Download MATLAB GUI and the required functions:
MATLAB计算机代写 Right click the mouse on the file called, click on “save as”to save the file anywhere you want in your PC.
Download the zip file in to your computer:
- Right click the mouse on the file called, click on “save as”to save the file anywhere you want in your PC.
Once the file is saved, go to the folder wherever the file is saved, and right click on the file and click on “extract,” “expand” or something similar. A new folder could be created so that the zipped files could be extracted into that specific folder. Some computers might not have this
option “extract here” . Windows file compression software which is built in with windows could be used in that case. Extract it somewhere which would be easy to remember and easy to find later on.
Check all the .m files and folders after the zipped file is extracted: MATLAB计算机代写
- Once the zip file is extracted, a total of four folders should be found. These are the folders that should be present:
i.Equal Ripple
ii.Maximally flat
iii. Graphing

If any of these folders are missing, then the zipped files were not extracted properly and the previous step should be repeated. You should also see lowpass_filter.m in the root directory.
Run the file called lowpass_filter.m
Double clock on lowpass_filter.m. It will open up in a new window in the Editor tab.
Click Run to open up the GUI.
Saving Data files: MATLAB计算机代写
When GUI calculates parameters for low pass filter design, it creates data files using different formats for COMSOL, SONNET, and GRAPHING GUI to use. The GUI is written as a general tool to be used with COMSOL and SONET software and will generate the corresponding files.
You will not use these data files in this project, bit you have to define the file name so the program can start.
You can select or type the name of the file (with extension .dat) that you want to save frequency. And power loss data points for to use again in GRAPHING GUI.
The GUI will keep asking you to type valid file name with right extension until you type a valid file name with (.dat) extension to save the require data points. MATLAB计算机代写
It is important to note that the next time the GUI calculates parameters; it will replace the old data points with new ones if same file name is chosen. The data for COMSOL will also be saved in the specified file for saving MATLAB data with an addition of the word “COMSOL” to the filename.
The geometry file (.geo) for Sonnet will also be saved in the specified file for saving MATLAB data with an addition of the word “sonnet” to the filename and with an extension of .geo. For example, if you choose “data.dat” for MATLAB data, the COMSOL data will be saved in a file named “data_COMSOL.dat” and the geometry file for sonnet will be created as “data_sonnet.geo.
If you go to the folder where you saved your data files, there should be three different files: two data files (.dat). And one geometry file (.geo) for sonnet to read.