UESTC3031 – Engineering Project Management & Finance
Break-Even Analysis Answer File
工程财务与项目管理代写 You must submit in ONE pdf document (not a zipped file, not two times, not in a word document) both the break-even analysis report…
Submission: via Moodle
Submission Instructions: 工程财务与项目管理代写
- You must submit in ONE pdf document (not a zipped file, not two times, not in a word document) both the break-even analysis report that accompanies it. Please make sure you start each of the above two on a new page to avoid confusion. You already have the instructions in the recorded lecture and have been provided the assignment answering file that must be used.
- You must prepare this assessment in pairs/groups of 2. You must clearly indicate in the file name and in the document the student name’s and IDs in the form pdfand inside the documents you will list a table with the student’s names, GUIDs, and UESTCIDs of your group members so that we know who submitted with whom.
- You must submit a plagiarism declarationand your submission will go through plagiarism check.
- No late submissions will be allowed in the Moodleso if you don’t submit you will get a zero for this complete assessment.
- This is a SUMMATIVE assessment(i.e. marked assessment).
- Each of you must submit individually the assessment prepared in groups so we must receive (via Moodle) 2 identical submissions in the system i.e. one for each student member of the group.
Student1 Student2
Name: __________________________ Name: _____________________________
UESTC # ________________________ UESTC # ___________________________
UoG # __________________________ UoG # _____________________________
Remember to Complete and Sign the Declaration Form on Page 2/3.
Student 1: Declaration of Originality Form 工程财务与项目管理代写 | |
This form must be completed and signed and submitted with all assignments. | |
Please complete the information below (using BLOCK CAPITALS).
| |
Name: Student Number: Course Name: Assignment Number/Name: | |
An extract from the University’s Statement on Plagiarism is provided below. Please read carefully THEN read and sign the declaration below. | |
I confirm that this assignment is my own work and that I have:
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Read and understood the guidance on plagiarism in the Student Handbook, including the University of Glasgow Statement on Plagiarism
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Clearly referenced, in both the text and the bibliography or references, all sources used in the work
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Fully referenced (including page numbers) and used inverted commas for all text quoted from books, journals, web etc. (Please check with the Department which referencing style is to be used)
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Provided the sources for all tables, figures, data etc. that are not my own work
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Not made use of the work of any other student(s) past or present without acknowledgement. This includes any of my own work, that has been previously, or concurrently, submitted for assessment, either at this or any other educational institution, including school (see overleaf at 31.2)
| |
Not sought or used the services of any professional agencies to produce this work
| |
In addition, I understand that any false claim in respect of this work will result in disciplinary action in accordance with University regulations | |
I am aware of and understand the University’s policy on plagiarism and I certify that this assignment is my own work, except where indicated by referencing, and that I have followed the good academic practices noted above.
Signed |
Student 2: Declaration of Originality Form 工程财务与项目管理代写 | |
This form must be completed and signed and submitted with all assignments. | |
Please complete the information below (using BLOCK CAPITALS).
| |
Name: Student Number: Course Name: Assignment Number/Name: | |
An extract from the University’s Statement on Plagiarism is provided below. Please read carefully THEN read and sign the declaration below. | |
I confirm that this assignment is my own work and that I have:
| |
Read and understood the guidance on plagiarism in the Student Handbook, including the University of Glasgow Statement on Plagiarism
| |
Clearly referenced, in both the text and the bibliography or references, all sources used in the work
| |
Fully referenced (including page numbers) and used inverted commas for all text quoted from books, journals, web etc. (Please check with the Department which referencing style is to be used)
| |
Provided the sources for all tables, figures, data etc. that are not my own work
| |
Not made use of the work of any other student(s) past or present without acknowledgement. This includes any of my own work, that has been previously, or concurrently, submitted for assessment, either at this or any other educational institution, including school (see overleaf at 31.2)
| |
Not sought or used the services of any professional agencies to produce this work
| |
In addition, I understand that any false claim in respect of this work will result in disciplinary action in accordance with University regulations | |
I am aware of and understand the University’s policy on plagiarism and I certify that this assignment is my own work, except where indicated by referencing, and that I have followed the good academic practices noted above.
Signed |
Break-Even Analysis (Report [15%]) [60 marks]
1. Calculate the costs to manufacture a quantity of 10 sample boards based on the information given in the appendix. (so the customer can check your quality). [12/60] 工程财务与项目管理代写
Using the component cost figures provided, calculate the cost to manufacture the following quantities: 100, 1000, 5000 boards. [12/60]
You have agreed a deal with your component suppliers, PCB manufacturers, and assembly operation that the total variable cost per board is £7.50 for all volumes between 0 and 5,000 boards. If your company has Fixed Costs of £19,500 and a selling price of £15.00, what is the Margin of Safety if you produce 4,000 boards? Draw a graph to illustrate this point. [18/60]
What is the company profit in the above example when you produce 4000 boards? [6/60]
- Your sales manager advises you that a new customer is willing to pay £27.00 per board but only for a maximum order of 1600 boards. How much profit or loss could you make on this order? Will there be a Margin of Safety in this case? If yes, calculate it. [12/60]