Protecting Children from Neglect and Abuse
Protecting Children from Neglect and Abuse
Child Maltreatment
Child Maltreatment代写 The child welfare issue identified in this case is child maltreatment of children between the age of 10 months to 7 years of age.
Introduction Child Maltreatment代写
The child welfare issue identified in this case is child maltreatment of children between the age of 10 months to 7 years of age. The missions of the state and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is to protect the children affected in this case for potential or alleged maltreatment. When a case is reported to the child protective services, the Department of Health and Human Services has the obligation of investigating and identified any possible threats or signs of abuse or maltreatment and to prevent for further abuse. That can affect the stability, physical and mental health of a child (Whitelaw. 2009). Child Maltreatment代写**范文
The prompt and accurate intervention of the Department of Health and Human and child protective services can impact and change the lives of children and families forever in cases of child maltreatment or abuse. In order to help and provide the best possible services, the DHH has the help of different agencies that will assign a worker to assess the primary needs of the case and create an implementation plan to prevent the children for further maltreatment.
Service Delivery Models Child Maltreatment代写
Public Health Model
Public Health service model seeks to supplement the existing models of service delivery in the prevention of child abuse and neglect. The model is structured and coordinated to serve a specified population using universal domains such schools, early childcare units, and health service centers, that provide services the community (Herrenkohl, Leeb, & Higgins, 2016). Being an evidence-based model, it relies on the multidisciplinary infrastructures for abuse and neglect prevention in that population. Child Maltreatment代写**范文
The primary model aim is early interventions which help reduce the risk factors as well as enhance protection of the child before the abuse can happen. For the success of this model, the universal platforms which include schools and early childhood education, and health centers, need be equipped with skills and resources to meet such needs of protecting the children from abuse and neglect.
Multisystemic Therapy for Child Abuse and Neglect (MST-CAN) Child Maltreatment代写
The model focus on the safety and training of the parent in skills development. It also seeks to ensure the parent undergo therapy to manage their trauma, anger or substance abuse (Swenson, Schaeffer, Henggeler, Faldowski, & Mayhew, 2010). The model assumes that the parent tries to do the best for their child and as such, they can unintentionally abuse the child while trying to correct him/her. The parent undergoes MST-CAN therapy during which the child stays in the home. Therefore, saving the family the agony and trauma that can be caused by foster care.

System Engagement (Intervention) Model
The model involves the human service worker working with the parents, or guardian for the betterment of the welfare of the child. In this case, the human service worker engages with the parents on the issues about the child in case of the parental abuse. The worker seeks to get the solution to the problem and can discuss the repercussions of having the child taken away from them should the child mistreatment. Child Maltreatment代写**范文
When the social worker learns of the child abuse, the use of this engagement model will help in establishing the source of the problem and work towards empowering the family as well as the child. Further, the engagement model is a way of signaling to the parents to change the abuse and negligence tendencies. That are harming the child, failure to which the child can be taken to the foster care.
Home-Based Safecare (SC) Model Child Maltreatment代写
Families who have cases of child maltreatment are sometimes referred to home-based Safecare programs under the Child Protective Services (CPS) (Chaffin, Hecht, Bard, Silovsky, & Beasley, 2012). The program aims to the treatment of parents for child neglect or abuse. SC is a behavioral training that seeks to impart parenting skills, caregiving, and household management.
Child-focused Practice Model
For the social worker to know the extent of the child suffering or the out of the therapeutic process, more focus on child welfare is required (Wilson, 2000). In the bid to understand the complexity of relations that exist in homes, the social worker has to go beyond what can be seen and focus more on at the child in all aspects possible to establish the nature of his/her wellbeing.
Family Support Model Child Maltreatment代写
In the article by Devaney, McGregor, and Cassidy (2017) established that if early family supports are implemented. It helps in intervention, support, and protection of children and families. The method is useful in safeguarding children from abuse and negligence if applied early enough. The model involves helping the parents in their parenting roles which can involve feeding, health, education, psychological or any other support which ensure the optimal child development. Child Maltreatment代写**范文
The most effective model for the safety of a child from abuse or neglect is the Home-Based SafeCare (SC), Model. The reason being, the model considers both the welfare of the child as well as that of the child. The child is allowed to stay at home while the parent undergoes the therapeutic forum on parenting. Hence, the model saves the family from the trauma of having the child taken to the foster care.
Guidelines Child Maltreatment代写
States and Federal Law on Child Abuse and Negligence
The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g), establish child maltreatment as the failure of the parent or the gaurdian to take responsibility of the child which may lead to death, severe emotional and physical abuse. Failure of the parent or the caregiver to provide and protect the child. The state has the power through the human service practitioners to take the steps deemed necessary for the welfare of the child.
A child has the fundamental rights of protection and provision from the parent or the caregiver failure to which the government intervenes. However, the parent or the caregiver has the rights duties. And obligations as to the child welfare to the extent he/she contravenes the law protecting the child. Child Maltreatment代写**范文
Ethical Principle Associated with Abuse and Negligence
The human service practitioner is guided by the code of ethics which prompt them to act according to cases of child welfare issues. In the case of abuse and negligence, the social worker is entitled to act on the best interest of the child as well as ensure the welfare of the family is also guarded where possible. The worker also should act without biasness of any kind int her service delivery. The best interest of the social worker should have the protection of the oppressed.
However, when faced with dilemmas especially if the child abuse and negligence is the center of the case, child welfare becomes the key. Therefore, human service practitioner is therefore bound by the professional code of ethics and practice which guide how he/she interact with the clients.
Best Practices Child Maltreatment代写
The best practices are the superior actions or decisions that are likely to produce better results if taken. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the human service worker to act in the best practice for the betterment of the client. In the case of child abuse and negligence, the worker needs to act as the child advocate for the interest of the child welfare. When a family is mistreating the child, the worker has the decision to make whether to take the child to the foster care or child protection. In this case, the worker has to weigh the available options keeping in mind the welfare of the family as well as that of the child. However, the worker also has authority over the family for the best interest of the child. Child Maltreatment代写**范文
The social worker should focus on the service that is family-oriented but centered on the welfare of the child. Fundamentally, the best practices and principals are vested in ethical practices. As such, when the worker practices them, he/she is adhering to the legal and ethical guidelines. Best practices ensure that the worker does not act in biasness but for the best interest of the client. Additionally, when a human service worker acts in the best practice in service, the oppressed party is served with justice.

References Child Maltreatment代写
Chaffin, M., Hecht, D., Bard, D., Silovsky, J. F., & Beasley, W. H. (2012). A statewide trial of the SafeCare home-based services model with parents in Child Protective Services. Pediatrics, 129(3), 509-15.
Devaney, C., McGregor, C., & Cassidy, A. (2017). Early Implementation of a Family-Centred Practice Model in Child Welfare: Findings from an Irish Case Study. Practice, 29(5), 331-345. DOI: 10.1080/09503153.2017.1339786
Herrenkohl, T. I., Leeb, R. T., & Higgins, D. (2016). The Public Health Model of Child Maltreatment Prevention. Trauma, violence & abuse, 17(4), 363-5
Swenson, C. C., Schaeffer, C. M., Henggeler, S. W., Faldowski, R., & Mayhew, A. M. (2010). Multisystemic therapy for child abuse and neglect: A randomized effectiveness trial. Journal of Family Psychology, 24(4), 497.
Wilson, J. (2000). Child-focused practice with looked after children. Child Care In Practice, 6(4), 324-333. DOI: 10.1080/13575270008413222
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