Essay代写 This essay gives an insight of the relationship between grit, self-motivation, time management skill, SRL and academic achievement.
Topic:The relationship between grit, motivation, time management strategy to self-regulated learning(SRL) and student’s academic achievement in university.Essay代写
Reference style: APA 6th reference style
This essay is going to analysis the relationship between grit, motivation, time management strategy to the self-regulated learning (SRL) and how the SRL is relevant the student’s academic achievement in university. Over past 25 years, self- regulated learning (SRL) has been indicated as an important element to evaluate, understand and improve the academic achievement of university students.Essay代写
“Self-regulated learning (SRL) is understood generally to be the process through which students take an active, purposeful role in managing motivational, cognitive and behavioural aspects of their own learning” (Pintrich as cited in Wolters & Hussain, 2015, p. 295).Essay代写
On the other hand, the grit has been proven that is useful for explaining academic outcome. It is necessary to analysis the relationship between individual characteristic such as motivation, grit, and time management skill between self-Regulated learning.Essay代写
Moreover, the relationship between self- regulated learning and academic achievement will also be analyzed in this essay. Academic articles will be researched to analysis the relation between individual differences, SRL, and student academic achievement.Essay代写
Firstly, grit of a student positively influences SRL and academic achievement of university students.
According to Duckworth et al. (2007), grit has been defined as a person’s trait-level perseverance and the passion to do something for long- term goals, it is a stable personal characteristic that influences a personal’s attitudes and behavior across diverse contexts. Reed (2013) & Kleiman (2013) indicated that people have the higher level of grit will be linked to increased intensity of excise, and less suicide ideation.Essay代写
Moreover, in academic area, the higher level of grit means that there is a greater persistence by an individual to do and achieve a goal. For example, even students are in the face of distraction, students will sustain the time and afford for accomplishing long-term task when they have termed perseverance of effort.Essay代写
According to Wolters & Hussain (2014, p. 296), setting grit potentially has an important influence on student’s engagement to do a task, the level of academic achievement and retention and probability of graduation.Essay代写
On the other hand, SRL is understood generally to be the process through which student take an active, purposeful role in managing motivation, cognitive and behavioral aspects of the learning (Maddi etc., 2012).
Therefore, Grit represents a compound personal characteristic that relevant to university student academic successful. The higher levels of grit as one of the personal characteristics difference has been defined as an important factor that associated with increased engagement in SRL and student academic achievement.Essay代写
Secondly, self-motivation and time management skill in study is viewed as another important factor to engage SRL for university students.
According to Wolters, Hussain (2014, p. 298), the model of SRL includes goal setting, goal achievement, value, interest and self-efficacy, and there are two elements to achieve motivation, self- efficacy and value, which consistently have been used in the model of SRL. Self-efficacy is an individual’s subjective perception of his or her capability to perform in a given setting or to attain desired results, which is relevant to self-motivation, SRL and academic achievement of university students.Essay代写
When students has self-motivation in study, they will in high self- efficacy level, they will have a positive and purposeful role for their study, and they will have more self-motivation and time management strategies. Students who are more perseverance will have more grit in study that related to SRL. On the other hand, time management skills also influence SRL significantly.Essay代写
Developing time management skill is important for a student to stop procrastination. According to Klingsieck (2013) procrastination is intentionally delay tasks despite knowing the delay might have negative consequences. Student need to know how to management the time during the study to become a self-regulated learner and not be procrastination. Furthermore, developing motivational and time management skill will ensure a student to become a self-regulated learner.Essay代写
It is a good idea to spend 30 minutes a day for a student to plan a day, write down what should be done. Moreover, when a student is doing a task, less distraction is required, such as putting phone away, turning off the music and focusing on the task.Essay代写
The last but not the least, SRL is a significant pathway for academic achievement.
The student who has grit, self-motivation, time management skill and SRL will achieve academic success. Grit, self-motivation, time management skill is important element for SRL, and SRL engage academic achievement.Essay代写
SRL is understood generally to be the process through which students take an active, purposeful role in managing motivational, cognitive and behavioral aspects of their own learning.
According to Platt and Drew (2013), student who has more SRL shows better academic result in university. Although academic achievement is not the only goal for a university student, grit could help students to achieve other long-term goal of a student, such as success in career.Essay代写
However, a study states that SRL is not necessary for high academic achievement, this study has been given by Karen & Lipschelle (1998), just 53% of 97th percentile on an achievement test in seventh-grade student describe that they use SRL strategy and rate their achievement goal. Although this study has been taken in middle school, the result still could be used in analyzing university students.
Moreover, the most interest thing is that the relationship between SRL and academic achievement is significantly related to the gender. Girls reported grater use of SRL involving personal regulation when they completing difficult assignments. While, boy reported less relevant rate between SRL and academic achievement.Essay代写
To be concluded, this essay analysis the relationship between grit, motivation, time management strategy to the self-regulated learning (SRL) and how the SRL is relevant the student’s academic achievement in university.Essay代写
Firstly, grit of a student positively influences SRL and academic achievement of university students. Secondly, self-motivation and time management skill in study is been viewed as another important factor to engage SRL for university students.Essay代写
The last but not the least, although the relation between achievement and self-regulated learning (SRL) is more complex than originally believed, in generally, SRL is a significant pathway for academic achievement. The student who has grit, self-motivation, time management skill and SRL will achieve academic success. Furthermore, the relationship between SRL and academic achievement is significantly related to the gender.Essay代写
This essay gives an insight of the relationship between grit, self-motivation, time management skill, SRL and academic achievement. The academic resources have been cited in this academic assay and will be list in next page in APA reference style. For further analysis, it is a good idea to investigate that how to improve self-regulated learning for an university student. Essay代写
Reference list:
Ablard, K. E., & Lipschultz, R. E. (1998). Self- regulated learning in high- achieving Students: relations to advanced reasoning, achievement goals, and gender. The Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(1), 94-101. Retrieved from
Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., & Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(6), 1087–1101. Retrieved from
Maddi, S. R., Matthews, M. D., Kelly, D. R., Villarreal, B., & White, M. (2012). Therole of hardiness and grit in predicting performance and retention of USMA cadets. Military Psychology, 24(1), 19–28. Retrieved from
Platt, A., & Drew, M. (2013). Career counseling. In D. Capuzzi & D. Gross (Eds.),Introduction to the counseling profession (6th ed., pp. 369 395). New York: Routledge.
Reed, J., Pritschet, B. L., & Cutton, D. M. (2013). Grit, conscientiousness, and the transtheoretical model of change for exercise behavior. Journal of Health Psychology, 18(5), 612–619. Retrieved from
Wolters, C. A., & Hussain, M. (2015). Investigating grit and its relations with college students’ self-regulated learning and academic achievement. Metacognition Learning. Retrieved from10, 293-311. doi: 10.1007/s11409-014-9128-9