Organic System Plan template
有机农业代写 Provide a brief summary of your organic operation, including:List ALL crops planned for your farm, and specify the ONE crop …
I.General Description
Provide a brief summary of your organic operation, including:
All crops:
Crop considered in this project:
Among pepper, potato, tomato, and collard that planted in the farm, collard is the plant our group cultivates. During the transition from summer to winter, the appliance of greenhouse allows greater yields for our plant, as it extends the growing seasons of collard and reduces the use of pesticides. I would have my target group to small restaurants, as the amount of production is limited, yet the organicity is guaranteed. However, as all the crops product are organic, this would be my advantage to compete. Moreover, pesticide may not be applied, all insects will be lifted manually to stay chemical free. However, only half of the land is growing very well, as my observation, there are too much sunshine in the other side, so my group is trying to water more on this half and cover the other side,
II.LandRequirements 有机农业代写
- Whendid you begin managing this land?
Aug 2019
- Whatwas the date of last use of prohibited materials?
r Not applicable; no prohibited materials applied
- Whatis your estimated harvest date (month/year) of a certified organic crop from this land?
Dec 2019
- Briefly describe,howthis land has been managed for the past three years:
- cropsgrown:
-all organic
-crop are watched every weekday
-monitoring the insects in the farm and remove the caterpillars is found
- if no crops, fallowor pasture? __Yes __No
- If organically managed, was the farm certified prior to your ownership? __Yes__No
Map (§ 205.202(c)) 有机农业代写 |
Paste an aerial map here including the following annotations:
Number of acres Field name(s)/number(s) (if individual fields are managed differently North arrow Adjoining land use Water source Slope, direction of drainage Buffers
Boundaries, Adjacent Land Use and Buffer Areas (§ 205.202(c)) 有机农业代写 |
Describe the measures you take (management practices, communications and/or physical barriers) to prevent contamination
by prohibited materials that may be applied to adjacent land.
As the farm is adjacent to another farm which belongs to UD, and I am not sure whether the other land may contaminate our field thus we would be trying those land by making a buffer region to block the contaminations. However, as our crops are growing inside the greenhouse, I would not be concerning contaminations from outside in the air. |
Specify the width and composition (crops, tree, shrub, ground cover) of buffer areas that you maintain on your organic land to protect crops from contamination.
Within the greenhouse, there are peppers, watermelon, tomatoes. They are all managed by UD. Besides, there is the UD cows’ home. Yet, as they are all organic, and chemical free, there would not be such contamination to contaminate the field. |
III Goals. In accordance with the definition of organic farming, briefly describe how you will achieve the following goals: |
a. Conserve soil; improve soil condition; prevent soil erosion
During watering, we control the amount of water used. And I am adding rocks to the soil to prevent erosion. |
b. Prevent water contamination by plant nutrients; protect water quality.
The water source we used is provided by UD, as I tested, the pH is around 7.6 and contains Ca+ slightly
b. Conserve water
we irrigate the crops manually. But we are considering changing it to drip tape irrigation system as Drip tape is a cheap but effective way to water. |
c. Conserve biodiversity (soil organisms, pollinators, natural enemies of pests, predators, native habitat, vegetation and wildlife).
As the corps are cultivates in the greenhouse, there would not be too much insects or bees
IV.SeedandPlanting Stock 有机农业代写
Check what you use or plan to use to propagate your main crop:
r certified organic seed, purchased
r certified organic seed, saved on farm (requires records)
r certified organic planting stock (e.g. seed potatoes, sweet potato slips, garlic, strawberry crowns)
Any seed or planting stock treatments (inoculants, coatings, disinfectants, coatings)? If so, list:
Thing to get in the future.
- ortho ground clear weed & grass killer
- TeraGanix EM-1 Microbial Inoculant Soil Conditioner Concentrate
- Greenshield Algaecide
- Bonide Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Pest Killer
V.SoilManagementand Crop Rotation 有机农业代写
- Indicate themajor components of your soil-building/crop nutrient management plan:
crop rotation incorporation of crop residue green manures
cover crops compost manure
mined lime mulch soil inoculant
fertilizer materials or blends biodynamic preparations
- Describe your crop rotation by listing the sequence and frequency of crops and cover cr For perennial crops, indicate how you manage your row middles (ground cover, fallow, surface tillage, etc) and how you control weeds within the rows.
Vegetable and Small Fruit Rotation: Brassica family vegetables—fall-planted strawberries (1-2 years’ harvest, depending on weather and condition of plants)—winter cover crop—warm season vegetables—winter cover crop—cut flowers— cover crop.
Apple orchard —sod middles with winter legume cover crops overseeded; mowed as needed. Clippings blown into tree rows to suppress weeds; mulch applied in 2 ft strip in rows. Mechanical weed control as needed.
Collard: Cen be planted them in spring and fall, and it is one of the most cold-hardy of all vegetables.
They need fertile, well-drained soil with a soil pH of 6.5 to 6.8 to discourage clubroot disease.
keep the garden clean. Insects that like collards include cabbage loopers, slugs, imported cabbageworms, cabbage root maggots, aphids, and flea beetles. Disease problems include black leg, black rot, clubroot, and yellows. To prevent diseases from building up in the soil, don’t plant collards or other cole crops in the same spot each year. Rotate with a non-cole crop for 2 years before returning to the same spot. In addition,
mechanical weed control as needed.
VI.Pest,Diseaseand Weed Management & Monitoring 有机农业代写
- List the three most damaging INSECT PESTS of your main crop and how you will control each.
Insect | Control (consider biological, mechanical, cultural and chemical controls) |
- List the three most damaging DISEASES of your main crop and how you will control each.
Disease | Control (consider biological, mechanical, cultural and chemical controls) |
- List the main measures you will use to control WEEDS in your main crop and how you will control each.
Consider biological, mechanical, cultural and chemical controls |
VII. Materials List |
List all materials you plan to use, including: fertilizers, compost, manure; pest / disease / weed management chemicals; crop production aids, or any other materials applied to soil, crops, water, facilities or stored products.
Product Name or Type of Product (e.g. poultry manure) (be specific) | Manufacturer or Raw Material Supplier | Use / Type of Product | Third Party Verification** |
Example: Dipel DF | Valent Biosciences Corp. | Bt – insecticide for caterpillars | OMRI listed 2011 |
**Allowability of Materials may be established by an EPA “For Organic Production” label, by the brand name listed on the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) or Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) List, or a list maintained or recognized by your certifier. If the materials do not appear on one of these lists, you must obtain approval from your certifier by submitting a label or other documentation from the manufacturer that discloses all ingredients.
VIII. Greenhouse Crop Production 有机农业代写
Complete this form ONLY if you produce seedlings, transplants, or crops in a greenhouse, hoophouse, coldframe, or high tunnel.
Please describe your greenhouse structure type(s). Check all that apply.
Hoop house Cold frame
r Greenhouse (or high tunnel) Other
If crops are NOT grown in soil, list the potting soil or planting mix and its components:
Identify the type of system and your water source:
IX.CompostandManure Use and/or Production
Complete this form ONLY if you use manure or compost
- Doyou use manure from your own farming operation? If “YES” describe how your use of manure is compliant with NOP standards with respect to time of application and composting/heating.
- Ifyou use off-farm manure, describe its source(s) and livestock type and production practices (e.g. from caged layers, dairy barn cleanout and bedding, etc.):
Compost 有机农业代写
- If youpurchase compost, list the brand name and composition
- If youproduce compost, list all ingredients including feedstocks, minerals, inoculants,
- Ifyou produce compost that contains manure or other animal materials, describe your composting methods including temperatures reached, timelines for production, whether in-vessel, static pile, or windrow, and aeration methods.
Complete this form ONLY if you engage in postharvest handling and processing of your crop (i.e., if you simply harvest the crop and sell it in raw form, you can skip this form).
- Briefly describethe post-harvest handling you do (e.g., grading, packing, washing, drying, cleaning, culling, curing, hydrocooling)
- Describehow you clean your post-harvest handling area including any food contact
- Listall cleaning materials you use
- Listpotential pest problems, including flying or crawling insects, rodents, birds, etc., that you anticipate in your post-harvest handling facility and how you plan to control the