Managing Research
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Managing Research代写 Question 1:Are the methods used to collect data (e.g. focus group and questionnaires) sufficiently justified and described?
Question 1: Managing Research代写
Are the methods used to collect data (e.g. focus group and questionnaires) sufficiently justified and described? What do further information (if any) you require?
The paper has used focus group discussion (Wilkinson, S. (2008) and questionnaires as the method for data collection which involves various company coaches with experiences in providing leadership coaching services, leaders sourced from various high ranked organizations, and subordinates of the selected organization. In focus group method, the respondents came together in a group and a series of questions asked and each of them gives their opinion depending on his/her encounters with the clients.

The researcher had and the group participants were homogeneous and well acquainted with the topic. The discussion had no preconceived outcome but rather sought to come up with the importance of leaders coaching is leader role-efficacy and trust in subordinates. On the other hand, the questionnaires were sent to the leaders seeking their response on the issues of leadership coaching while other questionnaires were sent to the subordinates through the email.
In the research, it has sufficiently been justified and description on the focus group discussion step-by-step and the questions which were particularly targeting to solicit participants’ opinion regarding the leader coaching. The method has largely emphasized the client goals in the organizational leadership and the anticipated goal change after a session on coaching. This is the change in the leader’s behavior after coaching which has shown the effectiveness of leadership coaching.
The method encourages disagreement between the coaches which brings more discussion thus information and experiences are shared. Managing Research代写
The focus group data collection method is best suited for this research in that it has been able to bring out the clients behavior before the coaching session and after the coaching session. The suitability of this method was the ability to provide the required and relevant information that was key to attaining the objective of the study. The researcher has, therefore, systematically explained how coaching contributed to the self-reflection and self-awareness which induce the change in the organizational leadership goals to new perspectives on goals. That is, the leaders become more conscious o the ways they over-look leadership values and be able to see the organizational goal in a broader view.
To achieve this, the research use coaches to gather the information on the effect of coaching in building leader role-efficacy and trust in subordinates.
The coaches were experienced in leadership development and coaching from various companies. They are gathered in a focus group and series of questions in connections to the research are asked and they were expected to respond accordingly. The researcher used their feedback to compile the findings of the research. The conversation has sufficiently addressed the need for leaders coaching for improved role efficacy and trust in subordinates. Consequently, the method has suitably explained the achievement of the needed information from the right group of the respondent.
However, the research failed to provide for the content of the questionnaires. The content needed to be explicitly stated so that the readers can be able to relate the findings with the questions asked.
Question 2: Managing Research代写
Critique the sampling strategy and respondent selection used in this study.
The research used a random sampling method to arrive at the population sample (Stewart, T. (2018). In this research, the samples from various populations were collected. The research targeted three types of population in studying the effectiveness of coaching. First, the coaches from various networks were invited to participate voluntarily and seven experienced leadership coaches participated. Second, was the group of leaders from various organizations who were invited through the coaches’ client organization. Their invitations were also voluntary and 34 leaders were recruited into the survey. Third, was the subordinate group from various organizations who were invited to accompany their leaders. Each organization was to provide seven subordinates who report directly to the leaders.
Sampling, in this case, means a small group selected from the population and represents the whole population.
Therefore, the opinion of this representatives binds as the opinion of the whole population. The population in this research are the leadership coaches, leaders from various organizations, and support staffs in these organizations. And the samples are seven leadership coaches, 34 leaders, and seven subordinates in every organization.
The sampling strategy (random sampling) adopted in this study was effective and suitable given the nature of the population. The population is large therefore getting a sample to become difficult and prone to bias and subjectiveness. Random sampling is the most objective approach sampling technique in the research. In this regard, a variety of coaches, leaders, and subordinated to different background and experiences were chosen to participate in the survey.
On the other hand, the research uses the voluntary method of selecting the participants. Managing Research代写
This approach proved to be efficient in getting the right sample from the population. Contrary to the other methods of respondent selection, voluntary participation has been proven to be an effective and reliable method of selecting the respondents. Volunteers are more likely to be committed in the survey whereas adhering to the set regulations because it is out their own will to participate. As a result, they are more likely to provide relevant and accurate information helpful in solving the research problem.
The voluntary selection of the respondent was important because of the long survey duration which took six months. In this case, the participant commits to being available for the whole study period and be pro-active in the research.
The selected group of respondent was most suited to provide most relevant information by the study.
The researcher was categorical on selecting the groups of respondents for the research. The groups included coaches, leaders, and subordinates. The coaches represented the key part of the leadership development which aimed at answering the question of the leader role-efficacy and trust in subordinates, the leaders and subordinates are the variables on which coaching if affected. The leaders and subordinates were to participate in the six months coaching program to see the effectiveness of leadership coaching. Therefore, it was important to select this groups for they have interest and are part of the study.
Question 3: Managing Research代写
Assessment of the research ethics of research project, in relation to the respondents.
The research owes the respondents duty of ethical engagement. The researcher in so doing has to uphold the five principals of ethics, which include ( (n.d.):
- Truthfulness and confidentiality
- Autonomy and informed consent
- Beneficence
- No maleficence
- Justice
The researcher in the project has the duty to be truthful and confidential to the respondents after voluntarily took part in the research. The coaches, leaders, and subordinates require to be served with information about every detail of the research prior to the engagement. The information to the participants needs to explain all the details about the research without omission. The ethics principles also, emphasis on the confidentiality of the participant. Their personal information and opinions need to be treated with care to avoid any leak to the third parties. The participants need also feel secured from exposer of their information.
Autonomy and informed consent are other ethical practices in research. Managing Research代写
The participant in the research had the right of self-determination, independence, and freedom to make their own choices. The research was conducted through voluntary participation of various coaches, leaders, and subordinates. They were not forced into taking participating in the survey. The respondents were supplied with the research questionnaires. The respondents were free to answer the questions and forward their response to the researcher at their will. On the other hand, informed consent means that the participants need to give approval before anything is done to them. By the virtue of voluntary participation, the principle of informed consent is exercised.
The researcher also had to observe the principle of beneficence and no maleficence when working with the research respondents.
In this case, beneficence means doing well for the participants especially in the course of the study. It aims to protect the participant from any form of harm while in the process of the research. In the research, the coaches, leaders, and subordinates must be protected from any harm that is likely to happen to them, either physical or psychological. It is the duty of the researcher to make sure they are safe and free from harm.
On the other hand, no maleficence means not doing any harm to the respondent either intentionally or unintentionally. It is, therefore, a responsibility of the researcher making sure the integrity and health of the participants are upheld. During the research process, the researcher has to make sure the coaches, leaders, and subordinates participating are not harmed in any way possible and are well protected.
Finally, doing justice to the respondents is the duty of the researcher.
Justice entails fairness, equality, and impartiality; that is, the obligation to fair to all participants. In the research, the researcher must treat all the respondents with fairness they deserve and in accordance with their status. For instance, in making any remuneration for participation, the researcher needs to apportion it depending on their levels and their contributions to the study.
Question 4: Managing Research代写
Evaluate the report in terms of its implications for theory and for leaders.
The report has been able to establish the need and importance of the leadership coaching for effective role-efficacy (Hannah, Avolio, Luthans, & Harms, 2008; Hoyt &Blascovich, 2010) and trust in the subordinates (Spreitzer and Mishra (1999). The theory suggests that coaching promote leadership development, especially in building leaders’ confidence and trust in other people (PriceWaterhouseCoopers (2010). In doing so, leaders are able to see the organizational leadership goals in broader perspectives by establishing general goals of leadership.
Also, the theory establishes how coaching improves the trust level between the leaders and their subordinates in the organization. When a leader trusts his/her junior, it will create confidence when making the delegation of duties to them. This offers a better opportunity for the leader to focus on other important issues for the growth of the workers and the whole organization (Mayer, R. C., & Gavin, M. B. (2005).
A delegation of duties to the subordinates makes them feel part of the decision-making process of the organization. Managing Research代写
Leaders trust in subordinates helps increase psychological empowerment and reduce turnover intentions. Empowering employees psychologically create job satisfaction and improved productivity. On the other hand, reduction in turnover intention which means that employees are more likely to quit or abschord their responsibilities if they are not satisfied with their job. Coaching also improves interactions within the organization between the subordinates and the leaders.
These interactions build a conducive environment in which the organization thrives. This theory further explains the need for leadership development through trained leadership coaches (Avolio, B. J., & Hannah, S. T. (2009). The coach behavior and the impact they make on the change in culture in the leadership of an organization.
This theory contributes to the less researched area of leadership development. It has established how leaders confidence and trust in subordinates can be improved through leadership coaching. Big organizations have a responsibility to build leadership culture in the organization. Evidently, a motivated leader is able to create a motivated workforce and thus positive organizational cultural changes.
References Managing Research代写
Hoyt, C. L., & Blascovich, J. (2010). The role of leadership self-efficacy and stereotype activation on cardiovascular, behavioral and self-report responses in the leadership domain.
Leadership Quarterly, 21 (1), 89–103.
PriceWaterhouseCoopers (2010). Managing people in a changing world. Key trends in human capital—A global perspective.: PriceWaterhouseCoopers Saratoga. Retrieved capital.jhtml).
Avolio, B. J., & Hannah, S. T. (2009). Leader developmental readiness. Industrial and Organizational Psychology — Perspectives on Science and Practice , 2 (3), 284 – 287.
Wilkinson, S. (2008). Focus groups. In J. A. Smith (Ed.), Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. London: Sage.
Hannah, S. T., Avolio, B. J., Luthans, F., & Harms, P. D. (2008). Leadership efficacy: Review and future directions. Leadership Quarterly,19(6), 669–692.
Mayer, R. C., & Gavin, M. B. (2005). Trust in management and performance: Who minds the shop while the employees watch the boss? Academy of Management Journal, 48 (5), 874 – 888.
Stewart, T. (n.d). Field Recording & Collection. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2018]. (n.d.). Health Management, Ethics and Research Module: 7. Principles of Healthcare Ethics: View as single page. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2018].
Spreitzer, G. M., & Mishra, A. K. (1999). Giving up control without losing control: Trust and its substitutes’ effects on managers’ involving employees in decision making. Group & Organization Management, 24 (2), 155 – 187.

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