Professional profile代写 Career Objective、Career Profile、Key Professional Skills and Competencies、Industry Knowledge、Interpersonal Skills······
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Professional profile Professional profile代写
Career Objective
Serve in a position that will enable me to use my communication and linguistic skills, creativity, innovativeness, passion and drive for change in my society, AND attain my full potential.
Career Profile
A versatile graduate of California States University, Fullerton, in the United States in a Master of Arts in Linguistics and a major in Applied Linguistics with the ambition to become a brand that upholds integrity, honesty, transparency, efficient service delivery, diligence and professionalism at my place of work. I am also an outstanding performer at all levels of endeavors circumstances notwithstanding. I aspire to work in a company exhibiting great growth potential which will enable me to utilize my enthusiasm, energy, and passion working as a communication specialist. Professional profile代写**格式
My greatest strengths are strategic planning and formulation, intellectual skills such as analytical reasoning, critical thinking, argumentation, and clarity of expression. Therefore, I am capable of formulating a clear, testable hypothesis, generating predictions, making arguments, and drawing conclusions as well as communication findings. Relatively, I can work collaboratively with other departments such as public relations, to achieving the organizational goals and endeavor.
Key Professional Skills and Competencies Professional profile代写
i. Ability to work well individually, within a team, and to lead a team to deliver exceptional results
ii. Translation between Arabic and English
iii. Excellent understanding of the issues involved in communication across languages and cultures
iv. Excellent analytical, decision-making and organization skills. Professional profile代写**格式
v. Ability to set achievable goals through planning and organizing
vi. Ability to write concept papers, technical proposals, marketing materials, presentations, and relevant materials.
vii. Excellent interpersonal skills and outstanding communication skills
viii. Socially Adept.
ix. Ability to work under pressure and complete work in time.
Skills summary Professional profile代写
Industry Knowledge
i. Translation
ii. Foreign languages
iii. Research Skills
iv. Problem-solving
Tools & Technology
i. Windows Operating System
ii. Macintosh Operating System
iii. Microsoft Office
Interpersonal Skills Professional profile代写
i. Leadership
ii. Teamwork
iii. Powerful Communication & Interpersonal Skills
iv. Public Speaking Skill
v. Motivating skill
i. Arabic: Native language
ii. English: professional proficiency
iii. Fieldworker on two Indian languages: Tamil and Malayalam
Employment history Professional profile代写

November 2013 – January 2014
Ministry of Education
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Roles and Duties
i. Teacher undertraining
ii. One-month training at The Kingdom School
Education and qualifications Professional profile代写
Master of Arts
California State University, Fullerton, United States – January 2016 – January 2019
i. Graduated with a 3.67/4 GPA
ii. Master of Arts in Linguistics
iii. Concentration in Applied Linguistics
English Language Program Professional profile代写
California University, Riverside, United States – August 2015 – December 2015
i. Completed successfully and advanced ESL curriculum
English Language Program Professional profile代写**格式
California State University, San Bernardino, United States – September 2014 – March 2015
i. Attended and completed the intensive academic ESL curriculum
Bachelor of Arts Professional profile代写
King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
i. Graduated with a 3.70 GPA
ii. Bachelor of Arts in English language, Translation, and Literature
Masters project, translation Professional profile代写**格式
California State University, Fullerton, United States – August 2018 – January 2019
Translated over 300 pages of Arabic speech to English
Method languages Professional profile代写
California State University, Fullerton, United States – August 2016 – December 2017
i. Two field method courses
ii. A fieldworker on Indian Language: Tamil
iii. A fieldworker on Indian language: Malayalam

Student Leader Professional profile代写
California State University, Fullerton, United States – August 2016 – January 2019
i. Meet students hear their suggestions and problems and give them possible Solutions
ii. Meet new students and give them an introduction and help them plan their study plan
iii. Prepare and send flyers to students about conferences and workshops coming up every semester Professional profile代写**格式
iv. Had an opportunity to meet and welcome California State University, Fullerton Linguistics candidates for the position and to give the candidates a chance to meet other students and find out something about linguistics program
v. Evaluate and vote for candidates for the professor position in the linguistics department
References available on request
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