Essay创作中 “BUT”连词的不一样表达形式

文学家lol安妮很有可能并不是最知名的“勃朗特”,但她在《The Tenant of Wildfell Hall》一书上说到好点子到了,书里的租客写到:“在这个不完美的世界上,总有一个‘可是’存有”。一样的大道理也适用学术研究创作,“BUT”这个词是组成英语的语法语句的必需essay连词(虽然有时候会被乱用),尤其是在较为某二种见解时。针对像“BUT”那样的简洁明了英语单词,尽管你没应当太担忧太多地应用这一英文连接词。可是,有时一个取代词(例如 “however”)就可以提升 你的essay流畅度,因此在这儿大家AcademicSaviour技术专业essay代笔组织出示了一些“BUT”的取代词,便于你一直在自身的创作中应用。



连词是用于联接一个语句的2个一部分,如 “but”、“and” 和 “because”。“But”这个词不但联接了一个语句的2个一部分,另外也组成了一个比照(比如“它很好吃,可是用材并不是非常好”)。在这种状况下,“but” 可以用下列在其中一个词来替代:

Although, 例如: I love jogging, although my feet hurt afterwards.

Though, 例如: I haven’t slept for 2 days, though I hope tonight I can rest properly.

Yet, 例如: It was scary, yet I still want to go back and try again.




– 连词比照: I love jogging, but my feet hurt afterwards.

– 状语比照: I love jogging. However, my feet hurt afterwards.


It was scary. I still, however, want to go back.

It was scary; however, I still want to go back.


Nonetheless, 例如: I ran as fast as I could; nonetheless, I haven’t won the race.

Nevertheless, 例如: It seemed like a really bad plan. Nevertheless, it worked.

Despite this, 例如: I prepared for the game thoroughly. Despite this, I lost.

Having said that, 例如: I will never drink again. Having said that, pass me a beer.

最终说起的一点是,“but”的另一种叫法是“on the other hand”。但是,一般状况下,仅有再用“On the one hand”来详细介绍时才应当应用“on the other hand”这个词:

On the one hand, I’ve always been dreaming to work for this company. On the other hand, I will have to move to another country and leave my family and friends.


1. By contrast/in comparison 相较为下

By contrast with yesterday’s cold wind, it seems quite warm today.

In comparison to Canada, France is incredibly small.

使用方法简述: 一般大家把By contrast/in comparison放到句首,随后用分号分隔。而用在句里时要用: in contrast to

The firm lost $5 million this year in contrast to a profit of $7.3 million a year earlier.

2. Then again 总的来说

I’d love to buy a new dress. Then again, it’s getting cold outside, so I need to buy new coat more urgently.

使用方法简述: 一样的then again也必须放到句首,他的后边也必须跟个分号。

3. On the contrary 恰好反过来

This book doesn’t seem boring to me. On the contrary, I think it’s rather interesting.

使用方法简述: 留意 “on the contrary”经常用在英语口语中,它能够放到句首,可是也必须分号分隔。

4. Alternatively 要不

The company will make travel arrangements for you or, alternatively, you can organize your own transport.

使用方法简述: “Alternatively”能够放到句首,可是后边也必须用分号来分隔。而且,“alternatively”还能够放到语句中,例如大家的词组。当它放到语句里时,它经常跟 “or”一块应用,而且这个词的前后左右都必须分号。


5. Even though 即便

Even though I’ve been singing for years, I still get a thrill out of signing in public.

使用方法简述: 自然,“even though”还可以放到句首,可是也必须用分号来分隔。

6. Despite虽然

Our journey was a lot of fun, despite the cold weather.

使用方法简述: “Despite”能够被放到句首或是句中,其后边必须联接一个专有名词或是名词短语,可是不必接语句。当它放到句首时,在名词短语的后边必须再加上分号来分隔。

Despite her fear of height, she climbed the mountain.

She climbed the mountain, despite her fear of height.

可是特别注意的是:当“despite”的后边加的为从句时,必须用despite the fact that这一语句来联接。

Despite the fact that she was afraid of height, she climbed the mountain.

7. In spite of 即便如此

In spite of the weather,they went hiking.

使用方法简述:“In spite of”的操作方法和“despite”的使用方法同样。这儿不会再过多阐释。

如果我们在毕业论文中一遍又一遍地应用同样的英文连接词,那么就太干瘪了。尝试用不一样的essay连词来丰富多彩大家的essay吧。实际上,在英文essay中有许多“but”的使用方法与更换词。 Academicsaviour技术专业essay代笔组织上边所出示的essay连词是最普遍的。假如你没有时间来把握全部的写作方法,娴熟健身运动语汇和essay连词,而把essay很无法写完,那不用浪费時间,能够随时随地联络Academicsaviour,24/7服务项目兴高采烈协助你。QQ: