Bullying Satire
Bullying代写 As a student who enjoys picking on my classmates who cannot defend themselves I find asking myself why schools cannot say “yes” to bullying.
As a student who enjoys picking on my classmates who cannot defend themselves I find asking myself why schools cannot say “yes” to bullying. Bullying is good for teachers, students, class and everyone in this world. Bullying creates a win-win situation whether you are the bully or the victim. As such, there are various reasons why bullying is good. Thus instead of teachers saying bullying is bad, they should say that we should bully but not everyone but those who need the bullying.
One thing is certain, those who oppose bullying do not see the benefit side of it. Bullying代写
If I do not pick on my classmates who else will? It gives pleasure to see another student lamenting or angry and makes me feel superior. There are those students who need to be kick-started for them to be active in school. Most students keep quiet about being bullied. Well, they see it as part of life. Bullying代写**成品
Without bullying the school would be boring for the teachers and the students. What would students do in their spare time after lectures? Teachers may give students more work, but students will always have that time for fun. And bullying is part of fun making and part of life too. Even in jail, you get bullied. So students have to get used to it.

When a person bullies you why fight back? Students need more fights in school and after school. Bullying代写
The reason why student fight back is to prove they are not weak. Fights lead to suspension from school. It makes sense though. Students fight then get suspended. Both the bully and victim are not in school! Classes get better with a few teachable students. It is easier to teach fewer students.
The last reason why I support bullying is that it makes students stronger. Bullying代写
Like the saying, “whatever does not kill it makes you stronger?” The quote support school bullying. The bullying does not kill but makes both the bully and the victim stronger. The world wants strong people who can withstand real challenges in life. It is the law of nature; that the stronger leads the weak. Everyone wants to be stronger to lead. The same law applies to the army, the strongest, smartest, and the intimidating gets the lead. So why not say yes to bullying?

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