Target Marketing


Hispanics make the largest minority population in the American population. When they are compared to the whites···

Target Market and Demographic: Middle-income Hispanic population

Department/Program/Service: Chronic diseases

Marketing Technique: Social media   


Hispanics make the largest minority population in the American population. When they are compared to the whites, Hispanics have higher rates of Type 2 diabetes. According to Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES) found Hispanics have the higher prevalence of diabetes Flegal et al (1991). Cancer is also a leading chronic disease in minority Americans so targeting this group with health information is important in solving the social problem.

Social media is increasingly becoming popular in the modern advertising and marketing, therefore, becoming a better option especially in targeting middle society who have time and can afford internet access devices like smartphones. This technique of advertising will be effective in reaching out to the majority of middle-class Hispania because they have access to the internet and time for social media.

The department aim at offering medical services to as many chronic patients as it can. Its major aim is to reach out to people affected by these chronic diseases and give them hope of better life and good health. The department also aims at arresting the chronic conditions at early stages to increase the chance of healing.

译文:目标市场和人口统计:中等收入的西班牙裔人口 营销技巧




西班牙裔是美国人口中最大的少数族裔。与白人相比,西班牙裔美国人患 2 型糖尿病的比率更高。根据西班牙裔健康和营养检查调查 (HHANES) 发现,西班牙裔的糖尿病患病率较高 Flegal 等人 (1991)。癌症也是少数族裔美国人的主要慢性病,因此针对这一群体提供健康信息对于解决社会问题非常重要。社交媒体在现代广告和营销中越来越受欢迎,因此成为更好的选择,尤其是针对有时间且负担得起智能手机等互联网访问设备的中产阶级。这种广告技术将有效地接触到大多数西班牙裔中产阶级,因为他们可以访问互联网并有时间使用社交媒体。该部门旨在为尽可能多的慢性病患者提供医疗服务。其主要目的是接触受这些慢性病影响的人们,并为他们带来更好的生活和健康的希望。该部门还旨在早期阻止慢性病,以增加治愈的机会。

Priority Two

Target Market and Demographic: Low-income African American population

Department/Program/Service: Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

Marketing Technique: Radio stations commercials

译文:优先事项二  营销技巧


部门/计划/服务:妇女、婴儿和儿童 (WIC)



African American population is highly affected by poverty which has largely affected women and children in African American society. In 2008 more than 25% of this population lives below the federal poverty level ($21, 834 incomes per year) in a family of four compared whites with 6.7. According to 2006–2008 North Carolina BRFSS telephone survey, the quality of life for African American was found to be too low compared to that of white. Poor living and diseases are characterized by these population, therefore, women and children being the main victims (NCHS, 2008).

Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) program serve the households to safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children under the age of 5 years (Coleman-Jensen et al. 2013). The program seeks to safeguard their nutritional risks because of food insecurity in these homes. Therefore WIC plays a critical role in the protection of target population health. The program provides foods, education on breastfeeding and nutrition, and how to access healthcare.

To reach out to this population marketing campaign should be conducted through radio stations. Most poor households can only afford a small AM or FM receiver from which they will be able to access to the campaign information (Marketing to African-American Consumers. (n.d.)). Therefore, the objective of the Department on safeguarding the health of the population will be achieved.

译文:讨论 营销技巧

非裔美国人人口受到贫困的严重影响,贫困在很大程度上影响了非裔美国人社会中的妇女和儿童。 2008 年,在一个四口之家中,超过 25% 的人口生活在联邦贫困线以下(21 美元,每年收入 834 美元),而白人的这一比例为 6.7。根据 2006-2008 年北卡罗来纳州 BRFSS 电话调查,发现非裔美国人的生活质量与白人相比太低。这些人口的特点是生活贫困和疾病,因此,妇女和儿童是主要的受害者(NCHS,2008 年)。

妇女、婴儿和儿童 (WIC) 计划为家庭服务,以保护低收入妇女、婴儿和 5 岁以下儿童的健康(Coleman-Jensen 等人,2013 年)。由于这些家庭的粮食不安全,该计划旨在保护他们的营养风险。因此,WIC 在保护目标人群健康方面发挥着关键作用。该计划提供食品、母乳喂养和营养方面的教育,以及如何获得医疗保健。

为了接触到这一人口营销活动,应通过广播电台进行。大多数贫困家庭只能买得起一个小型 AM 或 FM 接收器,从中他们将能够访问活动信息(面向非裔美国消费者的营销。(日期不详))。因此,卫生署保障市民健康的目标将得以实现。

Priority Three

Target market and demographic: Low-income Hispanic population

Department/Program: Communicable diseases

Marketing technique: Television commercials

译文:优先级三 营销技巧






The prevalence of non-communicable diseases is rising in low-income Hispanic population. A study has the health behavior of the most Hispanic people and found that most engage in risky health behaviors like smoking, and heavy alcohol consumption. The increase has caused a burden on public health and the economy (WHO, 2010) and (Bloom D, E et al. 2011).

The program aims at reducing the risky health behaviors among the low-income Hispania population and encourages them to adopt healthy living by eating fruits, avoiding tobacco use and alcohol. Television commercial campaign is most suited to reach this population as it will offer visual effects of the risky health behaviors (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009).

译文:讨论 营销技巧

在低收入西班牙裔人口中,非传染性疾病的流行率正在上升。 一项研究对大多数西班牙裔人的健康行为进行了调查,发现大多数人从事有风险的健康行为,如吸烟和大量饮酒。 这种增加对公共卫生和经济造成了负担(世卫组织,2010 年)和(Bloom D、E 等人,2011 年)。

该计划旨在减少低收入西班牙裔人口的危险健康行为,并鼓励他们通过吃水果、避免吸烟和饮酒来过健康的生活。 电视广告活动最适合覆盖这一人群,因为它会提供危险健康行为的视觉效果(疾病控制和预防中心,2009 年)。


Coleman-Jensen, Alisha, Mark Nord, Anita Singh. Household Food Security in the United States in 2012.  ERR-125, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. September 2013.

World Health Organization (2011). Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2010. Description of the global burden of NCDs, their risk factors and determinants. World Health Organization. (Accessed 8 June 2018).

Bloom, D, E., Cafiero, E, T., Jane-Llopis, E., Abrahams-Gessel, S., Bloom, L, R., Fathima, S., et al. (2011) The global economic burden of noncommunicable diseases. Geneva: World Economic Forum.

 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2009). The Power of Prevention: Chronic Disease…the public health challenge of the 21st century. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from: (Accessed 8 June 2018).

North Carolina Resident African American Population by County: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) bridged-race estimates (postcensal: 2008). Prepared in collaboration with the U.S. Census Bureau.

Marketing to African-American Consumers. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Flegal, K, M., Ezzati, T, M., Harris, M, I., Haynes, S, G., Juarez, R, Z., Knowle,r W, C., Pérez-Stable, E, J., Stern, M, P (1991). Prevalence of diabetes in Mexican Americans, Cubans, and Puerto Ricans from the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1982–1984. Diabetes Care.14(7):628–638.