Topic sentence写作技巧
Topic sentence 不可以质疑前提,或者从结论出发。这个桥梁是什么意思呢,就是要找前提到结论非要不可的一个条件,如果这个条件不成立,前提对结论就没有支持力度。而对于issue来讲,就是要找到一个体现深刻思考,并且逻辑严密的理由,作为段落的topic sentence···
对于argument来说,一定要找到前提到结论非要不可的桥梁。 Topic sentence
而对于issue来讲,就是要找到一个体现深刻思考,并且逻辑严密的理由,作为段落的topic sentence. 如果理由本身没有说服力,就算后面努力给出很多
对于issue来讲,最重要的,永远是说服力,topic sentence应该包含文章的话题和话题论述的具体方面
简单的topic sentence中,首推There be 句型: Topic sentence
1.简单There be句型:There is a belief that computers are the greatest invention of the 20th century.
2.复合There be 句型:However, there are several actions that the government can take to address these issues.
3.还能写出相对长一些的简单句(原因状语短句+短句)In companies where older applicants must compete with younger applicants for the same job,
several related problems can be expected.