Connection Between (Your Chosen Representation of Listening and the Reading and Lectures)
The Conversation by Francis Ford Coppola
Conversation代写 Music is about listening to the sound and rhythm. People perceive the sound differently depending on the need ···
Music is about listening to the sound and rhythm. People perceive the sound differently depending on the need and the meaning they intend to derive from the music or the sound. As such, sound and music have been used to inform, teach, and communicate. In the film by Francis Ford Coppola, the power of sound and how the perception of it can be misheard is emphasized. The film stresses the effect of misconception of the meaning of the message. Harry is the main character acting as a private detective. The movie depicts Harry as a person unable to connect with the community and prefers to live a life of secrecy in isolation. The most profound part of the movie is when Harry tries to listen to the recording, he made of couples who according to his reception of the sound, it was a plot to kill.
The editing and sound techniques in the scene give the audience the understanding of Harry’s personality and his predicaments as well as how he utilizes various devices and equipment in the analysis of sounds and in enhancing his listening. The unfortunate perception of the sound from the couples, makes Harry try to understand the what other people are doing. Consequently, ended him surprised by troubles and negative repercussions.
Through the analysis of the work of Francis Ford, and the characterization of Harry as the main character in the movie, this paper will analyze listening as used in The Conversation film. In this regard, the argument to be made is how the filmmaker has depicted hearing and listening in the film.
How Harry Caul Listening is Represented Conversation代写
The whole movie is about Harry listening to recorded sounds and sometimes jazz music and playing the saxophone. The listening capability of Harry is represented by the various devices and equipment he uses together with his colleagues for recording and editing sounds captured in their work. Editing scenes tell about Harry as a person who is engrossed in his work to the extent, he is ignoring his Stan and feel bothered and interrupted by the presence of anyone in the room. The film shows him as an attentive person dedicated to his detective job.
The editing scene establishes the fact of how Harry is enveloped in his work. The scenes show him always sandwiched in the shots of tape players of those of Ann and Mark. The scene explains the events in Harry’s imaginations which stress how he is absorbed into his work and the mystery of the conversation he is investigating. Using his memory images, we can see his eyelids shifting between shots proving that he is engraved in listening and memories of the couples. The scene let us know and experience how he is reacting to what he is hearing and doing. The moments Harry is making an analysis of what he hears, the focus of the camera shifts to his face. At some points, his face looks disappointed probably because he hears what he did not expect, such as when Ann tease Mark.
Generally, to represent how Harry is listening, the scene shifts the focus to and from Harry’s memory of the recordings of the two couples, his attentiveness to details, and facial expression after listening to the recording. The audience can learn more about Harry work and character while understanding the need to have attentive listening.
Caul Characters in Listening Conversation代写
To portray Harry’s character, the film has used various scenes and interactions with his colleagues and sound devices. Harry is a mysterious person and a religious man who does not like interaction with other people. He is a paranoid and reserved protagonist throughout the film. Perhaps his character of being very private made him fall in love with his job of surveillance. The audience can know his paranoid tendency by how he lives in his secret apartment. His house has three locks, alarm system around the house, and he does not own a phone and only uses a payphone.
Furthermore, his reserved nature is evident in the scenes where he is work with Stan.
He seems to ignore anyone’s presence and feel bothered when one tries to start a conversation. For example, when Stan invites Harry for an out, the response is shown with shots crossing between Stan and that if Harry is facing away at his work. It is evident that he is not interested at Stan proposal to go out. The scene is critical in the show who Harry is and the relationship he has with his co-workers. Hence, it can be concluded that Harry is an anti-social person who wants to remain in solitude.

Additionally, Harty is depicted as a person dedicated to his work. During editing scenes, Harry is always engrossed in his work. The scene shows him imagining the couples talking, and he is drawn to their conversation. At such moments, Harry is trying to decipher the meaning of the recording. When he is working, he does not want interruption from anyone. He ignores that there are people in the room. Most are the times when Stan is left alone as Harty concentrates on listening and editing the recordings.
Harry is a man who always desires to behave ethically, and he is quickly consumed by guilt.
Such instance is when his surveillance led to the murder of a family. He was left haunted and full of guilt probably feeling that he could have done something to avert the murder. Thus, he becomes obsessed with his heading off what he fears will end in violence. His life is full of challenges of endangering his own life. Harry only find solace and thrill in playing and listening to his saxophone along with the jazz vinyl records in his house.
The Context of Caul Listening Conversation代写
Harry was a secret detective whose work is to surveillance and investigate cases. He owned a company that offered services for private investigations. Harry fell in love with eavesdropping to people’s conversation and always finding ways and technologies for making his work easier and possible. What made him a perfect match to his work is the life of secrecy he was living. Harry was the paranoid and introverted person who always kept in himself in isolation. He had no relationships with people, and no one understood his life. His home was also secretly guided with locks and alarm systems. He did not own any phone and only used a pay phone to make calls hence making it difficult to track his conversations and movements. These traits contributed to the whole film of Harry listening to the conversations of other people.
Caul Relationship with His Soundscape
The film revolves around the manipulation of sounds. The use of music on the film signified Harry’s discovery of the records and the reaction towards them. The camera could shift the focus from the conversation as seen by him to his reception and reaction to the message. Diegetic sound is used in speech and sound effects to create the atmosphere of the film (Waters, and Munjeera par. 3). The use of diegetic sounds depicts the frustrations Harry and Stan are undergoing when editing the recordings. The challenge in their work is to get the information they were looking for and therefore, they had to keep on recording and to edit the tapes.
Moreover, the scenes showing Harry listening and editing the records and illustration of his frustrations and mishearing of the lines, several diegetic sounds effects are played what the viewer was seeing, matched with what was happening hence emphasizing on the reality of the storyline.
When Harry is at his house, he plays saxophone with a background vinyl record of jazz music. He uses the jazz sound and sax to release the ambiance of relaxation in his lonely house. It is also used to show his meditation on his work and how he is fighting emotional guilt from emanating from the nature of his work.
The Mode of Listening Caul Employs Conversation代写
According to Chion, there three modes of listening namely, semantic listening, casual listening, and reduced listening. Harry used casual and semantic listening to decipher his recordings. Casual listening consisted of listening to recordings to know the source (Chion 49). The editing work involved casual listening to the records. Harry listened and rewound the tapes in the bid to get the source of the sound before deciding on the content. It is true that the meaning of the sound depends on the source of that sound. Harry was paying much attention to what the two couples were saying to each other and could not let any line go without him getting the source and the meaning.
On the other hand, Harry had a hard task of getting the meaning of the message and interpret it correctly. He used semantic listening to decipher the meaning of the message recorded (Chion 50). In the interpretation of the sound, Harry had to edit it for clarity using special devices. Semantic listening uses phonetic codes of the language used to interpret the message. Interpreting messages can be confusing sometimes as seen when Harry misheard the message from the couple about the plot to kill. Misinterpretation cause failure in communication and the listener may feel guilt for misrepresenting the message. In essence, using the two modes of listening, Harry was able to get the meaning of the recorded messages except for the one that he misheard the lines.
The Theme of Listening in The Conversation Conversation代写
The main organizing theme of the film is listening, and Harry related to it well. The filmmaker is trying to show the power of listening. When the film starts, the audience watches and hears conversation from a distance. The use of sounds and music combined or separate created a magnificent effect in the movie by influencing how the viewer hear and think throughout the movie.
The whole life of Harry is about listening through eavesdropping to the people and recording them then decipher the meaning of the messages later. By extension, Harry’s life was dominated by secrets, and he was always listening to her own life and fear for it at the same time. Harry’s job was to spy other people, and he was very serious about it to the extent that he feared the same might happen to him. Therefore, he cleared and protected his house from any threat of surveillance.
Furthermore, the theme of listening continues with Bernie showering praises to Harry for his ability to listen to any conversation. Conversation代写
It depicts Harry’s recognized efforts as a private detective. However, to his surprise, Harry found out that his house was bugged and someone has been listening to him all along. It was a paradox to see himself as the greatest listener and expert in surveillance being surveilled. It made him mad and full of paranoia. Overall, the whole film is built on the conversation recorded of the two couples Ann and Mark. The interpretation of the recordings took time and keenness of Harry to edit and decipher. To the viewer, this aspect of interpretation is essential as it forms the basis on which the message is understood.
The filmmaker has successfully depicted hearing and listening as essential in understanding the message. Listening is subjective hence affect the perception of the message. Therefore, being attentive to the source and having the art of decoding the message is key to communication. Sounds are used to convey different moods and attitude to the listeners and viewers and also to create the urge to listen to the message. The perception and effect of the sound to the audience are also essential for active listening.
Work Cited Conversation代写
Chion, Michel. “The three listening modes.” The Sound Studies Reader (2012): 48-53.
Coppola, Francis Ford. The Conversation. Paramount, 1974.
Waters, Marcie, and Misagh Munjeera. “Importance Of Diegetic And Non-Diegetic Sounds In Film | The Artifice.” The-Artifice.Com, 2016,