American Indians
Questions and Answers
American Indians代写 Indians were forced away from Georgia, Florida and Mississippi to the present-day Oklahoma.Questions and Answers
1. American Indians代写
Who (both elected leaders and others) in the U.S. pushed for the Removal and Reservation policies in the early to mid-1800s?
President Andrew Jackson was key in the push for Indian Removal in 1980s. Indians were forced away from Georgia, Florida and Mississippi to the present-day Oklahoma. They were removed after the Indian Removal Act in May 1830. However, there were other elected leaders other than Jackson who pushed for eviction of Indians. President John Quincy Adams was aware of the evacuation, but he did nothing to stop it because he believed the Native Americans were not supposed to occupy the land, and they should peacefully surrender the land to white settlers.American Indians代写**格式
Also, before Jackson became the president, he was a distinguished champion of white settlers against American Indians and participated in the First Seminole War under President James Monroe. Thus, though Monroe did not join, the threat to the Native Americans happened under his watch. He had the authority to make treaty that will stop Jackson from tampering with land that belonged to Indians. The Indian Removal Act of 1890 was forcefully enacted even after Cherokee was declared a sovereign nation under federal government.American Indians代写**格式

A few years after Jackson succeeded, forceful eviction of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Creeks was conducted. It is was in 1938 when president Martin Van Buren further pushed Cherokee to the Indian territory in the plains, an exodus that was nicknamed trail of tears. It was followed by the Indian Appropriation Act that sought to create Indian Reservation land with the aim of trying to assimilate them to mainstream America. This never worked but further disintegrated them, impoverish them, and diminish their culture.
2. American Indians代写
What was the underlying goal behind the Indian Removal Act?
The Indian Removal Act was signed by President Andrew Jackson to allow him grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders. The Act advanced his goals increasing white settlers land and ending antiquate culture that was practiced by Native Americans.
3. American Indians代写
What was the supposed goal of the Dawes Act, which ended recognition for American Indian tribes as sovereign nations, and did it work?
The Dawes Act goals included;
- End the communal ownership of land
- Assimilate the natives to the mainstream American society
- Reduce Native Americans state of poverty
- Help them practice their culture
However, Dawes Act failed and ended up hurting the Native Indians even more as the land further decreased as more nonnatives took over their land. It also disintegrated the close social bonds of life in tribal communities. Those who had accepted the allotments lost them to swindlers.American Indians代写**格式

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