Famous Person Diagnostics Paper
Famous Person Diagnostic Paper
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson代写 Michael Jackson was the best know king of pop, and his popularity has transcended for a generation (Borsboom 2011).
Background Information
Michael Jackson was the best know king of pop, and his popularity has transcended for a generation (Borsboom 2011). He started his music career on August 29, 1958, to June 25, 2009. He became the best best selling in his time and the most popular pop music American singer, songwriter, and dancer. Jackson started his music career as early as the age of 5 years. Since he took off music career, he produced the leading in his albums Off the wall, Thriller, and Bad. At the age of 13 years, Jackson released his first song called “Got Be There” in 1971 together with his brother as Jackson 5 (Regan 1984). He later released a solo song “Ben” in 1972 which marked the start of his career independent of the Jackson 5.
Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009, at the age of 50 (Borsboom 2011). According to the doctor, he died from cardiac arrest on his way to the hospital. Perhaps the most profound achievement in music came after his release of “Off the Wall” in 1979 and “Thriller” in 1982.
Prior and during his music career, Jackson was physically and psychologically abused by his father (Njoku, 2018). Michael Jackson代写
Joe Jackson was seen as the most brutal and monstrous father in pop history. Psychologically he was mistreated by his father’s demands in the music by expecting him to perform beyond expectations. His emotional detachment with his father made his life difficult in his home until he was able to move out. It is believed that his father chemically castrated him to maintain his high-pitched voice. His father attitude and expectation towards Michael affected him psychologically. The physical abuse of chemical castration affected him both physically and emotionally.
Due to his early singing career, Jackson never had a normal childhood. He was introduced to music and performance at the age of 5 which stole his childhood life. He was also exposed to sexuality early in his life. When he went for live performances, the young Jackson became exposed to adult behaviors which also affected him emotionally (Strasburger, 2013). He grew not liking to be associated with women. As a result, later in the 1990s, he was accused of pervasive relations with small boys.
In the early 1980s, Jackson started to undergo plastic surgeries to change his appearance. Michael Jackson代写
He hated his black melanin and therefore seek medical correction to be white. In this quest to have his skin and demeanor changed, he had to undergo several plastic surgeries. Probably, he performed surgeries to correct his looks to make him feel comfortable in himself.
Jackson also suffered from an eating disorder in which he was not able to eat. His body frail and weak. He was obsessed with the small body to maintain his dancing moves. His eating disorder is likely to have been contributed by emotional stress he was suffering from as well as psychological battles in his mind that he needed to come into terms with. He also became addicted to prescription drugs may be due to emotional distress and pains inflicted throughout his life. The drugs were mainly to earn him some sleep because it was difficult for him to sleep at night. Consequently, Jackson turned to medication and other substance abuse which also took a toll on his body and health
Cultural Evaluation Michael Jackson代写
A cultural formulation of Jackson under the DSM V criteria involves giving information that about the cultural background of the patient. It consists knowing the cultural and social identity of the patient, explanation of the illness through the culture, the element of culture in relationships with the clinician and the patient and more.

Michael Jackson believed in his music. His love to live music as his culture emanated from his father Joe who was very strict in making his music accomplishments together with other Jacksons. He was famous for his style of pop music which recolonized how people viewed black civilization. At that time, he was referred to the king pop because a lot was transformed by him making him the epitome of pop culture (Swedien 2009). The music culture and dancing moves infused by him has continued to immortalize him in the pop culture.
He was not a religious man at any period in his life according to his bibliography. His mother was a staunch Jehovah Witness Christian believer but not his father. Jackson started making money through music at an early age which results to him getting out of his father’s house when he was a still a young boy. Because of him being young and naïve, Jackson was introduced to adulthood behavior like nudity and sexuality.
Diagnostic Information Michael Jackson代写
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
A person with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), think about their perceived or real flaws in their appearance. The negative thought of their looks becomes uncontrollable, and even if everyone tells them that they look beautiful, they cannot believe. The person is always preoccupied with mirror checking and reassurance seeking or mental act like comparing his/her look with that others and try to point or prove his/her real or perceived flawed appearance. The thought of being ugly or having a facial or body flaws bring about severe emotional distress which interferes with the person’s daily life. However, the BDD is not explained using the case of fat and weight accumulation due to an eating disorder.
Specifier Michael Jackson代写
Because of delusional beliefs, the individual becomes entirely convinced that BDD beliefs are true.
Review of Michael Jackson Pointer to BDD
Michael Jackson once said, “I try not to look into the mirror. I’m not happy with what I see.”. Jackson also became well known for his series of plastic surgeries which aimed at correcting his perceived flawed look. Most are the times he denied plastic surgery and termed it necessary because he was suffering from vitiligo (Hombach 2012). He relied on the medical cover-up to hide his appearance disorder because at an early age in 1980s he had begun bleaching his skin before major surgeries which changed his skin melanin to white.
Furthermore, his perceived appearance may have come from his childhood (Gottlieb, 2004). Michael Jackson代写
He grew up with acute facial acne. His father always referred to him as ugly repeatedly to the extent he grew that perception of being ugly. He could not even look in the mirror for being ashamed of his look. Jackson was also born a perfectionist which contributed much into his music career, but it became destructive when he tried to change his looks through multiple surgeries to shape his face eating disorder to maintain his figure and body size for dancing. His repeated operations lead to his face being mocked thus completing the circle of his BDD.
Socially, a person suffering from BDD tend to withdraw from the public life thus live an isolated life to reduce the pressure mounted by people having to review the appearance. An adult also tries to avoid displaying the face in any way possible. In the context of Jackson, considering his latest music production most of them were propagating the invisible ideal and mostly covered his face with a mask or black hat (King, 2010).
Summary and Conclusion Michael Jackson代写
However, Michael was never diagnosed nor treated for BDD. He was diagnosed with hypochondriasis, but this was clear misdiagnosis from the psychological perspective. His history and behavioral factors were very consistent with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. If he could have been diagnosed correctly, Jackson could have sought therapy medication BDD and perhaps revert some of his addictions and behavior which was detrimental to his life.

Borsboom, J. (2011). Michael Jackson: The Icon. Raleigh: Lulu Press.
Gottlieb, S. (2004). Cognitive behavior therapy can reduce hypochondriasis. BMJ, 328(7442), 725.2. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.328.7442.725-a
Hombach, J. (2012). Michael Jackson King of Pop. Raleigh: Lulu Press.
King, D. (2010). Michael Jackson: King of Pain. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/mining-the-headlines/201006/michael-jackson-king-pain
Njoku;, B. (2018). Joe Jackson: Inside story of his relationship with Michael Jackson – Vanguard News Nigeria. Retrieved from https://www.vanguardngr.com/2018/06/joe-jackson-inside-story-relationship-michael-jackson/
Regan, S. (1984). Michael Jackson Superstar. Great Britain: Coombe Books
Swedien, B. (2009). In the Studio with Michael Jackson Milwaukee: Hal Leonard
Strasburger, V. C., Hogan, M. J., Mulligan, D. A., Ameenuddin, N., Christakis, D. A., Cross, C., … & Moreno, M. A. (2013). Children, adolescents, and the media. Pediatrics, 132(5), 958-961.
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