


高分论文 1.Last century XXX was considered to be/ was viewed as / was seen as the most …2.nitial / Preliminary / The first studies of X conside···


当你在写总结,你就可以用这些句式 高分论文

1.Last century XXX was considered to be/ was viewed as / was seen as the most …

2.nitial / Preliminary / The first studies of X considered it to be

3.Traditionally X / In the history of X, the focus has always been …

4.Scientists / Researchers / Experts have always seen X as …

5.X has received much attention in the last two years / in the past decade / over the last two decades …

如果想写研究的未来发展前景可以使用的句子 高分论文

1.The next decade is likely to see/witness a considerable rise in X

2.In the next few years, X will become/is likely to have become

3.Within the next few years, X is set/destined / likely to become an important component in …

4.X will soon / shortly / rapidly / inevitably be an issue that …


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