MIB SBC assessment 

Assessment代做 Write a 3,500 word essay on how contemporary international firms practice the following international management functions: political…


Module Title: Managing International Business
Assessment Title: Essay (3500 words)
Individual/Group: Individual
Weighting: 100%
Submission Date: 30/4/2024 before 15:00


Please note that you must submit your assignment via Blackboard and on Turn-it-in


Essay Assessment代做

Write a 3,500 word essay on how contemporary international firms practice the following international management functions: political risk management, ethical behaviour, and human resource management. See essay structure/content section below for specifics.

The central purpose of your essay is explaining and discussing the above international management functions. However, you must also identify:

  • Any relationships or connections between the functions (ethics, political risk management and HR management)
  • Any changes or new patterns of corporate behaviour that have emerged in each of these areas.

The essay should include relevant academic literature/research in support. This means your explanations and discussions have to be supported with citations and/or quotes. Although you will be able to identify relevant studies in the reference list in the lecture slides, you are strongly advised to identify and collect other studies through own research efforts on google scholar and/or through the e-journal portals within library gate (such as pro-quest, emerald, business source complete).

But you should further support your discussion with recent corporate examples (from the last three years).  Use brief vignettes of corporate examples, and not to overboard the essay with examples. Please ensure your examples are relevant to the argument (s) you are making and are sourced/referenced.


Required Essay Structure and Content Assessment代做

  • Introduction (between 150 and 200 words)
  • Main section:

The main thrust of the essay should include a discussion on the following topics:

  1. Explain and contrast the strategies to manage international political risk.
  2. Explain and contrast the purpose and implications of two ethical theories for managing ethics within international business.
  3. Explain and contrast the various approaches to staffing (including the ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric staffing models, and the choice of women managers).

The space afforded to A, B and C should be fairly balanced but does not have to be exact.

  • Conclusion (between 150 and 200 words).


Answers to potential questions?

What do you mean by explain and contrast? Assessment代做

Within the respective functional area (e.g, political risk management), explain the various approaches with adequate detail as opposed to a simple listing of the approaches. Then, contrast the approaches – identify some points of difference and/or commonality.


Can I offer some critique of the approaches within the respective areas (political risk, ethics and IHRM)?

Yes, you can. Pointing out some advantages and disadvantages is always useful for explaining and comparing.

How many corporate examples do I use?

No precise number but make sure each topic area (A, B and C) has at least two examples.  I would aim to avoid having too many examples overall because this will only reduce the flow of discussion and quality of content. We should see more academic literature/citations than corporate examples.

What should I do when I cannot find a corporate example for a specific approach?

Don’t worry about it. It is not necessary to assign an example for each approach.

Are there any other rules about using corporate examples?

Yes. They must be in the last three years. Following good practice for any formal document, please also provide a source to the information on the example within the essay. The corporate examples can be from any sector, nationality, and size of company. But if you want to use examples from the same sector or nationality, then that’s fine.



What do mean by connections or relationships between the topics/themes? Assessment代做

This simply means where one theme impacts the other. For example, the company’s primary approach to ethical management in foreign operations should impact their foreign staffing and vice versa.

How do I present the material which teases out some connections between the topics?

It is best to state the connection within the relevant section and possibly cross-reference to the other related section.  Do not have a stand-alone section for this material. Rather the connections between the topics (e.g., HRM and Ethics) should be integrated within the essay.

How many connections do I identify?

It is difficult nor unnecessary to state a precise number of connections. But suffice to say, the bulk of the essay should be based on explaining and discussing the approaches in parts A, B and C. Even so, aim to identify several connections between political risk management, ethic approaches and the IHRM issues of staffing.

However, rather than seeking to list many, concentrate more on making credible connections with relevant support from the literature (if possible). Quality over quantity!

How do I present the material on new developments or patterns of behaviour in the area?

Aim to integrate the new developments within sections A, B and C.  For example, when explaining political risk management strategies, you may identify how a political risk strategy has been increasingly emphasized over others; maybe because of new developments in the political environment. Or you may identify combinations of behaviour, or the use of certain strategies in certain situations. It is one goal of the essay for you to check if any new developments exist and their nature.

Do I use the report format for this assignment? Assessment代做

No. It is an essay.

Do I write in the first or third person?

The format of writing does not matter. It is up to you.

Can I use tables or diagrams?

Yes. These are not included in the word count.

What’s also not included in the word count?


Can I go below or above the word count?

Yes, by 10% below or above the 3,500-word cap.


Submission of Assignments

Please check blackboard for assignment deadline notification around the beginning of the module. Late submissions without good reason will be penalised as per university regulations. Make sure you keep a copy of all work submitted.

How will student feedback be obtained on this module and how will this be used?

Marks and feedback for assignments will be available via grade centre.


These may be granted, but ONLY by the Student Support Officer and NOT by the Module Leaders or seminar tutors. Please contact the student support officer for your course or speak to SHIP


Do not hesitate to contact your tutors and module leaders for advice and guidance regarding successfully completing the module.

REFERENCING Assessment代做

This must be carried out thoroughly, and all work must be fully referenced in the APA style. Detail on APA style referencing is available on Library website.

This is an academic programme of study and failure to reference and acknowledge sources could be deemed as academic dishonesty or plagiarism and penalised.


Criteria 80 – 100%

Outstanding work

70 – 79%

Excellent work

60 – 69%

Very good work but some scope to improve

50 – 59%

Good work with some limitations

40 – 49%

Adequate work with significant limitations

0- 39%

Inadequate work with major weaknesses

Coverage of question requirements; relevance and justification of content There is comprehensive coverage of the question requirements. The content is highly relevant and very well justified. There is very good coverage of the question requirements. The content is all relevant and well justified. There is generally good coverage of the question requirements. The content is relevant and generally well justified. There is fairly good coverage of the question requirements. The content is mostly relevant and sometimes justified. There is adequate coverage of some of the question requirements. The content is partially relevant but not very well justified. There are significant omissions. Much of the content is of questionable relevance. Content is poorly justified.
Range of relevant academic literature or theory used and level of academic understanding demonstrated The answer uses a broad and appropriate range of relevant literature/theory and demonstrates an outstanding level of theoretical understanding throughout. The answer uses a broad and appropriate range of relevant literature/theory and demonstrates an excellent level of theoretical understanding throughout The answer uses an appropriate range of relevant literature/theory and demonstrates a generally good level of theoretical understanding, though there may be minor errors. The answer uses some but not all of the relevant literature/theory and demonstrates a fairly good level of theoretical understanding, but there are also some errors. The answer uses a limited amount of relevant literature/theory and demonstrates some theoretical understanding but there are also some notable errors. The answer uses little literature/ theory and does not demonstrate sufficient theoretical knowledge or understanding for Level 5 at university.
Effectiveness of analysis, in terms of producing insightful literature-informed arguments and drawing sound conclusions The answer has extremely effective theoretical analysis, with very sound and well-argued conclusions. There is critical awareness and originality in the answer. The answer has highly effective theoretical analysis, with sound and well-argued conclusions throughout. There is some critical awareness. The answer has generally effective theoretical analysis, with frequent good arguments and largely sound conclusions The answer has some effective theoretical analysis but lacks consistency. There are some good arguments in places and some valid conclusions are drawn. The answer has partially effective theoretical analysis in places, but the quality is patchy. Arguments may lack clarity. Conclusions are sometimes questionable. The answer has very little effective theoretical analysis. Arguments are weak or unclear. Conclusions are largely absent or erroneous.
Evidence of effective use of corporate and/or industry examples as supporting evidence There is systematic and highly effective use of supporting example-based evidence throughout. There is very effective use of supporting example-based evidence throughout. There is evidence of good research on the chosen industry/firms. There is generally effective use of example based supporting evidence. There is some effective use of supporting example-based evidence but scope for more Use of supporting example-based evidence is limited and/or ineffective There is only limited and inadequate example-based evidence.
Structure, Presentation and referencing Highly effective structure. A highly professional standard of presentation. Referencing is comprehensive and flawless throughout. Effective structure. A professional standard of presentation. Referencing is comprehensive and precise. A very good standard of structure and presentation; there may be scope to refine further. Referencing is generally accurate (there may be some errors/omissions). A good standard of structure and presentation but some scope to improve. Referencing is often accurate but there are also errors/omissions An adequate structure, standard of presentation but significant scope for improvement. Referencing is adequate but patchy/inconsistent. An inadequate standard of structure, presentation; significant improvement necessary. Referencing is inadequate; unacceptable at Level 5.



Level 5 – Generic grade descriptor: relationship of degree classification to Grade Point and equivalent percentage Assessment代做

Class Category Grade Mark range % General Characteristics


Exceptional 1st 16 93 – 100 96 Exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of the area of study, significantly beyond what has been taught in all areas; evidence of extensive and appropriate selection and critical evaluation/synthesis/analysis and of reading/research beyond the prescribed range, in both breadth and depth, to advance work/direct arguments; excellent communication; performance beyond expectation. The ability to make decisions and carry out tasks/processes with autonomy; excellent leadership skills in group contexts; creative flair; extremely well-developed problem-solving skills; the ability to carry out sustained critical reflection on practical work within the wider context of industry/workplace. Fully meets expectations set by the industry/employment context.
1st High 1st 15 85 – 92 89 Outstanding/excellent knowledge and understanding of the area of study as the student is typically able to go beyond what has been taught (particularly for a mid/high 1st); evidence of extensive and appropriate selection and critical evaluation/synthesis/analysis of reading/research beyond the prescribed range, to advance work/direct arguments; excellent communication; performance deemed beyond expectation of the level. The ability to make decisions and carry out tasks/processes with autonomy; creative flair and the ability to (re)interpret predefined rules/conventions to select and justify individual working practice; highly developed problem-solving skills; accuracy and fluency; excellent command of skills appropriate to the task; the ability to reflect critically on practical work within the wider context of industry/workplace. Broadly meets expectations set by the industry/employment context.
Mid 1st 14 78 – 84 81
Low 1st 13 70 – 77 74
2.1 High 2.1 12 67 – 69 68 Very good knowledge and understanding of the area of study as the student is typically able to relate facts/concepts together with some ability to apply to known/taught contexts; evidence of appropriate selection and evaluation of reading/research, some beyond the prescribed range, may rely on set sources to advance work/direct arguments; demonstrates autonomy in approach to learning; strong communication skills. Broadly autonomous completion of practical tasks/processes; ability to adapt in response to change or unexpected experiences; technical/artistic decision making is highly developed; a clear command of the skills relevant to the task/process; ability to reflect on practical work and set future goals within the wider context of industry/workplace. Adherence to standards set by the industry/employment context.
Mid 2.1 11 64 -66 65
Low 2.1 10 60 – 63 62
2.2 High 2.2 9 57 – 59 58 Good knowledge and understanding of the area of study balanced towards the descriptive rather than analytical; evidence of appropriate selection and evaluation of reading/research but generally reliant on set sources to advance work/direct arguments; communication shows clarity, but structure may not always be coherent. A confident approach to practical tasks; a solid grasp of the related processes, tools, technology; creativity in the completion of the task; proficiency is demonstrated by an accurate and coordinated performance; tasks are completed with a good level of independent thought; some autonomy is evident; an ability to reflect on practical work and set future goals. General adherence to standards set by the industry/employment context.
Mid 2.2 8 54 – 56 55
Low 2.2 7 50 – 53 52



High 3rd 6 47 – 49 48 Knowledge and understanding sufficient to deal with terminology, basic facts and concepts but fails to make meaningful synthesis; some ability to select and evaluate reading/research however work may be more generally descriptive; strong reliance on available support set sources to advance work; arguments may be weak or poorly constructed; communication/presentation is generally competent but with some weaknesses. Competence in technical/artistic skills; tasks/processes are completed with a degree of proficiency and confidence; tasks are completed with a basic level of independent thought; effective judgements have been made; basic evaluation and analysis of performance in practical tasks is evident. Errors in workflow or completion of the task; general adherence to appropriate rules/conventions set by the industry/employment context.
Mid 3rd 5 44 – 46 45
Low 3rd 4 40 – 43 40




Borderline Fail 3 30 – 39 35 Insufficient knowledge and understanding of the subject and its underlying concepts; some ability to evaluate given reading/research however work is more generally descriptive; naively follows or may ignore set material in development of work; given brief may be only tangentially addressed or may ignore key aspects of the brief; communication shows limited clarity, poor presentation, structure may not be coherent. Practical tasks are attempted; skill displayed in some areas; there are a significant number of errors; a lack of proficiency in most areas; guidance may be needed to reproduce aspects of the task and/or apply learned skills. Tasks may be incomplete; failure to adhere to some of the rules/conventions set by the industry/employment context.
Mid Fail 2 20 – 29 25
Low Fail 1 6-19 10 No evidence of knowledge or understanding of the subject; no understanding of taught concepts, with facts being reproduced in a disjointed or decontextualised manner; ignores set material in development of work; fails to address the requirements of the brief; lacks basic communication skills. A general level of incompetency in practical tasks; an evident lack of practice; set tasks are not completed; few or no skills relating to tasks are evident. No adherence to rules/conventions set by the industry/employment context.
Zero Zero 0 0-5 0 Work not submitted, work of no merit, penalty in some misconduct cases.