Project Description

Hierarchical regression Task

美国report代写 For this assessment, your task is to explore factors on crime rate. On completion, each student should submit one report…

1 Task Description 美国report代写

For this assessment, your task is to explore factors on crime rate. On completion, each student should submit one report describing their experiments, and one code archive (zip). The group report should meet the requirements described in next section. A full description of the mark breakdown, submission instructions and additional rules and advice can be found in the assessment brief.

2 Task: Report 美国report代写

The assessment’s main output is a technical report motivating. And describing the experiments you have performed in a format similar to what you would see in a machine learning or data science workshop or conference proceedings. Your report must contain the following sections:

  1. Abstract and Introduction [6 marks] The abstract should briefly (3-5 sentences) describe the report in total. The introduction should motivate your investigation (i.e. say why the classification task is of interest/challenging), describe what you have done and give a breakdown of the sections.
  2. Background [10 marks] A brief description of the models/algorithms used in your experiments. You do not need to explain in detail how models are fit, or give a tutorial explanation of how/why it works. Your module coordinator, or the TAs, can help to advise you on this. 美国report代写
  3. Datasets [8 marks] A brief description of the datasets you use. You may choose to do show some brief exploratory analysis/plots here, but be aware of space constraints. If some of your data-columns are discrete, you need to describe how you will represent these in your data-matrix. Categorical values (for more than 2 categories) are typically best represented as one-hot vectors (why?). While ordinal values can be represented by their rank.

  4. Method [15 marks] A description of the evaluations proposed, explaining why you have made the choices you have about what you are testing, how you are measuring performance and any challenges associated with this. Please indicate which python file and which method in your submitted code implements which experiment. 美国report代写

  5. Results [15 marks] The results associated with the experiments proposed in the method section. Typically this will include a number of plots and should inform the reader about which approaches worked better under which conditions, with some effort spent on trying to understand why.
  6. Discussion [6 marks] A (very) brief summary of what the report contains, with an emphasis on the overarching picture that emerges from the experiments. In particular, a discussion of which methods in general performed best on the data, what assumptions were made, and how certain you are of the findings. 美国report代写

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