Project and Report
计算机建模代写 The goal of this coursework is to help you engage with one of the five topics covered in the module more deeply. It also gives you…
The goal of this coursework is to help you engage with one of the five topics covered in the module more deeply. It also gives you experience of project work, where you begin with a project outline and a guide, but take charge of your own exploration of the project and write a report about what you did, how you did it, and what you found.
This project is designed to be between similar to a dissertation project from Stage 3, but with a more guided task. It is not expected that you will learn all you need to complete the project and report from the sessions in the taught weeks. To achieve a good mark, you will need to review the existing and new material released on Canvas, undertake your own reading, and attend practal sessions to ask questions.
Submission 计算机建模代写
The coursework must be submitted to Canvas by Monday 16th May at 15:00. You must submit:
A PDF document containing your project report (2500 words maximum excluding any references and brief appendices) to this assignment. A zip file
containing your artefact to the Project Artefact Submission page.
This coursework is marked out of 100 and contributes 20% to your assessment for CSC2034.
The format of the project for each topic is the same: you should develop an artefact (model, design, code, game, notebook, etc.), and write a project report about the work you did. The report carries the majority of the marks for this assessment, but is is important that the markers can access your artefact, so make sure it works.
Students achieving higher marks will demonstrate that they have widened their knowledge by going beyond the content of taught material through background reading.
The task description for the topic (see below) describes a scenario and the artefact you should develop. It includes guidance on the core elements that the artefact should include as well as possible extensions and avenues to explore. The task description may also include a starting point (e.g. a data set or framework). The format of the report is the same for all topics. Your report should comprise the following sections:
Cover Page 计算机建模代写
Student number
Abstract (50 – 200 words strict)
A summary of the work done including any results and findings.
- What Was Done and How
A description of the work done at a high level, including descriptions of design, implementation, testing strategies as appropriate.
A rationale for the approach taken and any decisions made, taking account of the wider context of contemporary topics in computing as appropriate.
References, quotes and examples of existing research and practice relevant to the approach taken and the artefact produced. Should use diagrams, tables, images and code snippets with captions to appropriately support text.
- Results and Evaluation
A clear description of the final artefact.
An evaluation of how well the artefact meets the task description.
Conclusions 计算机建模代写
A summary of the work done.
Suggestions for future work.
Personal reflection on how the project went.
Evaluation and reflections should include positive and negative aspects. References
- Full references for any quotes, figures, code or other external sources used.
A standard and consistent format will full bibliographic data. Appropriate use
of in-text citations.
Appendices (optional)
- Brief appendices may be included that contain additional material such as diagrams and tables.
The report should be 2500 words excluding the cover page, references and (optionally) brief appendices. The standard tolerance of ±10% on word count applies. Falling significantly below the word limit makes it harder to include all the required content to achieve the marks. The task description includes guidance on what you might include in the main What Was Done and How section of the report since this varies across topics.
Task 计算机建模代写
You have been assigned one of these tasks (check your Announcements from 14th March if you are not sure). There are more opportunities to explore all topics further in Stage 3 through specific modules and project work.
- Task Description for Modelling and Reasoning
- Task Description for Human Computer Interaction
- Task Description for Biocomputing
- Task Description for Game Engineering Task
- Description for Data Science
The task description includes guidance on what to include in the main sections of the report. Coursework Policies
This is an individual piece of work. Guidance on plagiarism, the late submission policy, and other details can be found on the Assessment Information page.
Marking Scheme 计算机建模代写
The following table indicates the breakdown of marks assigned to each aspect of the report. hese follow the form of the Faculty Marking Criteria (see What Do My Grades Mean?).
There is a rubric attached which shows how marks are assigned to these categories. You can use the three vertical dots menu on this topic to press Show rubric to see it. A PDF version can be found here: CSC2034 Project and Report (Rubric).pdf

Remember to submit your report below and your artefact to the Project Artefact Submission page by Monday 16th May at 15:00.