Clinical Field Experience B: Science and Health Pre-Assessment
Science and Health代写 Self-efficacy Assessment – The unit measures the perceived student’s ability to master the given attainments.
Part 1: Pre-Assessment and Implementation
Grade level of mentor class: Grade 8 Standards being taught in mentor class:The ability of the Student to inquire for more science and health understanding and knowledge. It is knowing and understanding scientific facts, concepts, principles, and theories. Description of the unit being taught in mentor class: Science and Health代写General Science and health as well as Self-efficacy Assessment – The unit measures the perceived student’s ability to master the given attainments. The assessment is based on that assumption that one cannot be a master of all things. In self-efficacy, each student’s ability in science and health will be measured and areas of weaknesses established for future lectures and assessments. |
150-200 word description of Pre-assessment: Science and Health代写Self-efficacy in the context of this pre-assessment will be referred to how the student will be able to understand their ability, motivation, and resources to complete the course successfully (Williams & Rhodes, 2016). In this case, each student will be provided with multiple questions on general science and health. Each student will be expected to quickly look at the problem – without actually solving it. And then use the rating scale to circle the number on the scale next to each question that accurately describes the confidence level he or she has in solving the presented problem. The scale rate will run from 0 to 9 with 0 meaning no confidence at all and the nine means complete confidence while the middle will mean some confidence. At the end of the pre-assessment, the evaluation of the student response will enable the mentor to have better insight on the approach to use on lecturing the students. The pre-assessment will measure the areas that the majority of the students lack confidence and will need much attention during tutoring and mentoring. Moreover, those areas with complete confidence will not require much attention in mentorship. |
Feedback from the mentor teacher: |
Part 2: Reflection Science and Health代写
Self-efficacy assessment was successful and provided a better insight into the students’ level of understanding of science and health. Through the assessment, I was able to know each student weaknesses and strengths and the overall areas that need much attention. Using each student’s score, I will be able to measure gaps in their learning and the approaches to fill them.
After conducting the assessment and obtaining the assessment data, there exist ethical issues. As the mentor, every student is entitled to the privacy of their assessment results (Fan, Johnson, & Liu, 2017). I should make sure another person cannot assess the data except me and the student him/herself. Reason being, the leak of assessment score can be demoralizing to the student who demonstrates low self-efficacy.
Developing and delivering pre-assessment does not come and go without challenges. Science and Health代写
One of the difficulties faced is matching learning assessment methods and tools to all course objectives. In that, aligning self-efficacy assessment with course objectives is challenging and need time and thorough preparations. Another problem faced is adapting the self-efficacy assessment tools that are appropriate, fair, and easy for comprehension by learners. The tool must align with the science and health learning objectives. Also, creating a learning self-efficacy assessment tools that support a more in-depth understanding of the science and health concepts was not easy. Besides, it was challenging to develop an assessment method or device that promote active and experiential learning and suitable to the students’ different learning capabilities and styles.
The findings from pre-assessment are evident that students have different capabilities and learning curves. Science and Health代写
Some may have an understanding of the materials being discussed in class while others have no clue of what is about the course. Therefore, there is a need for the mentor or teacher to balance between the two types of students by carrying out a pre-assessment which will measure areas that need attention from those that do not. Also important is to understand what students already know not to spend time on repeating concepts. Generally, the finding offers insights on teaching evaluation of student capabilities and learning curves.
References Science and Health代写
Fan, X., Johnson, R., & Liu, X. (2017). Chinese University Professors’ Perceptions about Ethical Issues in Classroom Assessment Practices. New Waves-Educational Research & Development, 20(2).
Williams, D. M., & Rhodes, R. E. (2016). The confounded self-efficacy construct: conceptual analysis and recommendations for future research. Health psychology review, 10(2), 113-128.
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