Sewage Management Proposal for Port-Au-Prince
Sewage Management Proposal for Port-Au-Prince
环境学论文代写 There is a global outcry on the level of pollution which has contaminated the natural ecosystem and sewage is one of them.
There is a global outcry on the level of pollution which has contaminated the natural ecosystem and sewage is one of them. Globally, waste disposal has brought major environmental concerns which need immediate interventions to salvage the worsening climatic conditions. Research has shown that sewage sludge is a concoction of different chemicals which are harmful to living things especially people, animals, and plants. When these wastes are released to the open, it ends up in the lands and water bodies causing a non-biodegradability effect in the ecosystem (Saad, Massoud, Amer & Ghorab, 2017). In this regard, safe sewage disposal has been a significant concern on Port Au Prince as it is in other major cities. As such, there is a need for intervention to save the condition before things get out of control.
Therefore, Royal Enterprises has tried to come up with the solution to the sewage menace in the city of Port Au Prince. 环境学论文代写
The city does not have a functional sewage system making it filthy with littered sludge and wastes in the street. All the city wastes are disposed of carelessly and left out to litter the street with all kinds of substance. This phenomenon has posted a biohazard to the residents and visitors as well as to the general environment of the city. As such, as the company stakeholders, we are prompted to act to reverse this trend. That why we are writing this proposal requesting for funding of this noble project which aims to save our city and reduce pollution as well.
Royal Enterprises is a medium enterprise operating from the heart of the city. We deal with general supplies in construction and plumbing industry. The company has been operational for the last ten years and has undertaken various projects from construction to water installation services in the city. We also hold that we have a special interest in this project considering we a directly being affected by the poor environment we are operating on.
Methods 环境学论文代写
The program is wholly voluntary with few miscellaneous costs to cover allowance, transport, equipment, food, and refreshments as well as specialized skills. For the project to be completed, it needs more than 150 volunteers daily. And the number may be more or less depending on location in the city and the activities of the day. The work will involve digging of trenches, cleaning up of the city, loading the trash carriers. And installation of the sewage system among others. We anticipate that for the completion of the whole project need approximately $200,000. Below is the breakdown of the anticipated budget and how we intend to spend.
i. The program will spend 10 percent of the budget to pay for foods and refreshments as well as transport allowances for the volunteers.
ii. The 50 percent of the fund will be used to procure the equipment that will be needed for the project.
iii. The 30 percent will be used to pay for recycling activities that are people turning in the recyclable goods, their transportation, and storage.
iv. The remaining 10 percent will be kept for contingencies in the period of the project.
Staff 环境学论文代写
Although the project is voluntary and most of the people whom we intend to engage will be made aware. Some jobs will require specialized skills which we need to source through temporary placements. Such jobs like engineers, truck drivers, and operators are rear to get on voluntary basis requiring us to source them.
Project Timeline
As we intend to initiate this project, we expect that after the first phase of cleaning up and installation of the system and management. It will be continuous under the control of the city council of Port Au Prince. Due to the complexity of the logistics in the city, we have a plan of the whole city where we divide it into 20 sections which will be used to guide the whole program. Each of these sections will need 30 days for completion of the sewage management system.
Evaluation 环境学论文代写
Looking forward, after the completion of the project we need to evaluate the progress the city has made. Clean up, installation, and management of the sewage being our mission, we need to measure our results using the existing metrics by comparing it with the best clean cities in America. In this regard, therefore, the program has to move on by ensuring the city council plays it roles in ensuring the city remain clean and also continue to improve the standards of the system.
More importantly, we need to change the culture of the city of Port Au Price by sensitizing people on the need to keep the environment clean as well as teach them how to be a responsible citizen. As a way of installing discipline in the city, we will also request for measures, regulations. And legislation to keep people in check in their efforts to keep the city clean.
Below are some of the evaluation considerations for the success of the project.

i. The sewage system is installed and running to the expectations
ii. The management of the system is also put in place and efficient
iii. The awareness has been created to the city residents on the new measures to keep the city clean
iv. Create sensitization on the proper methods of waste disposal
v. Does the system provide for recycling option?
vi. How is the continuity of the program?
By answering to the above questions, we will be able to measure the success of the project. Moreover, the continuity and sustainability of the project is key in ensuring the city of Port Au Prince remain clean. In the assurance of this, the project has to be taken over by the community organizations and the city council. The two will work on maintenance and upgrades.
Conclusion 环境学论文代写
To sum up, environmental conservation is our responsibility as human beings. We have a role to play in averting the global climatic changes by coming up with such programs which endeavor to keep our surrounding free from pollutants. Sewage being one of the contributors to the contamination of nature needs thorough sanitization, management, and treatment before it is released.
Beside sewage management, other wastes management have to be installed such as collection of garbage, recycling, and more sewage treatment points. It is also observed that, the use of plastic bags and bottles cause clogging of sewage system can lead to leakages. Therefore, one of the measures, the authority needs to create a law which will control their use. As this proposal only intend to cover Port Au Prince, more such initiatives are needed in other cities.
References 环境学论文代写
Saad, A., Massoud, M., Amer, R., & Ghorab, M. (2017). Assessment of the physico-chemical characteristics and water quality analysis of Mariout Lake, Southern of Alexandria, Egypt. Journal Of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, 07(01). DOI: 10.4172/2161-0525.1000421
环境学论文代写 全球对污染程度的强烈抗议已经污染了自然生态系统,污水就是其中之一。
因此,皇家企业集团(Royal Enterprises)试图想出解决太子港市污水威胁的解决方案。环境学论文代写
方法 环境学论文代写
员工 环境学论文代写
评估 环境学论文代写
更重要的是,我们需要通过使人们意识到保持环境清洁的必要性,并教导他们如何成为负责任的公民,来改变Au Price港城市的文化。作为在城市中建立纪律的一种方式,我们还将要求采取措施,法规。并通过立法来阻止人们检查保持城市清洁的努力。
References 环境学论文代写
Saad, A., Massoud, M., Amer, R., & Ghorab, M. (2017). Assessment of the physico-chemical characteristics and water quality analysis of Mariout Lake, Southern of Alexandria, Egypt. Journal Of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, 07(01). DOI: 10.4172/2161-0525.1000421