



Module 9: Activities

Optical illusions代写 Human brain receives and interprets information from the eye.Optics, light and vision are the fields of physics ···


Human brain receives and interprets information from the eye.

Optics, light and vision are the fields of physics that deals with studies of the interaction of light and the eye and illusions thereof. The interaction of light and the eye brings out the phenomena of optical illusions. Optical illusions are the relationship between light, color, and another feather to trick the mind (Westerhuis et al. p. 39). Optical illusions work in various ways including seeing different images from the object that make them, seeing the image as the after effect of excessive simulation of eye and brains, and seeing the illusion after the eye and brain make unconscious inferences. The information that is sent to the brain through the eye may not represent the actual object. Nevertheless, although optical illusions and eye tricks are a false representation of reality, they are broadly related to physics.

To understand how optical illusions and eye tricks are related to physics, it is important to understand the physics behind them.  Optical illusions代写

It all has to with the color sensing cone cells in the eye retina (Zamieroski par. 2). Each of these cells has varying wavelengths of sensing light. The cells can pick up to 2.3 million different combinations of blue, green and red. However, in the process of wavelength changes, the cell perception of light can be distorted which results in optical illusions and eye tricks. The optical illusion can be explained using the analogy of refraction of light as it passes from water to air. When a ruler is placed in water, it appears bent or broken at the surface of the water which is an illusion. Physics of optics and light explains the relationship between these colors and vision.

The use of optical illusions and eye tricks relate through broad applications using physics.  Optical illusions代写

In the science of sound, illusions are used MP3s. MP3 is made of “lossy audio compression” which allow some sounds to be discarded and shrink without notable loss of sound quality to average listeners. Physics is also developing a modern bulb in the bid to reduce energy consumption. The illusion allows flicker off for 13 percent and still appear to bring to the normal human brain. A bulb flickering for more than 60 times per second gives a constant flow of light. The researcher intended to save up to 20 percent of energy consumption. Besides, physics have been used to solve traffic jam caused by illusion.

Optical illusions代写
Optical illusions代写

A research was conducted to establish the cause of traffic jams dips in the road. It became evident that traffic is prevalent where pavement shifts from downhill to uphill. The visual illusion of vertical gradient leads drivers to miscalculate the slope. Thus, going downhill, drivers fail to realize that they are approaching uphill and hence need to accelerate to speed. However, through physical science, a solution of patterns of stripes on the walls near roads was suggested to reduce the illusion.

Also, visual illusions have used in the creation of cinema, videos, and films. One of these uses is forced perspective where illusions make an object appear closer, farther, or smaller than they are. The capability is used in films like in the scene of Casablanca. In animations, phi phenomenon is used to create illusions what allow video programmers to make continuous images, but they are not. Phi phenomenon allows the movie to flash 24 still images in a second thus creating an illusion of smooth moving images.

Work Cited  Optical illusions代写

Westerhuis, F. Frank, et al. “Using optical illusions in the shoulder of a cycle path to affect lateral position.” Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 48 (2017): 38-51.

Zamieroski, Kirk. “How Do Optical Illusions Work?”. Inside Science, 2015, Accessed 25 Apr 2019.

Optical illusions代写
Optical illusions代写