English 12 Honors Capstone Project Details 21-22
English论文代写 Now that we’ve (mostly) made it past the hurdles of college essays and supplements, it’s time to consider your year-long…
Now that we’ve (mostly) made it past the hurdles of college essays and supplements, it’s time to consider your year-long Honors Capstone project. As you design your project, ponder the following questions:
- What are you passionate about?
- What are you curious about?
- In what area do you want to become an expert?
- What problem in your school, community, nation, or world do you want to solve?
- In what way do you want to become more wise?
- In what way do you want to be a better person?
- What cross-curricular connections do you want to explore?
PROJECT GOAL: English论文代写
The goal of this project is to dig deeper into something specific related to one or more of the questions above. The hope is that you will expand your knowledge and enhance your research, writing, presentation, and critical thinking skills. Ideally, your final project will be relevant to you personally — either to your career interests, the development of your worldview or your sense of self, or your deeper understanding of the world around you. In short, have some fun!

In order to deepen your reflection and enhance your final product, YOU MUST DO THE FOLLOWING over the course of the coming months:
- Read at least three books relevant to your topic and summarize them.
- Read at least three articles, short stories, and/or poems relevant to your topic and summarize them.
- Watch at least THREE films relevant to your topic and summarize them.
- Identify at least ONE expert on your topic and conduct an interview.
- Listen to a PODCAST SERIES on your topic and summarize it.
You are encouraged to gather more than the minimum required sources if you like, and to expand beyond the types of sources listed above with teacher approval.
Once you have gathered your sources, fuse them and use them to inspire and inform your final project. The goal is authentic communication of your findings, meaning locating an audience beyond the teacher and the classroom with whom you can share your work. That means you should attempt to identify outlets that could publish or would allow you to further pursue your area of interest. Possible forms of your final project include:
- Website
- Essay or collection of essays
- Film
- Podcast or series of podcasts
- Art exhibit with a language component (This is English class, so it needs to be largely language-based.)
- A piece of fiction or collection of creative writings
- …something awesome we haven’t even thought of yet! Just check it with your teacher before you get started.
Scroll down for project requirements, due dates, and points.