Management Assessment
Management Assessment代写 Bartai Investments was set up in February 2012 by Mrs. Sarah Chepkemoi Bartai as a poultry farm in Kericho, Kenya.
History and size of the Bartai Investments
Bartai Investments was set up in February 2012 by Mrs. Sarah Chepkemoi Bartai as a poultry farm in Kericho, Kenya. It now boasts of its expansion into fish farming, dairy farming, and pig farming. It also has stretched into its neighboring towns and countries, specifically Uganda in the East Africa region. The initial farm started in a 5-acre piece of land, 3 acres occupied by the chicken runs and the fenced compound that chicken stayed in when let out. It currently occupies more than 20 acres of land in total.
Starting humbly with just 3 employees (caretaker, driver and a casual laborer), the farm now runs on a 24 hours-basis with 25 employees (10 females and 15 male). Its majestic entry into the farming business as a startup and thriving has made many wonders what secret it employed such that it never failed even once, especially since it started just as a small poultry farm.
Expansion into the rest of the towns was a big step. Management Assessment代写
The first expansion being to Nyeri, where a fish and dairy farm was set up. Both thrived as soon as they were up and running in April 2013. The dairy farm led to the setting up of the Bartai Dairy Shop located in Tumutumu Shopping center in Nyeri. All this further led to the rise of the Siele Dairy Farm located in Kapsabet, near Namgoi junction. The expansion to Uganda happened during the rainy season of August 2017. It was during this time that the pig farm was set up and is now running like the rest of the other farms. They are currently working on expansion into horticultural farming.
Ownership Management Assessment代写
Bartai Investments started as a solely owned farm by Mrs. Sarah Bartai. She still runs the farm but with the help of her four children who are listed as advisors and beneficiaries of the company when Mrs. Bartai resigns. It is listed in its certificate of incorporation as a sole proprietorship which is bound to change after her retirement as the Chief Executive Officer.
Being solely owned, starting up the farm and running it proved quite challenging at first before it picked up and could handle its own expenses without external help in form of loans from friends and financial institutions.
The seed money was from savings from a family account and a bank loan that was paid back in a year. As explained by Mrs. Bartai, it was costly and very difficult starting up, and sometimes it still is an issue running the farm alone.
Among many other challenges, these proved most challenging: Management Assessment代写
- Funding all farms without being bankrupt can prove challenging as with the change of weather and seasons comes changes in farm expenditure to counter its effects with the production.
- All instructions come from the sole owner making it hard for all the farms to run concurrently, considering they are far apart and produce differently.
- The farms are far apart and assessing them all to understand their conditions proves so challenging.
- Having to handpick all employees from top to bottom makes errors prone to happen for not having a second opinion on all of the hiring.
- Exploring new markets is so risky and needs a lot of consideration and decision making based on facts from findings and that can be a lot of work for only one person.
After involving her children as the advisors, work got easier as they oversee the production and give varied opinions making it easy to make decisions in a really short time.
Organizational structure and hierarchy Management Assessment代写
Being a small organization and less than a decade in operation, the farm’s leadership, and hierarchy is simple. With the owner still in charge, Mrs. Bartai still runs the farm as the manager and the Chief Executive officer. The hierarchical structure is outlined as follows:

Fig.1.1- the Hierarchical structure of the organization
The Chief Executive Officer runs the four farms from Kericho. This makes coordination of the activities in the farms quite easy to run. With this kind of organization, the command runs top down.
The farm advisors play a major role in managing and running of the farms. They oversee service to the clients and customers and decision making.
With the help of the General Farm Manager, running of the farm becomes an easy task as instructions run down from the top. All transactions are made to one account that is used to run the farms and this way they may be able to make reports from what they have in their bank records.
The Supervisors are based at each farm. With them being in charge at the ground level, they have the power to run the farms according to the instructions from the top in the chain of command. They are in charge of the casuals, drivers, accountants and procurement officers assigned to their farms as stated as their responsibilities in their one-year contracts, bound for renewal.
The accountants and procurement officers based at each farm are all handpicked by the C.E.O. Management Assessment代写
They all work for 6 months as stated in their contracts before renewal. They help in making sure that the farms run with the financing provided and that all the company controls are kept in place. These controls are put in place to safeguard the company policies and ensure that all activities are legally allowed and benefit the farm.
Drivers, on the other hand, make deliveries to and from the farms. Produce from the farm is delivered to the designated clients and markets within the stipulated time and the raw materials needed for production is also brought in by them. All the drivers work for a period of three months before renewing their contracts with the farms.
Casuals help in loading and offloading. They arrange the produce in the packaging materials and help load it into the waiting area or to awaiting vehicles. They also help in cleaning the animal shelters and feed the animals. They are all handpicked by the C.E.O. and have contracts that run for a month.
Production Management Assessment代写
The farm started making its money by selling eggs. The sales were not as much but kept the farm steady. In the first month, they made over Ksh. 500,000. This picked up when the market prices for agricultural goods picked up. There are more demand and a ready market for their goods, the sales increased over time. This allowed them to set up the other farms so easy as most of the amounts made went into feeds for the animals and regular costs for running the organization. The amounts saved went into expansion
The dairy products sold included fresh milk, sour milk which is popularly known as Mursik and yogurt made from the farm. With the expansion, more goods like fish products were sold. The fish farm in Nyeri became a place for benchmarking by the rest of the farmers in the region, which made them more money from the training of the farmers.
Performance analysis Management Assessment代写
With good management and good structural organization being key factors for the good performance, there are many other factors, which brings up the S.W.O.T (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) and P.E.S.T (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) analysis.
The S.W.O.T analysis is a technique used in planning that helps to single out specific strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and strengths and use them to the advantage of the organization.
The P.E.S.T analysis is used in the understanding of the surrounding environment and how it affects production in the farms.
With both analyses done on the farm, the following was found:
S.W.O.T ANALYSIS Management Assessment代写
· Closeness to good infrastructure
· Location in relation to available natural resources · Constant demand |
· Dependence on weather and seasons
· Accessibility due to distance |
· Expansion into more markets
· Venturing into other sectors of farming · Increased demand for agricultural products |
· The emergence of harmful counterfeit agricultural goods
· Counterfeit medicine for the animals · Cheaper imported agricultural products |

With the analysis, it is clear that the farm has an efficient chain of command that ensures efficient delivery of goods and services. Good leadership sets a good base for the good performance of any organization.
Setting standards in the community are something also noted. This has improved the society as a whole.
The leadership of the farm is centralized yet the farms are far apart. This can be a big problem in case of emergencies like disease outbreaks that would need instant decision making which cannot be made by the supervisors on the ground.
This can be made better if the farm was changed from a sole proprietorship to a limited liability so as to allow the advisors to rise to the position of directors and each of them is allowed to run a farm each. This way, decisions that have to be made hurriedly can be approved and there can be a person held accountable to that.
REFERENCES Management Assessment代写, (02/04/2017). Organizational Chart and Hierarchy Retrieved from
Julie Daroven, (26/06/2018). Functional Structure Organization Strength & Weakness. Retrieved from
Amo84 Kenyaplex, (11/1/2012) Major challenges facing small-scale Businesses in Kenya. Retrieved from
A.K. Dwivedi, (14/05/2016) How Agri-startups can solve Problems of farmers In the country. Retrieved from

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