CO101: The World of Communication
Journalism – Project 2
通信代写 In the journalism unit of this course, we’ve been discussing the most fundamental writing structure for reporting the news – the inverted…
In the journalism unit of this course, we’ve been discussing the most fundamental writing structure for reporting the news – the inverted pyramid, also known as a “hard news” structure. We introduce this structure because it works across every news medium (Internet, social media, radio, TV and print), every journalistic beat and every journalistic role (editors, producers, writers and photographers).
We also discussed photojournalism, specifically portraiture and its fundamental associated terms -subject, composition, focus, light and frame – as a visual method of telling true stories.
The journalism project has two parts:
PART 1: Write a 450- to 550-word news article covering the speaker’s talk;
PART 2: Take a portrait-style photo and write a brief essay explaining your photo (see below).
Part 1 and Part 2 are separate assignments, meaning, don’t take a photo of the speaker.
However, Part 1 and Part 2 will be submitted together. In total, you will submit:
- your typed article covering the March 11 speaker;
- your typed essay on your portrait; and
- the portrait.
Due date: Check the syllabus.
Formatting: 通信代写
Use double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, and 1-inch margins.
The header for your news article must include:
1) your name;
2) your DF’s name;
3) your discussion section letters (AC, BD, etc.); and
4) your paper’s word count.
Grading balance:
50 percent: News article content
30 percent: Grammar and logical progression of news article and photo essay
20 percent: Photograph and essay content
PART 1: Write a “hard news” article. 通信代写
News article description: You will write a 450- to 550-word “hard news” article based solely on the notes you took during the March 11 interview and your own research. Your assignment is to “cover” or “report on” the interview given by the speaker.
News article requirements: The article will be graded on its adherence to all of the applicable journalistic guidelines offered in the lectures, the readings of this unit and the following project requirements. Your article must include:
- A hard news lead: You may use the lead written as part of Assignment 6, or write a new lead.
- Hard news structure throughout: Please use the inverted pyramid structure (example posted on Blackboard, “COM 101 Hard news example”). Please remember, paragraphs in news are typically only one or two sentences.
Proper attributions: You must attribute any fact that is not widely known to a reputable primary source, using “said” or “according to” (as discussed in class). For example, any information said by the speaker must be attributed to the speaker. Only one attribution per paragraph is needed.

- Quotes: You must include three full-sentence quotes from the speaker that are properly punctuated, attributed, relevant, compelling and accurate: a lead quote, a kicker and a quote in a location of your choosing. Please remember, quotes are in their own paragraph. You must have set-up sentences with attribution (as discussed in class) for all quotes except the lead quote.
- Biographical info.: You must include brief biographical information on the speaker, such as how long she has been in the position. You must also include the setting of the speaker’s comments (you may use: “in a recorded interview for a COM 101 lecture class on March 11”).
- Research: You must include two sentences of paraphrased research from credible primary sources (with dates, if needed). DO NOT COPY THE EXACT WORDING; THAT’S PLAGIARISM. The sentences must be properly punctuated, attributed, relevant, compelling and accurate. You may use two of the three pieces of research written as part of Assignment 5, or you may write new paraphrased research using the same guidelines. The research must be within the past 10 years and must give the reader a greater understanding of and relate to the news in the lead.
Writing style and standards: 通信代写
➢ Any factual inaccuracies in your article will be marked down significantly.
➢ Don’t mention Prof. Graves (in news articles, reporters don’t talk about themselves).
➢ Use correct grammar and punctuation. Don’t use a casual tone (“guys” or “kids”), colloquialisms (“chicken out”), or obscure acronyms (DDoS). You may use contractions (don’t, isn’t).
➢ Aim for clear, concise writing in which each sentence conveys one fact or concept. The SVO sentence structure (discussed in class) should be used as often as possible.
➢ Use the last name only (and don’t use honorifics) on second and/or any subsequent references to the speaker.
➢ You must use the third-person voice and maintain objectivity by avoiding judgmental words, such as “even” and “only,” opinion words, and needlessly dramatic expressions.
➢ Avoid essay-style writing (“There are three factors to consider in boosting network security”). Instead, state facts clearly (“X, Y and Z will boost network security”).
➢ If any portion of your article is fabricated or plagiarized, the assignment will receive a failing grade.
PART 2: Take a black-and-white, environmental portrait that attempts to fulfill all five photography guidelines (subject, composition, focus, light and frame), AND write an 80- to 120-word essay identifying one of the guidelines and describing how you attempted to use it.
2A.) The portrait: 通信代写
Portrait description: You will take what you’ve learned about portraiture, which focuses on the human face, and take an environmental portrait, including these requirements:
○ Subject must be someone who is known to you and who agrees to let you take their picture (do not take a stranger’s photo), and must include the person’s face;
○ Photo must be in a setting that reflects the person’s personality, profession or hobby;
○ Photo must attempt to use the five photography guidelines explained in the March 23 lecture (subject, composition, focus, light and frame)
A good example of an environmental portrait is taking a picture of your musician roommate playing the guitar. Please don’t take a picture of your roommate simply sitting in their dorm room.
Portrait requirements: You may use a camera or your phone to take the photograph. You must arrange the image on a standard 8 1/2 X 11 digital doc so that it covers at least half of the page = large enough to be easily viewed. You will include your photo essay (see below) on the same page. Since the photo must be black and white, you can use the edit functions on your camera or phone to change the photo to grayscale. Do not edit or alter the photo’s content (the items depicted in the photo) beyond changing a color photo to black and white. (The photo will be viewed only by the instructional team.)
- Portrait credit line: After you place your digital photo in the doc, you must type a credit line below the picture, as described in lecture.
Portrait grading: The photo will be graded on visible evidence that you attempted to adhere to the five photography guidelines. Photos containing edited or altered content will receive half credit.
2B.) The essay: 通信代写
Essay description: The essay is an 80- to 120-word written statement in which you will:
○ identify your subject’s relationship to you;
○ identify one of the five photography guidelines (subject, composition, focus, light or frame) and describe how you tried to use that technical guideline to convey the person’s personality, profession or hobby.
For example, if you choose to take a picture of your little sister, you could select “light” as your guideline and describe how you took a portrait with sunshine on her face to show her innocence. (You may not submit this example for your assignment.)
Essay requirements: You will include your essay on the same page as your portrait photo.
Essay grading: Your writing will be graded on clarity of thought, content and adherence to proper grammar and punctuation. You may use personal pronouns, such as “I took a photograph of my sister.”