Notes for the English 12 Final
English代写 NOTE: I’ll occasionally check your Final Notes to ensure that you’ve been making some progress and give you a completion grade.
NOTE: I’ll occasionally check your Final Notes to ensure that you’ve been making some progress and give you a completion grade.
Texts: English代写
(Subject to change)
- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
- Watchmenby Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
- A Clockwork Orangeby Anthony Burgess
- Gattaca, dir. Andrew Niccol
- “The World of Tomorrow,” Don Hertzfeldt (may change)
- “Nosedive,” Black Mirror
- “White Bear,” Black Mirror
- “White Christmas,” Black Mirror
- Severanceby Ling Ma
- The Handmaid’sTale by Margaret Atwood
- We’ll be adding short stories throughout the semester. Feel free to add them to this list as we go.
Final Essay Instructions: English代写
For EACH of the FOUR questions you choose to answer, pull —
- One quote from a novel, short story, play, or film that we’ve looked at in this class.
- One quote from a different novel, play, short story, essay, or poem that you’ve read in middle school or high school.
- One quote from pop culture – a song, movie, video game, meme, TV show, etc.
- One quote from a great thinker – a president, activist, philosopher, physicist, etc.
That means you’ll pull 16 quotes total. No repeating quotes/sources. Then synthesize and expand upon the quotes you’ve chosen and explain your perspective in a 1+ page double-spaced reflection. Reflections shorter than one page will automatically be docked half credit.
Your four total pages of reflection will be graded based on:
- The depth, profundity, honesty, specificity, and originality of your reflection.
- Correct grammar and mechanics.
- Clarity and engaging style.
Scroll down for final questions. English代写
On the final, you will write a series of short (1-2 page) essays considering FOUR of the following questions:
o Are social classes necessary for society? How do they currently function? How should they function? What roles should cooperation and competition play in society? What criteria can we use to evaluate the validity of a class system?
o What role should the internet, machines, and technology play in society? What should we avoid or watch out for when evaluating the interaction between culture and technology? How can we know when technological overreach is happening? What criteria should we use to evaluate the healthiness, necessity, and utility of technology?
o What is the purpose of a justice system? What role should mercy, forgiveness, revenge, and rehabilitation play in the justice system? What role, if any, should violence play in society and/or the justice system? What criteria can we use to evaluate the validity of a justice system?
o What is your moral code? How should you go about forming a moral code and using it to make choices? What does it mean to be good/moral? What is the best moral system, and how can we tell it is the best? English代写
o What is the meaning of life? What does a meaningful life look like? What role do happiness, purpose, suffering, struggle, art, literature, language, and knowledge/understanding play in a meaningful life? What is a life well-lived? Are our lives determined, do we have free will, or is it a combination?
o Does evil exist? What is it? How can we recognize it in ourselves? Can good and evil ever become confused? How does it function in the world? How can we avoid engaging in it? How should we respond to it when we see it?

As we continue through the semester, you may find other philosophical questions that you are interested in considering. For example, we’ll think about topics like:
o The role of the other, us vs. them thinking, conflict and war
o Intelligence, artificial intelligence
o Consumerism, capitalism
o The value of non-human life
o Human vices and virtues
o Ethical values
o …etc…
If you’d like to write on one of these topics instead, we can work together to craft a series of guiding questions.
Scroll down for note-taking space.
ON SOCIETY – Choose TWO to answer. English代写
Are social classes necessary for society?
How do they currently function? How should they function? What roles should cooperation and competition play in society? What criteria can we use to evaluate the validity of a class system? |
Text Ideas, Connections, and Important Quotes:
What role should the internet, machines, and technology play in society?What should we avoid or watch out for when evaluating the interaction between culture & technology? How can we know when technological overreach is happening? What criteria should we use to evaluate the healthiness, necessity, and utility of technology? |
Text Ideas, Connections, and Important Quotes:
What is the purpose of a justice system? English代写
What role should mercy, forgiveness, revenge, and rehabilitation play in the justice system? What role, if any, should violence play in society and/or the justice system? What criteria can we use to evaluate the validity of a justice system? |
Text Ideas, Connections, and Important Quotes:
Scroll down for next 3 questions.
What is your moral code?How should you go about forming a moral code and using it to make choices? What does it mean to be good/moral? What is the best moral system, and how can we tell it is the best? |
Text Ideas, Connections, and Important Quotes: English代写
What is the meaning of life?What does a meaningful life look like? What role do happiness, purpose, suffering, struggle, art, literature, language, and knowledge/understanding play in a meaningful life? What is a life well-lived? Are our lives determined, do we have free will, or is it a combination? |
Text Ideas, Connections, and Important Quotes:
Does evil exist? What is it? English代写How can we recognize it in ourselves? How can we avoid engaging in it? Can good and evil ever become confused? How does it function in the world? How should we respond to it when we see it? |
Text Ideas, Connections, and Important Quotes:
Scroll down for alternate question spaces.