Media Analysis Casino Royale


电影分析代写 The clip “A house up the beach” is a scene of a movie called Casino Royale stared by James Bond released in 2006…

The clip “A house up the beach” is a scene of a movie called Casino Royale stared by James Bond released in 2006. It was directed by Martin Campbell and produced by Daniel Craig as James Bond. The virility of Bond is not only obvious on how he is accustomed to interaction and conquest with his girls and his villain but also the simulation of the body and cognition. The video editing and cameral movements created a physique that vividly dominates, competitive and confident.

译文:片段“海滩上的房子”是詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)于2006年发行的一部名为Casino Royale的电影的场景。该电影由马丁·坎贝尔(Martin Campbell)导演,丹尼尔·克雷格(Daniel Craig)饰演詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)。邦德的活泼性不仅在他习惯于与他的女孩和小人互动和征服的方式上很明显,而且在身体和认知的模拟上也很明显。视频编辑和摄影动作创造了一种体格鲜明的形象,生动活泼,富有竞争性和自信。

The macho identities of Bond are emphasized by the meticulous utilization of heterogenous filming. The film revealed masculinity by the use of various camera movements, color contrasts, setting, and costumes. This media analysis paper identifies two perspectives of masculinity including Craig’s physique, seduction, and calmness in the moral dilemma, as depicted by various elements of the clip. There are various elements of filming making in the clip including still shots, alternate shots, costumes and makeups, lighting, body language among others. The scene “A house up the beach / ‘Solange’” has been shot on a hand-held camera to create a connection between the audience and the characters and storyline.


When Craig entered the hotel reception room, the shots were still and alternating between the receptionist and Craig. The lighting is bright and white depicting a relaxed atmosphere of a hotel building. Shots for stare moments are raw, unfiltered, and untethered to show the masculinity nature of Bond. The still shots that show Craig’s angular handsome face and stare portray his seducing nature, confidence, charisma, and effectiveness. The same elements are used when he is at the beach. These media elements have helped the audience in creating the image of an exotic male.


Muscular body as masculinity

The machismo of Craig in the clip is amplified by his masculine physique and appearance. According to Rutherford (2007), there is a correlation between Craig virility and his icy stares and carved face. The idea of masculinity is reinformed by recurring visualization of Craig’s brawn as explained by Tremonte and Racioppi (2009). The clip highlight scenes of physical attractiveness and strength and hence depict them as a measure of virility. One notable scene is when Craig emerges from the beach in Bahama Island. The first close-up shorts of his head introduce his presence. The clear definition of his ragged and good appearance amplifies his posture.

肌肉发达的男子气概 电影分析代写

译文:剪辑中的克雷格(Craig)的男子气概被其男性体格和外表所放大。根据卢瑟福(Rutherford,2007)的说法,克雷格(Craig)的活力与他冰冷的凝视和雕刻的面孔之间存在相关性。特雷蒙特和拉西奥皮(Tremonte and Racioppi)(2009)的解释是,通过反复出现克雷格(Craig)的肌肉形象,男性化了男性气概。该剪辑突出显示了身体吸引力和力量的场景,因此将它们描绘为一种充满活力的度量。一个值得注意的场景是克雷格(Craig)从巴哈马岛的海滩浮出水面。他头上的第一个特写短裤介绍了他的身影。他衣衫and,外表美观的清晰定义增强了他的姿势。

Subsequently, the medium shots exemplified a strong masculine physique that is admirable and competitive. The preeminent sense of Craig is achieved by positioning him at a focal point by the use of a static camera. The immobility of the camera as Craig approaches it, portrays homogeneity of Craig’s sinewy. This is with normative Hollywood superior masculinity. The audience can scrutinize Craig’s appearance through the stationary camera and hence able to discern it for a hero or a criminal.

The medium shots on Bond’s torso predict the public perception of him as a spectator figure that exudes excitement. In this case, Bond is adorned with erotic objectification. In contrast to villains such as Dimitrio, Bond’s appearance is dominant and competitive. The authority comes by juxtaposing his body with other male counterparts. The presentation of Dimitrio as an ordinary configuration of a man gives the Bond the exemptional athletic physique.

译文:随后,中等射击表现出令人钦佩和有竞争力的强壮男性体质。克雷格(Craig)的卓越感是通过使用静态相机将他定位在焦点上来实现的。克雷格(Craig)接近相机时,相机的静止状态描绘了克雷格(Craig)挑剔的同质性。这是好莱坞规范的男性气概。观众可以通过固定的摄像头检查克雷格的外表,从而可以区分英雄或罪犯。 电影分析代写


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Seduction and masculinity 

There are many beautiful females in the film is a perfect way to enhance the masculinity of Bond. These girls are portrayed as cosmopolitan and knowledgeable with attractive bodies (Neuendorf et al., 2007). In the Casino Royale, there was sensuality between Bond and Solange the wife of Dimitrio and Vesper Lynd. There is a consolidation of Bond’s machismo, from his accepted, effective and efficient seduction that exhibits male dominance confidence in establishing relationships.

The clip uses a technique of point-of-view shots to notify the audience of a sexually appealing female. According to Hoxha (2011), concurrent long shot and medium shots try to explain the atmosphere and the distance between the actors and also help in understanding the body shapes and erotic appearance of female actors. The use of heterogenous shots presents Bonds’s sexual charisma that exudes from his obvious virility. There is a panning shot that depicts romance or sexual enticement between Bonds and Dimitrio’s wife.

诱惑和阳刚之气 电影分析代写



The shot-reverse-shot unveils the Bond eye contact with Solange.

The scene alerts the audience of the existence of sexual enticement or a lascivious urge between the two. The confidence and charisma of Bond contribute to his directness and frankness in the enticement game. As such, the use of cinematography in the clip contributes to the audience’s orientation and visualization of Bond’s successful sexual advances.

Overall, the clip has successfully used the various elements to create ideal masculine characters and features. It has concentrated on the body and hence shifts from the contemporary portrayal of a hero. The clip has deviated from internal masculinity such as intelligence and emotional detachment to physical masculinity that is predominantly based on body strength. The use of various media elements in the clip has redefined the character of a male. The heterogenous shots of the male stare at the reception define the type of confidence and charisma one should have especially when talking to a lady.



总体而言,该剪辑成功地使用了各种元素来创建理想的男性角色和特征。它集中在身体上,因此偏离了当代英雄的写照。该剪辑已从内部男性气质(例如智力和情感分离)偏离到主要基于身体强度的物理男性气质。剪辑中各种媒体元素的使用重新定义了男性角色。接待处男性凝视的异类镜头确定了人们的信心和魅力,尤其是在与女士交谈时。 电影分析代写

Craig stare is not only seductive but also confident and effective.

The following scene in the beach connotes how a male frame should look. Craig is strong with a curved body that attracts the attention of Dimitrio’s wife Solange. The scenes set a bar high on the expectation of a man’s physique. In summary, the distinctive techniques of shots, movement of camera and sound in Casino Royale has successfully engaged the audience into the world of James Bonds as well as get other perspectives of defining and understanding masculinity.

David Craig exudes virility through a wide range of physical and psychological challenges. They create a new definition of not only being a man but also a brave, confident and charismatic man. Thus, the clip is engaging and fascinating to the audience and want to identify with Craig’s singlehood life, sexual escapades, and adventurous life.

克雷格(Craig)凝视着不仅诱人,而且自信和有效。 电影分析代写

译文:海滩中的以下场景暗示了男性镜框的外观。 克雷格(Craig)坚强,弯曲的身体吸引了迪米特里奥(Dimitrio)的妻子索兰吉(Solange)的注意。 这些场面对人们的体格期望值设置了很高的标准。 总之,皇家赌场中独特的拍摄,摄影机和声音的移动技巧已经成功地将观众吸引到了詹姆斯·邦兹的世界中,并获得了其他定义和理解男性气质的观点。电影分析代写

大卫·克雷格(David Craig)通过各种各样的生理和心理挑战散发着活力。 他们创造了一个新的定义,不仅是一个男人,而且是一个勇敢,自信和有魅力的男人。 因此,剪辑片段吸引了观众,并吸引了他们,他们想与克雷格的单身生活,性生活和冒险生活区分开来。


Hoxha, T. M. (2011). The Masculinity of James Bond: Sexism, Misogyny, Racism, and

the Female Character. In James Bond in World and Popular Culture: The Films

are Not Enough (2nd ed., pp. 193-205). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge

Scholar Publishing

Neuendorf, K. A., Gore, T. D., Janstova, P., & Snyder-Suhy, S. (2007). “Bond Girls,”

Shaken and Stirred: A Content Analysis of James Bond Films. The National

Communication Association, 1-37

Rutherford, P. (2007). A world made sexy: Freud to Madonna. Toronto: University of

Toronto Press

Tremonte, C. M., & Racioppi, L. (2009). Body Politics and Casino Royale: gender and

(inter)national security. In the James Bond phenomenon (2nd ed., pp. 184-201).

Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press.