Lab Problem 2
(Statistical Reference: Ott and Longnecker Chapter 10)
date report代写 A university conducted a self-study to satisfy the requirements for accreditation. One aspect of the self study concerned…
A university conducted a self-study to satisfy the requirements for accreditation. One aspect of the self study concerned faculty evaluations. A random sample of students was selected to participate in the study. Each selected student was asked to identify all the courses that he/she had taken, and from this set of courses a single course was randomly selected. The student was asked to classify the faculty member of the selected course both by rank and by ability as a teacher. date report代写
The data for this study are contained in two SPSS format files. Data file 1 (named ‘eval1.sav’) was generated by the Registrar’s office, and contains one record per selected student, formatted as follows: ID (Student ID); rank (Rank of the faculty member teaching the selected course:“Instructor”,”Assistant Professor”, “Associate Professor”, “Full Professor”). Data file 2 (named ‘eval2.sav’) contains each student’s evaluation of the selected course, formatted as follows (one record per student): ID (student ID); eval (Evaluation: “Above Average”, “Average”, “Below Average”).

Please address the following questions in your report: date report代写
- Consider all faculty members (i.e., not separated by rank), is one evaluation category more prevalent than the other(s)?
- Does the distribution of evaluation differ by Rank in the population?
- Based on prior studies, it is hypothesized that 30% of the Instructors are rated “Above Average”; 40% are rated “Average”, and 30% are rated “Below Average”. What light can you shed on this hypothesis? date report代写
- Based on prior studies, it is hypothesized that, among the population of Full Professor evaluations, the number of “Above Average”evaluations is more than twice the number of “Below Average” What light can you shed on this hypothesis?
- Based on prior studies, it is hypothesized that, among the population of Associate Professor evaluation, exactly 35% carry the rating of “Above Average”. What light can you shed on this hypothesis?
Notes: date report代写
- This lab assignment involves 5 questions. Each question should be reported in the standard multi-part format in it’s own independent section of your report.
- For each question, please use the multi-part format described in the example lab problem and in class.
- As in all lab assignments for this class, the numbers generated here have been fabricated to meet the objectives of the assignment.
- Please be sure to include the number of degrees of freedom associated with any statistical test you impose on these data.
- There may be a minimal amount of hand calculation involved in this assignment.