuket, the section will compare and contrast how they are portrayed in assessment 2 and held by the interviewees.
The three interviewees thought Phuket is a place to be with families and friends.
Le Joy described the destination as an island of that is mountainous with crystal clear water, beautiful beaches, and other scenic places. She feels there are many activities that she can do, like diving and surfing. Joy perceive Phuket as a beautiful place where she can watch sunrise and sunset, where she can take her family and friends to enjoy seafood. Anh wants to travel to Phuket to see its coastal city with its crystal clear water that reflects the sun underneath.
She feels the please is beautiful and would love to see the sunset and rise at the horizon. She wishes to enjoy Thailand Thai food that is spicy hot and sour. Furthermore, Ha Nguyen loves nature because of its beautiful beaches, mountains, and Phi Phi island. She also wants to experience fantastic trees, foods, and mountains. Ha Nguyen like Phuket because it is cheap than her country.
Moreover, the three interviewees learned about Phuket on the internet. Ha Nguyen encountered it through google and YouTube. Anh was influenced by Instagram and Facebook pages that advertise about tourism and hospitality in Thailand. The joy, on the other hand, learned about it on Facebook and YouTube advertisements. Notably, internet marketing was the primary source of destination imaging Phuket beach. The reason most young people use social media and the other internet as the primary sources of information.
Noteworthy, how the three interviewees perceive the destination image is shaped by what they see in the media. Tourism Report代写
All interviewees used online sources to learn about Phuket through the various images they represent. Each of these online media has different impacts on the target groups, like using images and video. It is evident how mixed media influenced each of the interviewees since they inhibit different opinions of the same place. Various media communicated used different images to portray a specific image of Phuket. For instance, Joy saw the place as a beautiful mountainous island sounded by clear waters, Anh wants to travel to Phuket because of its beautiful sunset and clear water while Ha Nguyen is attracted by seafood, fantastic trees, and mountains. Hence, Facebook has a different impact on its audience different from that of YouTube, Instagram, and Google.
However, the three interviewees have various reasons for visiting Phuket. The purpose of their visits is shaped by the media destination images created by online platforms. For instance, Anh wants to visit Phuket on holiday to see the coastal city and clear waters in the sea. The images video adverts shape the belief she saw on Instagram and Facebook. Ha Nguyen encountered it through google and YouTube created the interest to go and see beaches, mountains and Phi Phi island as portrayed in the adverts. The joy, on the other hand, experienced Phuket’s mountains, beaches, and waters through YouTube and Google. Anh, Joy, and Ha Nguyen see the images and videos as authentic representation Phuket.
However, they do not hold a similar opinion on the “otherness” in Thailand. Tourism Report代写
The state of “otherness” define how tourists are received in a foreign country (Abascal, n.d). Anh, feel that being considered a tourist and treated differently is expected and hence normal. For instance, she is overcharging on prices of goods by a person being an outsider. However, she was optimistic that one could avoid exploitation and mistreatment just because of being a tourist. Joy holds the contrary opinion about the Thai people since she sees them as friendly, welcoming people.
She does not hold any reservation about visiting Phuket because she loves the experience created by the media adverts. But, she prefers to visit the area when it is not on holidays to avoid the traffic of people. Similarly, Ha Nguyan agreed with Joy about Asian people in general. She termed them friendly to tourists, and even if they identify them as different, they don’t discriminate or exploit them. The belief and feeling about otherness may affect how people perceive or consider visiting a particular tourist destination.
Generally, the destination profile represented by the magazine, brochure, and Facebook is used to influence the destination images held by the interviewees.
That is, media marketing is used to create destination images with the target group. However, the interviewees used online media as the source of their influence. The impact of each of the media is dependent on the focus of the videos and images used. For instance, Magazine may show various places in Thailand that tourist explores which is different from a brochure and online adverts, which shows pictures and films of particular scenic views. Media representation is an essential element in destination image creation in target groups.
Conclusion Tourism Report代写
The media presentation shapes the effects and feelings about a particular destination. The target group perception of Phuket was dependent on the images and videos found on Facebook, Instagram, Google, and YouTube. Thus, the destination profile created various media is transmitted to the target group as the destination image. The media creates a perceived authenticity in the mind of the target group. The belief about a particular destination is a variable of commercial sources, organic images, and modified information.
Abascal, T. (n.d). Lecture 9: Power of “otherness.”: People and Place. William Angliss Institute.
Blaer, M. (n.d). Lecture 7: Media-induced images: People and Place. William Angliss Institute.
Blaer, M. (n.d). Lecture 6: Destination image and identity: People and Place. William Angliss Institute.
Blaer, M. (n.d). Lecture 9: Performing authenticity: People and Place. William Angliss Institute.
Rajesh, R., (2013). Impact of tourist perceptions, destination image, and tourist satisfaction on destination loyalty: A Conceptual Model. Dept. Of Tourism Studies, 11(3), 67-78. Retrieved from
Chen, C.-C., Lai, Y.-H. R., Petrick, J. F., & Lin, Y.-H. (2016). Tourism between divided nations: An examination of stereotyping on destination image. Tourism Management, 55, 25-36.
Hahm, J., & Severt, K., (2018). Importance of destination marketing on image and familiarity. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 1(1), 37-53. doi: 10.1108/jhti-10-2017-0002
Kim, D., & Perdue, R. R., (2011). The influence of image on destination attractiveness. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 28(3), 225-239.
Picard, D., & Giovine, M. D., (2014). Tourism and the Power of Otherness: Seductions of Difference. Clevedon: Channel View Publications
Appendix Tourism Report代写
Appendix 1: Interviewee 1 (Thuy Ha Nguyen) Age: early 20 Female want to visit Phuket
Speaker 1 0:01
Hi, so today the interviews I want to interview you about the I tourism destinations which is Phuket. So, the first questions I want to ask you is, what does the word authenticity means to you?
Speaker 2 0:27
For me the word Authenticity is something.
Something unique, genuine, trust
Speaker 1 0:42
So you mean trustworthy? Okay, and so have you ever heard of Phuket before?
Speaker 2 0:50
Yes, I did.
Speaker 1 0:51
Um, have you ever been there?
Speaker 2
Um, no, I never.
Speaker 1
Okay, so how do you know about this Phuket? By my friend from a friend?
Speaker 2
Yeah, they visited there like, a lot of time.
Oh, and also by YouTube and the Google
Speaker 1 1:15 Tourism Report代写
what are the things that you found there like what are the activity like you’ve learned? You can do in Phuket?
Speaker 2 1:23
There are a lot of things to do in Phuket, like shopping and try the new thing like eat a lot of street food.
Speaker 1 1:35
So, when I asked you about Phuket, what is the first thing that comes to your mind, what was the first image?
Speaker 2 1:50
The first thing that comes into my mind is nature. They got beautiful beaches down there. It has many mountain and an Island called Phi Phi island Okay, it is the most beautiful place must visit down there.
Speaker 1 2:13
So to you. What type of tourists or destination place would you consider as authentic? How does it influence your feeling like your interest in the city? Does it make you want to go there? Or do you feel?
Speaker 2 2:44
I want to see the place down there with the fantastic trees, foods and the nature that they got from the mountains in 100 years there and the main thing everything is so cheap down there.
Speaker 1 2:58 Tourism Report代写
Okay, so on what sort of occasion would you go there?
Is it during holiday?
Speaker 2 3:07
during holiday
Speaker 1 3:08
holiday with your boyfriend?
Speaker 2 3:12
with friends and family
Speaker 1 3:13
Okay. So how many days would you spend there? Roughly?
Speaker 2 3:21
Maybe on six days
Speaker 1 3:32 Tourism Report代写
do you think it’s going be a an expensive or cheap on trips?
Speaker 2 3:43
I think it’s gonna be the cheap one. When we’re talking about the whole country, Thailand. Asian country is I mean, like everything cheaper than our country.
Speaker 1 3:59
what about the food? Do you think what kind of food you will have ? Have you do any research about a food?
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
So what sort of food like what is the main condition of Thailand? Food? traditional food?
Speaker 2 Tourism Report代写
Speaker 1
Okay, So regarding to Thailand? So what kind of people do you think they are? Like, what kind of people do you think? Are they friendly?
Speaker 2 4:40
I think Asian we are friendly, kind and polite to the tourists
Speaker 1 4:59
Do you think they would charge you extra just because you’re a tourist from other country?
Speaker 2 5:03
Yes, but not that much it
Speaker 1 5:05 Tourism Report代写
Okay. So when you go there?
Speaker 2 5:10
I would go during holiday
Speaker 1 5:13
Last question, do you think they will consider you as an outsider people like, you know the word otherness and its meaning? You are someone who from a different country. So they would treat you a differently? And so how, how, what do you think would be different from your country? That you can think of in terms of the culture, the life style, etc.
Speaker 2 5:40
A peaceful lifestyle I guess, I think the main thing is they not going think that im that much of a different since I’m an Asian as well. And my country tradition and culture is quite similar.
Speaker 1 5:48
So they mostly similar to your country?
Speaker 2
Speaker 1 Tourism Report代写
How about comparing to Australia?
Speaker 2 5:53
are very different.
Yeah, in my country when everyone don’t let other women to hold her hand. And I’ll show you they shake the hand.
Speaker 1 6:18
Ok. So that’s all that’s the question that I’m going to ask you today. Thank you for your time!
Appendix 2: Interviewee 2 (Chau Anh) Age: Early 20 Female Want to visit Phuket
Speaker 1 0:01
Today I’m going to interview you about the Phuket like about when your thought about images and stuff. of that place. So what does the word authenticity mean to you? Like, what is an authentic trip?
Speaker 2 0:15
To me is something real and not faking it by like, not artificial, like all by made by nature, like in I mean, in terms of tourism has to be like local, either locally made or like in terms of food and food. And if it’s really an attraction, it has to connect have a deep rooted connection with the culture it conscious made up, or it can’t just be being not like entirely connected to the destination that you have to feel like you had had to negative environment. production. Yeah.
Spear 1 Tourism Report代写
And so have you been to Phuket?
Speaker 2 1:03
I’ve never had the opportunity to go to Phuket but I really want to visit one
Speaker 1:08
Have you ever heard of it?
I did. Yeah.
Speaker 1
So how do you know about it? Like Is it beautiful? like how
Speaker 2 Tourism Report代写
yes 100% it is
mostly from Instagram travel like influence on Facebook and stuff yet and they like social media they do a lot of life they traveling at the same time they marketing for this nation. So that’s how I heard
Speaker 1 1:40
Yeah, okay, and so like so how does that information influence your feeling to it? Does it make you wanting to go there?
Speaker 2 1:51
Definitely. Definitely. I really want to go there. Especially I never travel alone before really wants to try and also wants to home you know, travel alone and meet strangers alone.
Speaker 1 2:04
on what sort of occasion?
Speaker 2 2:07 Tourism Report代写
you know it is like simple trips. It’s like I read a list of you have to do one before you die and it said travel alone. So I think travel alone is a good idea I never traveled before was would be worth a shot.
Speaker 1 2:26
when I asked you about Phuket so what is the first things that come to your mind, the first images?
Speaker 2 2:34
it is really like it is stunning the coastal city with like the water is so clear that you can even see the sun underneath you and that’s how like how beautiful it is and how much effort they actually put in to protect the beach because some other pitches in Vietnam they they don’t have any policy or anything in there like development plan on whatsoever so that people just keep throwing things around like we’re there people just littering on like on the on the surface and actually created really bad impression. But look at here and you all you can see just like really clear water but after, like behind that there’s a lot of work and a lot of effort to put into keep it clean. So that’s another thing that I really worth appreciate.
Speaker 1 3:28
so based on what kind of activity do you think like, people can do there?
Speaker 1 3:38 Tourism Report代写
Canoeing or traveling on boat. Yeah, on a cruise. Oh, maybe not on a cruise. Because I’ve never seen a cruise but yet relating to like water activity. Yeah, because I heard there is a beautiful sunset there is Oh, yeah. Yeah,
Speaker 1 3:57
when you go there, you might want to relax.
Speaker 2
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I actually like watching Sunset on the beach.
Speaker 1
So yeah, it’s like top list of mine.
Speaker 2
Yeah, top of the list. And so
Speaker 1 4:09
how about the food?
You ever thought about?
Speaker 2 4:16 Tourism Report代写
Never had of the food before. But the general impression of Thailand Thai food is really spicy in hot and sour. Yeah.
So that is the general impression and ever Thai Thai food before though.
Speaker 1 4:37
when, when we go on the trip and start off we consider like, whether it’s cheap, some more expensive. So based on your opinion, do you think it’s going to be like? Because for some countries you go, they tend to like charge tourists extra Yeah?
Speaker 2 4:58
that’s, that’s something that you can avoid. It happens everywhere with you know, when people know that these people are the tourist I’m making like, charged extra like chipboard a boat is totally normal in every country. Yeah. It’s something that you should expect, actually. But the thing is that you can also avoid or eliminated by you have a local like, guide to actually like go like take you to places or you can make friends who are locals. They can introduce us. Yeah, yeah. So there’s a lot of ways to like, save money on that, sir. Yeah, I don’t think that should be a problem.
Speaker 1
How many days would you want to stay there?
Speaker 2 5:41 Tourism Report代写
I love beaches. Those I think two weeks should be okay. Or maybe two weeks. Yeah, I can spend I can even spend my whole life there. Actually, we should do this. I just want you what I work that I would like I just going to apply for a job in a hole in a resort and take all the advantages of working in a hotel is pretty nice.
Speaker 1 6:11
good idea. has another question is about the otherness which is like what do you think like, it would be different from your country? like of course in Vietnam, their beaches as well Yeah? And so by comparing those two beaches, like you said before comparing that like a good environment, the food not so clean. So what are the things that you think you know, be different in terms of maybe of culture or life style?
Speaker 2 6:52
Like so what I know because we all like basically agent and we in no way or another we still have a lot of similarities. I never been there before so can’t really actually tell you what the differences are but I saw a lot of similarities the biggest they actually that it looks like a lot it really looks alike with the with the Harlem by Yeah, it looks so much alike that I even thought and when someone do a video is about it. And we know about Phuket and even today
And it’s how amazing it is. It just, it just looks so familiar. It looks just love service of similar. Yeah, we have exactly the same kind of progress and kind of like, trees day and I get confused with this one to Phi Phi Island.
Speaker 1 8:02
And also in terms of like, the way people treating the other Do you think like?
Speaker 1 8:11 Tourism Report代写
they’re going to be like, friendly or so?
Speaker 2 8:15
I expect Thai people to be friendly Muslim are really friendly. Because some people are my world. They’re friendly. So of course, I expect to be there.
Speaker 1
I think people from different countries tend to have their own you know? Yeah, tourism stuff. Like in China, they tend to be more they don’t speak English and stuff. And they you know, Oh, nice friendly. Yeah.
Speaker 2 8:48
Well, it’s the point is that we’re not in their shoes so we don’t know what they actually there. Maybe in the Chinese country they don’t. They don’t like tourists. Because it’s already crowded enough and then they don’t want more people to like, you know, take the space, even if it is tourists, but here I think can’t really tell actually but never heard of like bad reviews about the people they ever so I think it should be good. okay for you to turn off
Speaker 1
Ok these are all the questions I am going to ask you and thank you very for your time.
Appendix 3: Interviewee 3 (Le Joy) Age: Early 20 Female want to visit Phuket Tourism Report代写
Speaker 1 0:05
So, the interview is about 15 minutes.
the interview is about going to be about your images.Your opinion about the destination that I’ve been doing your research on which is spoken. So let’s start with the first question. So what does authentic the word authentic mean to you? Like what is an authentic tourism destination? Would you consider?
Speaker 2 0:39
I think it is about something unique and authentic
Authentic tourist destination is for me is like, what? The unique the destination has so too, for you to remember after you finish visit that destination and they’re like you will tell to your friend. And they’re like when you remember about that? That determination. So it’s come to your mind first. Yeah, when you think about that destination. Okay,
Speaker 1 1:16
so have you ever been to Phuket? or heard of it before?
Speaker 2 1:21 Tourism Report代写
I never been to book it. But my friend did. And then they talked to me about a lot of Singapore cricket. And that is what some other advertisement on Facebook more like YouTube as well.
Speaker 1 1:36
So what sort of advertisement?
Speaker 2
and I did put just information and some images. Yeah, some images. And they’re like, is the most of them is about the resort things. Yeah. So they Yeah, they have some image about the book as well. Yeah, yeah. But most of them is about just the resort room or what kind of beer they have. Okay,
Speaker 1 2:01
so through those like based on those information, so how does it influence your feeling toward the place I would you want to go there like and stuff like that? Yeah.
Speaker 2 2:12
Because like, though information is to really catch me so I really want to go off the I heard the by my friend and I after I watched that advertisement because like yeah, and that I want to go there with my friends or family because they Yeah, it’s good for you to go there for a vacation to chill out. Yeah, for relaxing.
Speaker 1 2:40
So when asked you about two kids, what is the first things that come to your mind? Like the first image?
Speaker 2 2:48 Tourism Report代写
is a islands which have like mountains as well. And it’s have like crystal good. Water, beautiful beaches and resource as well. Yeah. So a lot of activity comes to your mind. I can do that. When I go there, like I’m going to go diving. Yeah, and seeing like a lot of different creature in under the sea and then some surfing. Cheer off like on the page. And then like see sunrise or sunset? Because like, yeah, I think when I go there, is there the place very beautiful.
Speaker 1
So that is suitable for you to like, see the sunrise or sunset? Yeah, it’s a bit your family?
Speaker 2
Yeah, we your family, your friend.
Speaker 1 3:44
And so what sort of food do you expect?
Speaker 2 3:55
Because like, I been to Thailand before so like, I think we can have similar quite similar of food. Such like, seafood.
Speaker 1 4:15 Tourism Report代写
So how many days would you spend?
Speaker 2 4:27
I think I would stay there for about five days. Because like, I see the advertisements is like that the iPhone is also like, close to do the ice one. So you can go there. Go to the other island by taxi is only take about half an hour as There are some features explore, like, between Phuket.
Speaker 1 5:00
do you think it’s going to be an expensive?
Speaker 2 5:04
I’m not sure. But it’s depends. I think it’s different. It depends on you. Like if you stay in a luxury hotel is gonna be expensive. But for me, like it’s not that expensive. So urges the Yeah, just the average. And so a lot of people there but talking about expensive. some people they tend to charge the tourists and some people like the local they don’t tend to be funny.
Speaker 1 5:36
What do you think?
Speaker 2 5:37 Tourism Report代写
I don’t know about this island. But for me, like, I tell you, I’ve been to Thailand before basically in Bangkok. So that the people is very friendly.
Speaker 1 5:48
They eventhough like we are for foreigners? they not? they not have extra cost for first.
Like Yeah, so like, I really love the people in Thailand. So yeah very friendly. And very polite.
Speaker 1 6:23
On what occasion? Would you rather go to the place during holidays or during holidays? Both?
Speaker 2 6:39
If I go in holiday, maybe like it’s very crowded. Yeah. And then like, yeah, very noisy. So I refer like, not not in the Yeah. busy time. So just between? Maybe Yeah, in June July.
Speaker 1 7:05
Why? Because it’s
Speaker 2 7:06 Tourism Report代写
like less people’s going on Yeah. So.
Speaker 1 7:10
So from all of this, what kind of tourists do you think would travel to the place more? Like, what type are tourist do think would go there?
Speaker 2 7:24
I think is Unknown Speaker 7:27
couples is more like a couple. Yeah. More like couples and then some success. Yeah. could have a census. And then families are like young, young people.Because like they want to travel. So yeah, young. Yeah. And then between your age, right, yeah. Yeah, fall at my age. Well, like 18 to 25. I like to look younger, so I’mncomparing to the
Speaker 1 8:05
just like in Vietnam. in your country, there’s also beach so comparing to your country what the different.? Of course, in your country, there’s also beautiful beaches and stuff is all right. Yeah. And comparing to that, like, just in your opinion, what would you find like this comparative to this book and the country, what would you find is the difference between there between that place like, yeah,
Speaker 1 8:51 Tourism Report代写
the first differences is probably the environment is like, I will, like if I go to protest, like, I will have like, different environment and different cultures. So I have, I will meet like, different people like not enemies, like Yeah.about culture. Yeah, pop culture.
So what was that different, like the sense of otherness, you know? Me? Like what would you find?
It’s different. You’ve been to Thailand, so it should be similar. I Yeah. Like the Way Thai people treat to tourists is more polite and more friendly to personally Yeah, for me, I think. Like Yeah,
Speaker 1 are they more friendly and polite then in Vietnam?
Vietnamese people. So yeah, because what I’ve been to some pictures in Vietnam and they’re like, because they know us live from the other part of benign so like they’re not really friendly and operating polite. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it’s true. And like in public holiday or any less special holiday they will charge the price extra even though like we are with the means as well like to rise really high in like high that into higher than higher, like two times or three times. Yeah. I about the the view, of course will be different.
Speaker 1 10:35
And what sort of activity you think what do you think is will be different or more similar?
Speaker 2
For me? Yeah.
Speaker 1 10:49
Okay, so.
So that’s all for today. Thank you for your time. Thank you.