Queensland Youth& Families support services


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Creative industry 代写 This strategic marketing audit will identify current market environment and preliminary strategic options for the client- Queensland Youth and Families Support Service (QYFSS).

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Executive Summary

This strategic marketing audit will identify current market environment and preliminary strategic options for the client- Queensland Youth and Families Support Service (QYFSS). QFYSS is a non-profit organization that helps youth people of Queensland in mentally and psychically. Creative industry代写 QFYSS provided housing, youth support and youth training program services to meets the needs of target youth people.

QFYSS would targets organizations such as Queensland Mental Health Commission, Tenancy Skills Institute, and Queensland schools etc. Direct and indirect Competitors will be compared with QFYSS in strength and weakness. Creative industry代写 Poter’s 5 Forces of micro market, macro level market analysis, PEST, and Ansoffs matrix and digital marketing of preliminary strategic options would be indicated in this professional business report.

Table of Content

1.0 Overview ———————————————————————————– 4

2.0 Customer analysis ———————————————————————– 4

3.0 Competitor analysis ——————————————————————– 5

3.1 Direct competitors —————————————————————— 5

3.2 Indirect competitors —————————————————————- 6

4.0 Market Analysis ————————————————————————– 6

4.1 Micro level market analysis —————————————————– 6

4.2 Macro level market analysis —————————————————- 7

5.0 Environmental Analysis ————————————————————— 7

6.0 Preliminary Strategic Options —————————————————— 8

7.0 References —————————————————————————– 9

8.0 Appendix ——————————————————————————– 11

1.0 Competitor analysis

1.1 competitor identification

According to Aaker &Moorman (2017), it is important to analysis the threats, opportunities, strategic uncertainties created by emerging or potential competitive moves, weakness and strength of an entity to achieve the business goal. Competitor identification provides the basis of competitor analysis, industry structure analysis, and rivalry conditions (Peteraf, 2002). The regional organizations are direct competitors of QFYSS, such as Ipswish Community Youth Service (ICYS) and Inala Youth service (IYS).

Moreover, the community center is another direct competitor of QFYSS. The community center is the service center that provides a border range of service to residents in the community. Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul society are indirect competitors and these organizations are multi-services.

Table 1: competitor identification

1.0 Overview

Queensland Youth and Families Support Service (QYFSS) locates at Ipswich region and it has over 30 years of histories to engage youth people and families in Queensland. The mission of QYFSS is to create opportunities that could value and empower Queensland young people, build family harmony and foster supportive communities enabling all young people to achieve their potential and create their value. Creative industry代写 The corporation value of QYFSS is social justice, equality, respect and inclusiveness.

Moreover, QYFSS provides services that best meet the needs of young people in Queensland to change and diverse needs as their ability to be independence. In order to enhance the brand image, partnership and opportunities of QYFSS, this Strategic marketing audit will complete and discuss customer analysis, competitor analysis, market analysis and environmental analysis of QYFSS. Creative industry代写 Furthermore, the preliminary strategic objectives would be planned for the client- QYFSS.

2.0 Customer Analysis

Analyzing customers of corporation is the first logical step in strategic marketing audit. Creative industry代写 Customer analysis of QFYSS would be partitioned into understanding of the market segmentation by demographics, customer characteristics, a discussion of customer motivations and an exploration of unmet needs of QFYSS.

According to Aaker &Moorman (2017), market segmentation means the identification of a customer group that responds to competitive offerings differently from other groups. Business segmentation basic on Geographic (size and location etc.), segment by industry (Taylor &Thrift, 2007).  Creative industry代写 The partnership of other organizations and government needed to be increased by target organization identification. QFYSS is helping young people in Queensland with housing, youth support and training programs.

Firstly, The target businesses and organizations of QFYSS is the Queensland Organizations that could have relevant support with QFYSS, such as the support of accommodation, education and psychological etc. Creative industry代写 Therefore, the organization of The Youth & Housing Department, Tenancy Skills Institute, and IPS Trainings should be targeted.

Secondly, QFYSS should develop partnership with organizations, which have 12-21 youth people. According to Brisbane Youth Service (2020), there are 2,6000 young homeless Australians aged 12-25, 70% of them left home to escape family violence, child abuse or family breakdown.Creative industry代写 Queensland Schools and community organizations would be targeted due they have youth people in the organizations.

The last but not the least, mental and psychological support organizations should be targeted by giving youth people mental help and support. Creative industry代写 However, QFYSS still need to improve the service to satisfy unmet needs of target youth, for example it is a good idea to organize a youth party to mitigate lonely feelings of youth.

3.0 Competitor Analysis

3.1 competitor identification

According to Aaker &Moorman (2017), it is important to analysis the threats, opportunities, strategic uncertainties created by emerging or potential competitive moves, weakness and strength of an entity to achieve the business goal. Competitor identification provides the basis of competitor analysis, industry structure analysis, and rivalry conditions (Peteraf, 2002). The regional organizations are direct competitors of QFYSS, such as Ipswish Community Youth Service (ICYS) and Inala Youth service (IYS).

Moreover, the community center is another direct competitor of QFYSS. The community center is the service center that provides a border range of service to residents in the community. Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul society are indirect competitors and these organizations are multi-services.

Table 1: competitor identification

Direct competitor Indirect competitor
Regional organization Community center Salvation Army St. Vincent Church organization

3.2 QFYSS competitor strength

Table 2: Competitor Strength Grid

Key Assets Strength Weakness
Youth Training Regional organizations, Salvation Army, community center and St. Vincent de Paul society
Geographic coverage Regional organizations, community center Salvation Army St. and Vincent de Paul society
Range of services Community center, Salvation Army Regional organizations
Target the audience easily Regional organizations, Community center, Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul society.
Innovation ability Community center, regional organizations. Salvation army and St. Vincent de Paul society.
History Salvation army and St. Vincent de Paul society. Community center, regional organizations.
Brand recognition Community center, Salvation army and St. Vincent de Paul society. Regional organizations.
The Competition strengths and weakness are based on the existence or absence of assets or competencies.

As the competitor strength grid showed, there are strength and weakness for QFYSS and competitors. The regional organizations, QFYSS, and community center has higher innovation ability and easily to target the audience than Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul society.

However, Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul society have longer history, stringer brand recognition and broader ranger of services. Regional organizations and QFYSS have strength of providing youth training program. The geographic coverage of Salvation Army St. and Vincent de Paul society are the weakness in competitor strength grid.

The competitors of QFYSS are The Salvation Army, Church Organizations, Community centers and Regional Organizations such as Ipswish Community Youth Services.

According to Aaker &Moorman (2017), it is important to analysis the threats, opportunities, strategic uncertainties created by emerging or potential competitive moves, weakness and strength of an entity. Creative industry代写 Competition strengths and weakness are based on the existence or absence of assets or competencies.

The strength asset of an entity would be a well-known brand name, and the strength competency of an entity would be strategic marketing, management and innovation etc. Moreover, conversely an absence of S or W could represent a weakness. Creative industry代写 After the relevant assets and competencies of the market has been identified, next step is to scale QYFSS and its competitors on those assets and competencies.

3.3 Direct competitors

Regional Organizations such as Ipswish Community Youth Services (ICYS) will be a direct competitor of QYFSS. ICYS as a not- profit organization strives to provide vital service to young people in Ipswich and the surrounding communities. Creative industry代写 A range of events and workshops are available locally to the target audience. As asset strength of regional originations, it would be easier for target audience to assess the organization and get help.

Providing events and workshops also the strength of ICYS in order to help target youth people. Creative industry代写 However, ICYS did not focus on Integrated Marketing Communication, they updates their website few times a year.

Moreover, the communicate center is also a direct competitor of QFYSS. Communicate center is a service center for educational and recreational activities of a community. Creative industry代写 As competency strength, community centers have well managed staff, and providing a border range of service than QFYSS.

3.4 Indirect competitors

Church organizations and Salvation Army would be indirect competitors for QFYSS, as Church and Salvation Army are not helping target people on practical certain way. Creative industry代写 Church and Salvation Army have longer history, which is an asset strength in the non- profit service organization market.

However, the innovation ability would be a weakness for Church organizations and Salvation Army. Moreover, there will be little potential move of church and Salvation Army.

4.0 Market Analysis

4.1 Micro level market analysis

An entity needs to access the micro level market in order to develop a successful marketing strategy. Creative industry代写 Micro level market is a narrowly defined market consumed by target group and unique characteristics (Rosa & Spanjol, 2005).

The micro market of QFYSS is youth support market in Australia.

There are many federal and state government programs that support young people in education and training, employment, health and housing etc. (Australia Government Department of Social Service, 2020). Creative industry代写 According to Poter’s 5 Forces (Appendix 1), an industry rivalry is been influenced by bargaining power of suppliers bargaining power of buyers, threat of new entrants and threat of substitutes (Hou, Lv &Du, 2011).

The bargaining power of suppliers, buyers is low in youth support organizations. Creative industry代写 However, the threat of entrants and substitutes is high, QFYSS could be substituted by communality centers, church and new youth help organizations etc.

4.2 Macro level analysis

Macro- level influence is that sectors cannot directly controllable by company or brand, and it impacts on decision-making and performance (Chakravarti & Janiszewski, 2003). The macro level analysis will be analyzed by unemployment rate and fertility rates. Creative industry代写 The unemployment rate of Australian fell to 5.1 percent in February 2020 from 5.3 percent in pervious mouth. The unemployment people dropped by 26,000.

The decrease of unemployment rate would decrease the demand of youth support. Moreover, according to Macro Trends (2020), there is a decrease trend of Australian fertility rate in last five years. Creative industry代写 Australian Facility rate is 1.822 births per woman in 2019, which is a 0.55%, lower than 2018. Lower fertility rate in Australia reduces the amount of youth support organizations in the future due larger percentage of children would be taken care in households.

5.0 Environmental Analysis

The environmental analysis of youth support organizations will be analyzed in this marketing strategic audit by using PEST analysis. Creative industry代写 According to Trading economics (2019), the Australian economy grew by 2.2 per cent through the year to the December quarter 2019, which is an increase from 1.8 per cent through the year to the September quarter. The economic growth of Australia will boost non- profit organizations as the society has more financial ability to help people who need help.

Moreover, The political environment improves youth protection originations significantly.

Creative industry代写 Australia government focuses on society equality and helping youth people, therefore, the government enact youth protection Laws and regulation to protect and support youth generation.

The last but not the least, the usage of new technologies changed the living way of Australians. Creative industry代写 According to ABS (2018), there are 87%of Australian people are Internet user in 2016-2017. Therefore, it is a good idea for QFYSS to develop more online activities and improve online promotion to approach youth people who need help.

6.0 Preliminary strategic Options

QFYSS could develop products and services in current market. According to Ansoff Matrix, an entity could be developed by market penetration, product development, market development and diversification (appendix2). Creative industry代写 QFYSS could develop new services in existing market such as organize field trip and physical activity and nutrition.

Moreover, QFYSS also can do market penetration by develop existing service in existing market.

For example, QFYSS could develop youth training program by increase the diversity of training courses. On the other hand, it is a good idea to use digital marketing strategies for preliminary strategic Option.Creative industry代写 Online website, Facebook, and Instagram are efficient tools to introduce the QFYSS and get target audience, due a large percentage (87%) of Internet users in Australia (ABS, 2018).

Firstly, the YouTube channel, website, Facebook page of QFYSS need to be created.

Creative industry代写 The website and Facebook page are good tools to deliver organization profile to increase brand equity.

Secondly, the target audience of QFYSS can register and participant activities online, and the online registration should be simple and understandable.

The last but not the least, live stream is a significant opportunity in 2020, due to the coronavirus crisis. Creative industry代写 Developing online live stream could help QYFSS access the target audience and achieved the mission.

 7.0 References

Aaker, D. A., Moorman, C. (2017). Strategic marketing management, (11thed,). NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Peteraf, M. B. (2002). Competitor Identifitcation and Competitor Analysis : A Broad-Based Managerial Approach. Retrieved from http://assets.csom.umn.edu/assets/71542.pdf

Australia Bureau of Statistics. (2018). House Hold Use of Information Technology, Australia. Retrieved form


Australian Government Department of social service. (2020). Families and Children. Retrieved from https://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/families-and-children/benefits-payments/transition-to-independent-living-allowance-tila/support-services-for-young-people-moving-to-independent-living

Brisbane Youth Service. (2020). Homeless & young people- the facts.Retrieved from https://brisyouth.org/daggy-jumper-day/homelessness-young-people-facts/Chakravarti,A. Janiszewski, C. (2003). The influence of macro- level motives on consideration set composition in novel purchase situations. The Journal of Customer Research,30(2), 244-158, Retrieved from https://academic.oup.com/jcr/article-abstract/30/2/244/1831669

 Hou, J., Lv, J., & Du, L. (04 of August 2011). Competitive environment of exclusively nonprofit market place based on the framework of five forces. The Journal international Conference on Computer Science and Service System. Retrieved from https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5974981

Marcus, C. (1998). A practical yet meaningful approach to customer Segmentation. The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 7(3). Retrieved from


Rosa, J. A., Spanjol, J. (2005). Micro-level product-market dynamics: shared Knowledge and its relationship to market development. The Journal of  Academy Marketing Science, 33(2). Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0092070304269839

Trading economics. (2020). Australian Unemployment Rate. Retrieved from


Trading economics. (2020). Australia GDP Gowth Rate. Retrieved from


Tayor, M., Thrift, N. (2007). Business organization, segmentation and location.The Journal of Regional Studies, 17(6), 445-465. Retrieved from


8.0 Appendix

Appendix1: Porter’s five forces












Appendix2: Ansoff matrix










Market penetration: developing existing products in existing market

Market development: developing existing products in new market

Product development: developing new product in existing market

Diversification: developing new products in new market.


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