Characteristics of the Poverty Population
Poverty Population代写 The fundamental definition of poverty is primarily accepted as a lack of or inadequate standard of living.
Poverty might have different meanings in different parts of the world and to different people.
However, the fundamental definition of poverty is primarily accepted as a lack of or inadequate standard of living. The article “Characteristics of the Poverty Population” illuminate who constitute the poor group in the United States. The chapter profile the U.S poverty and poor, experience the poor, vulnerability of poverty and where poverty is concentrated. Poverty Population代写**成品
According to the article, women have higher poverty rates than men and minorities have higher poverty rate than non-Hispanic whites (p. 40).
It is so because women earn less than men, and minorities receive lower wages on average compared to whites. Similarly, it observed that 25.4 percent of adults with lower educational attainment are more exposed to poverty than college or university graduates (p. 43). What is more, two adults living together and earning money tend to have lower poverty than households headed by a single woman.
Furthermore, poverty is also characterized to change with age. Poverty Population代写
Individuals aged 65 and above have a lower poverty level and have been on the decline, mainly due to social security benefits (p. 42). Unfortunately, children’s poverty has remained high at around 20 percent. Children in female-householders are more exposed to poverty than those in married couples. Poverty Population代写**成品
Poverty is also explained as either extreme poverty or near poverty (p. 44).
Those who earn less than half the federal threshold are extremely poor. Only a small proportion are in extreme poverty, but significant number is poor or near poverty. As a result, these groups experience hardships such as food insecurity, poor healthcare, inadequate housing in lousy neighborhoods, and can fail to meet their basic needs.
Moreover, poverty has become dynamic and can be transferred to generations (p. 47). Poverty Population代写
It is believed that some people are poor because they are poor. The spell of poverty, however, is short in some cases. It is noted that overage 50 percent of people have ever entered poverty and managed to get out over time (p. 49). The stay in the poverty state depends on many factors such as dependents, educations, social and culture as well as prevailing economic conditions. Poverty Population代写**成品
Notably, geographical differences have also contributed to the prevalence of poverty (p. 51).
That is, the economy, social, culture, and political aspects of a place affect how people are empowered. Regions like Northeast and Midwest have lower poverty rate compared to South and Southwest. As such, states from areas with lower poverty rates are ranked higher. Also, metropolitan areas have lower poverty compared to rural areas. However, there are parts of the city with low-income dwellers and experience high poverty rate.

What can be Learned Poverty Population代写
It is evident from the chapter that poverty or endowment depends on one’s race, geographical regions, gender, and age. Poverty history is also a consideration as a reason for poverty. Nonetheless, race and geographic areas play a significant role in determining poverty level. The reason being, most minority groups in United States are immigrants who find themselves stranded and in crisis of balancing various aspects in life. Also, income differences between the natives and non-natives have contributed to higher poverty in minority groups, among other reasons.
Most importantly, poverty is a social problem. Poverty Population代写
Poverty undermines economic growth by upsetting the normal growth of human capital, which is the crucial economic poverty thrives on people’s lack of education, professional experience, and health. According to the chapter, areas that have a high poverty level tend to perpetuate poverty for generations. Children from low-income families are less accomplished compared to well-endowed families. The contribution of single parenting exposes children to poverty. Poverty Population代写**成品
Generally, poverty is the foundation of many vices in society including lack of education, violence, and rural and urban crime. People with low education get low wages. These problems from poverty perpetuate to a vicious cycle of poverty which can only be broken by tremendous government intervention and policies
How the Chapter is Related to Social Welfare Policy Poverty Population代写
The chapter opens up Pandora’s box on the characteristics of poverty in the U.S. The information presented is essential in formulated social intervention policies that target specific groups in society. Thus, the government and policymakers can know groups, ages, and regions that are prevalent in poverty. Regarding the analysis, South and Southwest regions are special attention in providing government social programs such as stamp foods and Medicaid.

Work Cited Poverty Population代写
Characteristics of the Poverty Population, n.d, pp. 39-60.
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