北美Paper写作 Critical Thinking 今天给大家带来一篇关于论文写作思维的文章。摘要作为一名国际学生,论文作者应具备发现学生潜在思维的能力。 Introduction The essay Beyond the accusation of plagiarism…
Critical Thinking
Introduction 北美Paper写作
The essay Beyond the accusation of plagiarism, by Gu and Brooks, is about how an alternative cultural perspective can be applied in the analysis of plagiarism for international students. This topic is important because it is relevant to the increasing number of foreign students in UK universities. This makes it necessary for the education institutions to adopt an improved approach in interpretation and correcting the plagiarism behaviors of international students, instead of simply adopting punitive measures without a thorough consideration over the consequences it may have for the students’ academic and intellectual development. The essay is divided into five major sections: an introduction that sets the scene and the importance of the topic, a literature review that introduces the concept of plagiarism and relevant studies, a methodology section to justify the research approach adopted by the paper. 北美Paper写作