Response #4 (Vernacular Stories)
Response代写 In “Du Tenth Sinks the Jewel Box in Anger” (Owen, 834-855), money and love are closely related. How does money affect the beginning, middle…
Points 10 Submitting a text entry box Attempts 0 Allowed Attempts 3
In “Du Tenth Sinks the Jewel Box in Anger” (Owen, 834-855), money and love are closely related. How does money affect the beginning, middle and end of the emotional relationship between Du Tenth and Li Jia?
Remember, in writing this response it is important to: Response代写
1. Put the titles and page numbers for the poems and lyrics you choose at the top of your response. Show that you have read the primary texts—prepare by sitting down with the texts to read through them carefully and make notes;
2. Show that you are combining your own ideas with what you have read in the textbook; you do not need to use footnotes—you can simply write “As I read in the textbook…”
3. Write in English, in full sentences and paragraphs (not point form). See the attached rubric for grading criteria.
Your entire submission should be 600-800 words, typed or pasted directly into the text submission box. You can compose your response on your computer first, then paste it into Quercus, in case you lose your connection. This is an individual assignment, so do not work in groups. Your submission will be scanned to detect similarities with those of other students. Response代写
Reading Response Rubric (3)