Community Management Portfolio

Healthy Consumers Queensland


Management Portfolio
Management Portfolio



 Management Portfolio代写 The representative customer of HCQ could represent health consumer and career’s views to the committee/group.



Management Portfolio
Management Portfolio


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Table of content

1.0 Introduction ——————————————————————————— 3

2.0 Campaign objective ———————————————————————— 3

3.0 Social media strategy ———————————————————————- 3

4.0 Content pillar ——————————————————————————- 5

4.1 Research and information ———————————————————— 5

4.2 Active and healthy lifestyle ———————————————————- 5

4.3 Easily reading to target audience ————————————————— 5

5.0 Campaign Calendar ———————————————————————— 6

6.0 Content Creation —————————————————————————-7

7.0 Personal Website ————————————————————————— 9

8.0 References ——————————————————————————— 10

1.0 Introduction

The purpose of this community management portfolio is to consist an overview of the role that social media may play in increasing number of a client. The Community Management Portfolio will consist of a social media strategy, content pillars and content creation. Management Portfolio代写 The client of the portfolio is Healthy Consumers Queensland (HCQ), it is a non-profit organization that focus to promote and support partnerships between the people who use the healthy system and system itself. As social media become more common in life, it is necessary for HCQ to increase awareness of its resources and services to encourage people to register on its network.

According to ABS (2009), there are more than 62% of people are active users of social media in Australia, audience are easier to get influenced by Internet celebrities. The developing of community management and social media strategy would be useful to increasing healthy awareness of target audience for the client. Management Portfolio代写 The representative customer of HCQ could represent health consumer and career’s views to the committee/group. A role of customer representative of HCQ is to provide feedback to health target consumer perspective (Healthy Consumers Queensland, 2019).

The insight of the target audience of HCQ is diverse people who are under 30 and majority of them are males. People are easy to trust those whom they feel close, whom them feel are similar to them or have similarly life experience with them (Govier, 1994). Management Portfolio代写 Therefore, The community portfolio would support health consumers and careers to be an effective voice in their role as a consumer representative in order to increasing member of HCQ.

2.0 Campaign objective

The objective of HCQ is to increase 10% of registration rate by the end of community management period, Management Portfolio代写 this will be measured with quantitative metrics, observing and analyzing the increase in members and attributing that to the accountable social media platform.

3.0 Social media strategy

One of the main benefits of this social media marketing and communication management is that advertisers can identify and use demographic information of target audience and deliver campaign properly (Tsai, & Pai, 2012). Moreover, social media marketing and community management deliver advertisements directly to target individual users by using profile data of targeting audience. It is necessary to match social network users to target groups that have been specified by the advertiser. Management Portfolio代写 There are too many social media platforms that can be chosen to communicate with audiences.

Therefore, it is a good idea to narrow the number of social media down to the most popular and widely used platforms. According to Digital Marketing Institute (2019), among all social media sites, the top 5 ranked media sites for Monthly Active Users including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest. Moreover, Social media platforms can deliver campaigns to different groups of people in common interest, similar hobbies, and demographic information. Management Portfolio代写 The goal of community management portfolio is to keep connection form the target audience to HCQ. It is necessary to analyze the platforms that target audiences prefer to use.

The target audiences of HCQ are young males who live outside metropolitan area and have culturally or linguistically diverse from non- Aboriginal Australians. The income and education level to target audience of HCQ is averagely lower than non- Aboriginal Australians. Management Portfolio代写 According to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2017), it is estimated that 36% of Aboriginal residents aged 15 and over are ranked 20% of the total weekly household income in the equivalent, compared to non-indigenous people of the same age group in 2015. For social media selection, it is not necessary to create long text content to achieve the objective of HCQ, blog is not necessary to be used.

Facebook and Instagram would be used in the community management portfolio, as young people use Facebook and Instagram more often. Additionally, a media platform of YouTube is needed to upload videos for content delivery in different ways. Management Portfolio代写 Therefore, the texts and pictures media campaign will be delivered to target audience at Facebook and Instagram, and the video will be uploaded in YouTube channel of HCQ. The strategies of Frequency, timing, objectives and metrics will be showed as below (Table 1).

Table 1: The strategies of Frequency, timing, objectives and metrics in media platform

Media platform Frequency Time Metrics
Facebook: – 1 post per day is less then 10,000 followers

– 2-3 posts per day if more than 10,000 followers (Rosenthal & Mckeown, 2011).

Post everyday in a week 3pm-6pm

– The post of Facebook should be delivered at afternoon 3-6pm (Roy, 2016).

Facebook analytics
Instagram – 3-5 post per week

– 15-20 post per month could increase 60% of engagement by target audience (Roy 2016)

Should be post at least 3 times a week, Management Portfolio代写 the best time deliver a post in Instagram should be around 5pm Kolowich (2019), Instagram analytic
Youtube 2-3 videos per week (Gielen, 2015) Tuesday& Friday 4pm/ Sunday 10am

– In order to the average high viewership from target audience and CPM income form advertisers.

– A opportunities to be shared by other social media platform at night

Youtube analytic


























4.0 Content pillars

4.1 Content pillar 1: Research and information (Latest trend in health care)

The first content pillars should be research and information trend deliverers from HCQ to target audiences. The data and information of Health care system should be researched, indicated and analyzed in social media campaigns. Management Portfolio代写 The post and videos that delivered on social media platform should be true information, no personal bias and fake make up stories and researches would be delivered from HCQ. The organization of HCQ is a non-for profit organization that works towards improving heath outcome for Queenslanders.

It is a good idea to deliver profession posts from real research resource for HCQ to improving registration rate. Moreover, the Photographic images need to be considered carefully. Management Portfolio代写 A variety of ages, gender, abilities and so on need to be included, as all types of target audience need to increase healthy consideration, joining HCQ and improving their healthy conditions.

4.2 Content pillar 2: Healthy lifestyle

The content pillars of Healthy lifestyle will motivate target audience to consider about their health condition, and join in HCQ is a good way to maintain and improving healthy conditions of target audience. As HCQ wants to increase register rate of particular audience such as aboriginal, culturally or linguistically diverse people, Torres Strait island people, and people living outside metropolitan areas, the culture barriers need to considered when developing a social media campaign by HCQ. Management Portfolio代写 Social media campaign should express the healthy value to target audience and the importance of having a healthy life style.

According to (Healthy Direct, 2019), indigenous Australians are more susceptible to respiratory diseases, mental health problems, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic kidney disease than non-indigenous Australians. Moreover, the obesity rate of Aboriginals is higher then non-aboriginals. Management Portfolio代写 According to ABS (2013), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are weight 1.5 times higher than non-Indigenous people (rate ratio of 1.4 for males and 1.7 for females).

The aim of social media campaign is to increase healthy awareness of target audiences by active and healthy lifestyle. Management Portfolio代写 Eating properly and exercise more are useful ways for losing weight and improving healthy awareness of target audiences. The content of healthy life style should including healthy diet as well as exercise tips.

4.3 Content pillar 3: Easily reading to target audience

Three social media platform would be used to target audiences, which are Facebook, Instagarm and YouTube. The posts on Facebook and Instagarm should be simple and easy to read to catch the attention of audiences. If the content is too complicate, audience would have no patient to read. Management Portfolio代写 The simple and understandable contents can increase awareness, engagement, like and share of content that delivered by HCQ. The Hashtag and Emojis could be used to catch the attention of target audience, and the post need to Hashtag the most relevant label with target audience.

The simple content would make target audience understand the contents better as easier to aware, read, and engagement. Management Portfolio代写 Moreover, it is important to write easily in social platform like Facebook and Instagram for target audiences. According to Korff (2019), Aboriginal people has lower education level, there are 59% of Aboriginal students who have completed Year 12 in 2014, while there are 85% of non-Aboriginal people who have completed year 12.

Although easy grammar and words should be used to make the content more understandable, the content pillar 1 should be considered that the information and research should be profession and absolutely correct. Management Portfolio代写 Additionally, there is a language and culture barrier among target audience and non-Aboriginal Australian. In order to make sure that audience can understand the social media campaigns, it is better to use simple English and their own languages, and using the culture of target audience to edit social media campaigns is useful for increasing registration rate.

5.0 Campaign Calendar

Deliver timing of different media platform will be showed in Table 2


Media platform Time
Facebook: Post everyday in a week 3pm-6pm

– The post of Facebook should be delivered at afternoon 3-6pm (Roy, 2016).

Instagram Should be post at least 3 times a week, the best time deliver a post in Instagram should be around 5pm Kolowich (2019),
YouTube Tuesday& Friday 4pm/ Sunday 10am

– In order to the average high viewership from target audience and CPM income form advertisers.

– A opportunities to be shared by other social media platform at night















The calendar of social media campaign will be shown as graph 1

Graph 1





6.0 Content Creation

Content pillar of health lifestyle should be delivered in selected social media Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.


The Facebook post need to utilize emojis and simple words to catch action of target audiences. Some useful healthy life tips could be used to increase the awareness, engagement, share and like of a Facebook campaign, Management Portfolio代写 and it a good idea to include a website link of HCQ to increasing registration rate.





Instragram should use hashtags for accurate audiences by using right label. Target audience will see the posts though hashtags. Emojis should be used more often for catching attentions. Management Portfolio代写 Moreover, the filter of INS should be used to make the picture looks better.





A video of how to eat healthily and encourage people living in healthy lifestyle would be uploaded in YouTube by HCQ. Management Portfolio代写 Using a YouTube video can be very engaging for audience particularly when searching for healthy lifestyles, and the video link can be shared across various social channels.




7.0 Personal Website

8.0 References

Australia Bureau of Statistics. (2009, August 17). Use of the Internet on Farms, Australia,2007-2008. Retrieved from

Australia Bureau of Statistics. (2013). Australian Aborginal and Torres Strait  Islander Healthy survey: First Results, Australia. Retrieved from

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2019). Indigenous income and finance.  Retrieved from

Digital Marketing Institute. (2019). What social media platform should you use in your business. Retrieved from

Govier, T. (1994). Is it a jungle out there? Trust, distrust and construction of social reality. The Journal of Dialogue, 33(2), 237-252. Retrieved from

Gielen, M. (2015, January 12). Want To Know The Best Days And Times To Post YouTube Videos? Here’s A Yearly Calendar. Retrieved May 30, 2018, from

Health Direct. (2019). Indigenous health. Retrieved from

Healthy Consumers Queensland. (2019). For consumer representative. Retrieved From

Korff, J. (2019). Aboriginal Education. Creative Sprits. Retrieved from

Kolowich, L. (2019). The best time to post on social media. Hotspot. Retrieved From

Roy, T. (2016, April 18). Social Media Frequency 2016: How often should you post. Retrieved May 30, 2018, from

Thomson, N. (1984). Australian aboriginal health and healthy care. The Journal of Social Science& Medical, 18(11), 939-948. Retrieved from

Tsai, H. & Pai, P. (2012). Positive and negative aspects of online community cultivation: implication for online stores’ relationship management. The Journal of Information &Management, 49(2), 111-117. Retrieved from


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